
Phrases related to: cut the crap Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 189 phrases and idioms matching cut the crap.

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excipere aliquem fugientemto cut off some one's flight.Rate it:

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fade outA type of transition used in movies usually at the end of a scene, in which the transition fades to black from the cut.Rate it:

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ferro viam facere (per confertos hostes)to cut one's way (through the enemies' ranks).Rate it:

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frapper d'estoc et de taille1. To cut and thrust. 2. To hit right and left; To lay about one.Rate it:

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hack offTo remove by hacking; to cut offRate it:

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hew outcarve out, or cut out a form, or to make something hollow by using heavy cutting tools such as an axe.Rate it:

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hostes, exercitum delere, concīdereto annihilate, cut up the enemy, an army.Rate it:

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il a fait un pied de nez (fam.)He put his fingers to his nose; “He cut a snook.”Rate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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intercludere commeatumto cut off the supplies, intercept them.Rate it:

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intercludere, prohibere hostes commeatuto cut off all supplies of the enemy.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sa besogne toute mâchéeI gave him his work all ready cut out; I made his work as easy as possible for him.Rate it:

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je lui donnerai du fil à retordreI will cut out his work for him; I will give him a deal of trouble.Rate it:

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je vais y couper (pop.)I am going to “cut” that; I am not going to do it.Rate it:

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le chemin le plus long est souvent le plus courtThe longest way round often proves to be the shortest; A short cut may be a very long way home.Rate it:

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les cheveux en brosseHair cut short (standing up like the bristles of a brush).Rate it:

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make hayTo cut grass to turn into hay for animal feed.Rate it:

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me cago en el marfuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stick.Rate it:

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me cago en tus muertosfuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stickRate it:

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mettre en coupe réglée(lit.) To cut down periodically (of forests); (fig.) To lay regularly under contribution.Rate it:

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mow downTo cut down, especially in large numbers.Rate it:

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pull the plugTo unplug or cut power.Rate it:

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rabattre le caquet à quelqu'un (pop.)To take a person down a peg; To stop his jaw; To cut his cackle.Rate it:

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rat run/runningA small, usually minor road used by a significant amount of traffic as a short cut or to avoid congestion on more major routes.Rate it:

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saddleA cut of meat that includes both loins and part of the backboneRate it:

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saw offto cut off with a sawRate it:

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securi percutere, ferire aliquemto execute a person, cut off his head.Rate it:

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selon ta bourse gouverne ta boucheCut your coat according to your cloth.Rate it:

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sirloin steakcut of beefRate it:

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spem praecīdere, incidere (Liv. 2. 15)to cut off all hope.Rate it:

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subita morte exstinguito be cut off by sudden death.Rate it:

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that’ll doCut it out, that’s enough, behaveRate it:

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trancher (or, couper) dans le vif(lit.) To cut to the quick; (fig.) To set to work in earnest.Rate it:

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trancher dans le vif(lit.) To cut to the quick; (fig.) To set to work in earnest.Rate it:

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trancher la question, la difficultéTo cut the Gordian knot; To solve the difficulty.Rate it:

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votre rival vous coupera l'herbe sous le piedYour rival will cut you out, will take the wind out of your sails, will cut the ground from under your feet.Rate it:

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whole clothA newly made textile which has not yet been cut.Rate it:

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короче, СклифосовскийUsed to cut short someone's long speech.Rate it:

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нашла коса на камень (a scythe hit a rock)Means that two strong characters confronted and do not want to give in; similar to "he met his match" or "diamond cut diamond" Ни один ни другой ни в чём не хотят уступить друг другу. Имеется в виду одинаковое упрямство в отношении чего-либо, непримиримая оппозиция двух лиц, равных по силе характеров, по настойчивости в отношении � елаемого; столкновение взглядов, интересов, характеров.Rate it:

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I can't help but feel I'm walking on ___________ when I'm around her.
A mountains
B broken glass
C clouds
D eggshells