
Phrases related to: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 292 phrases and idioms matching FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

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better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at allHaving experience of love, even if it ended, is better than having no experience of love.Love is worthwhile despite the pain involved in separation.Rate it:

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bless youShort for (may) God bless you: said as a short prayer for the recipient.Rate it:

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bumpin' ugliesmaking love; having sex (We never really say "bumping uglies", it's always shortened to bumpin' with the g silent)Rate it:

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call downTo pray for; to request from God.Rate it:

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coup de foudreA sudden unexpected event, especially an emotional one; love at first sight.Rate it:

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coup de foudrebolt from the blue; love at first sightRate it:

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crack ontoTo flirt with; to approach and speak to, seeking romance, love, sex, etc.Rate it:

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croquer la pommeTo make loveRate it:

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da sei Gott vorGod forbid; said when mentioning a possible and undesirable future eventRate it:

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deum esse credimuswe believe in the existence of a God.Rate it:

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deus est mundi procreator (not creator), aedificator, fabricator, opifex rerumGod is the Creator of the world.Rate it:

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Deus me perdoeGod forbidRate it:

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deus mundum aedificavit, fabricatus est, effecit (not creavit)God made the world.Rate it:

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Deus sabeGod knowsRate it:

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Deus te abençoeGod bless youRate it:

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diamonds are a girl's best friendA statement that suggests, while love is a luxury, material wealth (particularly jewellery) is more valuable in the long run.Rate it:

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dieu nous garde d'un homme qui n'a qu'une affaireGod save us from the man of one idea.Rate it:

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don't threaten me with a good timea way of saying emphatically that you'd love to do something, after someone just mentioned something to doRate it:

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fresh meatA person or group of people who arouse one's interest, either as a new target for deception, humiliation or ridicule, or as a potential love interest or one night stand.Rate it:

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GBAInitialism of God bless America.Rate it:

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glauben Sie an Gottdo you believe in GodRate it:

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glaubst du an Gottdo you believe in God?Rate it:

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Goddess knowsSynonym of God knowsRate it:

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Goddess only knowsSynonym of God knowsRate it:

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good graciousOh my God.Rate it:

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goodness graciousOh my God.Rate it:

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goodness knowsAlternative form of God knowsRate it:

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Gott hab ihn seligGod rest his soul; God have mercy on his soulRate it:

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Gott hab sie seligGod rest her soul; God have mercy on her soulRate it:

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Gott hab sie seligGod rest their souls; God have mercy on their soulsRate it:

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Gott mit uns"God is with us"Rate it:

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grow coldTo wane; to lose interest or enthusiasm for something or someone; to become disenchanted or to fall out of love with someone.Rate it:

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GSTQInitialism of God Save the Queen.Rate it:

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heaven knowsAlternative form of God knowsRate it:

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heaven only knowsAlternative form of God knows, in sense of something unknown to mortal men.Rate it:

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hell or high waterHighly adverse circumstances; acts of God.Rate it:

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i will viscously sweedle you later tonight!To make love consistently With you later tonight. I.E. Sex!Rate it:

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ich liebe dichI love youRate it:

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il me paie de retourHe loves (or, hates) me as much as I love (or hate) him.Rate it:

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il y a toujours l'un qui baise et l'autre qui tend la joueLove is never exactly reciprocal.Rate it:

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ILYSMInitialism of I love you so much.Rate it:

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imbuere (vid. sect. VII. 7, note imbuere...) pectora religioneto inspire with religious feeling, with the fear of God.Rate it:

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is breá liom thu.I love you.Rate it:

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jamais l'amour ne se paye que par l'amourLove can neither be bought nor sold, its only price is love.Rate it:

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je vous aimeI love youRate it:

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ketoGod is greatRate it:

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kiss meI informally request that you kiss me—that you touch my lips with your lips or press the lips against, as an expression of love or affection.Rate it:

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l'amour force toutes les serruresLove laughs at locksmiths.Rate it:

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l'homme propose et dieu disposeMan proposes, God disposes.Rate it:

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l'occasion fait le larronOpportunity makes the thief; Keep yourself from opportunities and God will keep you from sins.Rate it:

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