
Phrases related to: under pressure Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 270 phrases and idioms matching under pressure.

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argle-bargle morble whooshExpressing confusion as if under the influence of LSD.Rate it:

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as good as it getsThe best available under the circumstances.Rate it:

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ask my arseA common reply to any question; still deemed wit at sea, and formerly at court, under the denomination of selling bargains.Rate it:

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auf keinen Fallunder no circumstancesRate it:

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beneficiis aliquem obstringere, obligare, devincireto lay any one under an obligation by kind treatment.Rate it:

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bestes Wissen und Gewissenthe best of one's knowledge; good faith; roughly combining the senses of both English idioms, namely that one does or says something in the honest conviction of its correctness but under the condition of the fallibility of one’s knowledge and competencesRate it:

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blow offTo vent, usually, to reduce pressure in a container.Rate it:

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boiling pointThe temperature at which a liquid boils, with the vapor pressure equal to the given external pressure.Rate it:

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Can't Fight City HallThe under authority person cannot do anything against an administrative system, there is no way to win the struggle against official procedureRate it:

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chicken filletA piece of rubber or silicone placed in a woman's bra under the breast to increase apparent size and/or create more cleavage.Rate it:

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circle the wagonsTo draw a wagon train into a circle to allow the wagons to provide cover when under attack.Rate it:

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Climb the WallsNot be able to sustain pressure or inability to act right during frustration or a challengeRate it:

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clock outTo transmit individual bits of data under the control of a clock.Rate it:

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constituere, quid et quale sit, de quo disputeturto determine the nature and constitution of the subject under discussion.Rate it:

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daylightThe intensity distribution of light over the visible spectrum generated by the Sun under various conditions or by other light sources intended to simulate natural daylight.Rate it:

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do a bunkTo escape or flee under incriminating circumstances.Rate it:

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don't even think about itDon't do it, under any circumstances!Rate it:

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draw onTo advance, continue; to move or pass slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force.Rate it:

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eggs from sunkist hens -keep the kids' legs straight.means that eggs from hens living under plain sunlight (containing ultraviolet light) deliver Vitamin D an so prevent ricketsRate it:

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enemy combatantAny person in an armed conflict who may be properly detained under the laws and customs of war.Rate it:

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etwas unter den Teppich kehrensweep something under the rugRate it:

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even keelA state of having one's emotions under control and balanced.Rate it:

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even keelOf a business or other activity which is under control and running smoothly.Rate it:

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fall belowTo go under a marker or limit; to be reduced beyond a certain amount.Rate it:

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false lightA cause of action arising under the common law where a person is portrayed in a way which, while not technically false, is misleading and likely to cause embarrassment to that person.Rate it:

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familia gladiatoria (Sest. 64. 134)a band, troupe of gladiators under the management of a lanista.Rate it:

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feel the pinchTo suffer significant financial pressure.Rate it:

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go nativeTo adopt the lifestyle or outlook of local inhabitants, especially when dwelling in a colonial region; to become less refined under the influence of a less cultured, more primitive, or simpler social environment.Rate it:

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gratiam alicui debereto owe gratitude to; to be under an obligation to a person.Rate it:

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hazard payAdditional compensation provided to employees who perform perilous or high-risk duties or work under considerable physical hardship or constraintsRate it:

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hold someone's feet to the fireTo maintain personal, social, political, or legal pressure on someone in order to induce him or her to comply with one's desires; to hold someone accountable for his or her actions.Rate it:

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honey-dippersWorkers engaged in removing the contents of the pit located under an outhouse or privy.Rate it:

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hungry hungry hippoAn expression used to say you are very hungry; also hungry hippo, for short; also the name of a children's board game (Hungry Hungry Hippo) produced by Hasbro under its subsidiary, Milton BradleyRate it:

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ignominiam non ferreto chafe under an indignity, repudiate it.Rate it:

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il faut se soumettre ou se démettreOne must knuckle under or clear out.Rate it:

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in a pig's arseAbsolutely not; under no circumstances.Rate it:

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in armis esseto be under arms.Rate it:

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in bedLying on a bed, especially under some bedsheets.Rate it:

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in fidem recipere aliquem (B. G. 2. 15. 1)to take a person under one's protection.Rate it:

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in handunder controlRate it:

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in potestate, in dicione alicuius esseto be subject to some one, under some one's dominion.Rate it:

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in someone's pocketReceiving money from, and under the influence of, a person or group of people, with the expectation that a favour or advantage will be proffered in return.Rate it:

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in tanta rerum (temporum) iniquitateunder such unfavourable circumstances.Rate it:

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in the dockUnder scrutiny; subject to critical inspection.Rate it:

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in the drinkUnder the influence of an intoxicating beverage.Rate it:

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in vino veritasdrunken folks speak truth, one tells the truth under the influence of alcoholRate it:

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inner coreThe solid material found in the centre of some planets at extremely high temperature and pressure, distinct from the liquid outer core.(geology) The innermost part of the Earth, believed to be made of a nickel-iron alloy.Rate it:

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is okayEverything is under control, no need to worry anymoreRate it:

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ius ac fas omne delereto trample all law under foot.Rate it:

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je ne voyais pas mon livre, cependant il me crevait les yeuxI did not see my book, yet it was staring me in the face (right under my nose).Rate it:

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Go big or go ___________.
A abroad
B home
C out
D again