
Phrases related to: gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 412 phrases and idioms matching gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re.

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otiosum tempus consumere in aliqua reto spend one's leisure hours on an object.Rate it:

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patres (senatum) consulere de aliqua re (Sall. Iug. 28)to consult the senators on a matter.Rate it:

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pecuniam collocare in aliqua reto put money in an undertaking.Rate it:

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pecuniam insumere in aliquid or consumere in aliqua reto devote money to a purpose.Rate it:

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pendēre ex aliqua reto depend upon a thing.Rate it:

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positum, situm esse in aliqua reto depend upon a thing.Rate it:

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praecepta dare, tradere de aliqua reto give advice, directions, about a matter.Rate it:

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praecipitem ferri aliqua re (Verr. 5. 46. 121)to be carried away by something.Rate it:

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praestare aliquem, aliquid, de aliqua re or Acc. c. be answerable for a person, a thing.Rate it:

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propensum, proclivem esse ad aliquid (opp. alienum, aversum esse, abhorrere ab aliqua re)to have an inclination for a thing.Rate it:

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quaerere aliquid or de aliqua reto hold an inquiry into a matter.Rate it:

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quaestionem habere de aliquo, de aliqua re or in aliquemto examine a person, a matter.Rate it:

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rationem ab aliquo reptere de aliqua re (Cluent. 37. 104)to demand an account, an audit of a matter.Rate it:

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sermo incidit de aliqua rethe conversation turned on...Rate it:

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sermo ortus est ab aliqua rethe conversation began with...Rate it:

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sermonem habere cum aliquo de aliqua re (De Am. 1. 3)to converse, talk with a person on a subject.Rate it:

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sermonem inferre de aliqua reto turn the conversation on to a certain subject.Rate it:

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studium, industriam (not diligentiam) collocare, ponere in aliqua reto apply oneself zealously, diligently to a thing.Rate it:

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tempus consumere in aliqua reto pass one's time in doing something.Rate it:

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tempus terere, conterere (in) aliqua reto waste time on something.Rate it:

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tenere aliquid; stare in aliqua reto insist on a point.Rate it:

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tradere (aliquid de aliqua re)to teachRate it:

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transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo or inter seto transact, settle a matter with some one.Rate it:

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tyrannidem sibi parere aliqua reto establish oneself as despot, tyrant by some means.Rate it:

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utilitas efflorescit ex aliqua reuntold advantages arise from a thing.Rate it:

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ventum popularem quendam (in aliqua re) quaerereto strive to gain popular favour by certain means.Rate it:

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verba facere (de aliqua re, apud aliquem)to speak on a subject.Rate it:

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victum aliqua re quaerereto earn a livelihood by something.Rate it:

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voluptatem ex aliqua re capere or percipereto derive pleasure from a thing.Rate it:

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aures praebere alicuito listen to a person.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
dolorem alicui facere, afferre, commovereto cause a person pain.Rate it:

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civitatem alicui dare, tribuere, impertireto present a person with the freedom of the city.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
morum praecepta tradere alicuito give moral advice, rules of conduct.Rate it:

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alicui bibere ministrareto serve some one with drink.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
alicui Syria (sorte) obvēnit, obtigitthe province of Syria has fallen to some one's lot.Rate it:

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(de via) decedere alicuimake way for any one.Rate it:

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abrogare alicui imperiumto deprive a person of his position as commandant.Rate it:

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abrogare alicui munus (Verr. 2. 57)to remove a person from his office.Rate it:

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acerbum dolorem alicui inurereto cause any one very acute pain.Rate it:

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ad aures alicuius (not alicui) pervenire, accidereto come to some one's ears.Rate it:

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adesse alicui or alicuius rebus (opp. deesse)to assist, stand by a person.Rate it:

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admirationem alicui movereto fill a person with astonishment.Rate it:

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adscribere alicui salutem (Att. 5. 20. 9)to add to one's letter good wishes to some one.Rate it:

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aequum iudicem se alicui praebereto judge some one equitably.Rate it:

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aetate alicui antecedere, anteireto be older than.Rate it:

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afferre alicui laetitiamto give pleasure to some one.Rate it:

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alicui admovere tormentato have a person tortured.Rate it:

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alicui bibere dareto give some one to drink.Rate it:

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alicui divinos honores tribuere, habereto pay divine honours to some one.Rate it:

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alicui errorem demere, eripere, extorquereto undeceive a person.Rate it:

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