
Phrases related to: I know you are, but what am I Page #30

Yee yee! We've found 2,131 phrases and idioms matching I know you are, but what am I.

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kiss meI informally request that you kiss me—that you touch my lips with your lips or press the lips against, as an expression of love or affection.Rate it:

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knock the wind out of (someone)Temporary interruption in normal breathing due to a sudden impact or force to the abdomen, causing the diaphragm to spasm and contract. This causes the lungs to temporarily fail to draw in air, leaving the afflicted with the sensation of being momentarily unable to catch their breath. Typically occurring in sporting events or through an accidental fall, the situation can seem frightening but usually resolves itself within a matter of minutesRate it:

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knock yourself outHave as much as you like there's plenty of things available.Rate it:

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l'argent parleIl est souvent plus facile d’atteindre son but grâce à de l’argent.Rate it:

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l'occasion fait le larronOpportunity makes the thief; Keep yourself from opportunities and God will keep you from sins.Rate it:

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la belle affaire!Is that all? (i.e. it is not so difficult or important as you seem to think).Rate it:

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la duda ofendeHow could you think such a thing?Rate it:

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la fin justifie les moyensSi le but à atteindre est suffisamment juste ou important, il peut justifier des méthodes immorales, voire illégales ou violentes.Rate it:

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la vida es sólo unayou only live onceRate it:

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last lickslast few days/ minutes/ hours... of what you are doingRate it:

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later onGood-bye; see you later.Rate it:

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latinam linguam scire or didicisseto know Latin.Rate it:

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latine scireto know Latin.Rate it:

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lay a finger onIf you lay a finger on my little brother, I'll have your guts for garters.Rate it:

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lay it on meTo inform; let me know what is going on.Rate it:

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le vin est tiré, il faut le boireYou have gone too far now to draw back; In for a penny, in for a pound.Rate it:

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le voleur fuyait, mais nous étions à ses troussesThe thief made off, but we were at his heels.Rate it:

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lean intoTo accept something negative but unchangeable; to find a way to benefit from, or alleviate the harm of, risk, uncertainty and difficult situations.Rate it:

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leave well enough aloneDo not interfere, change, disturb, get involved or try to make a situation better because you might make a situation worse; (also known as "let well enough alone" "leave well alone and "let well alone")Rate it:

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left fieldThe part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and to your left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayTo do what seems right, just and proper to you without caring much about the consequencesRate it:

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let's seeused as a filled pause to indicating thinking or pondering, but allowing hearer to participateRate it:

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libera contumacia Socratis (Tusc. 1. 29. 71)the frank but defiant demeanour of Socrates (before his judges).Rate it:

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lie back and think of englandUsed to preface any unpleasant but inevitable experience.Rate it:

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life is like a box of chocolatesLife is full of surprises, you never know what will happen next.Rate it:

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like a moth to a flameIt’s an expression that indicates you’re drawn to something that will harm youRate it:

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like rats from a sinking shipQuickly but in futility, away from a failing projectRate it:

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like shelling peasrepetitive, but very easy.Rate it:

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like, whoa!Slow down; stop; you are going too fast.Rate it:

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live a lieTo conceal something about oneself, without the knowledge of which others cannot know one's true character or perspective.Rate it:

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LMGTFYInitialism of let me google that for you.Rate it:

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LMKInitialism of let me know.Rate it:

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lo que digaswhatever you sayRate it:

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locked in loveSomeone is obsessed with you that they ruin your life.Rate it:

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long time no hearI haven't heard from you for a long time.Rate it:

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long time no seeI haven't seen you for a long time.Rate it:

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look the other wayDeliberately overlook something, especially something of an illicit nature. For example, They're not really entitled to a discount but the sales manager decided to look the other way .Rate it:

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ma non troppoBut not too much.Rate it:

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macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.Rate it:

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maintenant, à nous deux!Now I will settle with you; Now is the time for a private explanation; Now to business.Rate it:

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make a meal ofThat is the eleventh edit that you have made to that word, you are really making a meal of it.Rate it:

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make no apologiesTo believe that what you have done is acceptable.Rate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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me gustasI like you; I fancy you.Rate it:

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ménagez un peu vos termesModerate your expressions a little; Be a little careful in what you say.Rate it:

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merci mille foisthank you a thousand timesRate it:

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Mexican standoffA confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).Rate it:

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MFWTKInitialism of my friend wants to know.Rate it:

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