
Phrases related to: gonna get over you Page #42

Yee yee! We've found 2,919 phrases and idioms matching gonna get over you.

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il faut battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaudYou must strike while the iron is hot.Rate it:

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il faut hurler avec les loupsWhen we are at Rome we must do as Rome does; You must do as others do; He who kennels with wolves must howl.Rate it:

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il faut qu'une porte soit ouverte ou ferméeYou must decide one way or the other.Rate it:

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il fera des gorges chaudes du malheur de sa tanteHe will chuckle over (or, make fun of) his aunt’s misfortune.Rate it:

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il m'est avis qu'il cherche à vous tromperSomehow I think he wants to deceive you.Rate it:

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il n'a pas demandé son reste!He soon took himself off, I can tell you! He soon shut up, I can tell you!Rate it:

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il n'a pas gagné cela en disant son chapeletHe did not get that for nothing.Rate it:

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il n'a qu'à se baisser pour en prendreHe has only to stoop and pick it up; He has merely to ask for it to get it.Rate it:

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il n'entend pas raillerie là-dessus1. You must not speak lightly of that before him. 2. He will not be trifled with on that point.Rate it:

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il n'est pas dans le cas de vous nuireHe is not in a position to harm you.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de dangerNo fear of that; Don’t you fret!Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de quoidon't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcomeRate it:

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il ne fallait pasyou shouldn't haveRate it:

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il ne faut pas courir deux lièvres à la foisYou must not have too many irons in the fire.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas dire vos affaires au tiers et au quartYou must not tell your business to all the world, to everybody.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas me la faire (pop.)You must not try that on with me.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas s'endormir sur le rôtiWe must keep our wits about us; We must not neglect our work; We must not be too slow over it; We must not rest on our laurels.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas se moquer des chiens (or, du loup) avant qu'on ne soit hors du boisDo not holloa before you are out of the wood.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas y aller par quatre cheminsYou must not beat about the bush; You must go straight to the point; You must not mince matters; It’s no good shilly-shallying.Rate it:

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il ne fera cela qu'autant que vous l'aurez pour agréableHe will never think of doing it if you object to it.Rate it:

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il ne le fera pas pour vos beaux yeuxHe will not do it for you for nothing.Rate it:

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il s'est monté la têteHe got excited over fancied or exaggerated wrongs.Rate it:

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il tirerait de l'huile d'un murHe would skin a flint, get blood from a stone. Rate it:

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il touche à sa finHe is nearing his end; It is nearly over.Rate it:

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il vient d'être bombardé membre de ce clubHe has just been pitchforked into that club (over the heads of more deserving people).Rate it:

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il vous doit une belle chandelleHe ought to be very grateful to you.Rate it:

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il vous en conte de bellesHe is deceiving you finely; He is telling you fine tales.Rate it:

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il vous en garde une bonne (pop.)He is keeping a rod in pickle for you.Rate it:

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il vous fera un mauvais partiHe will try and pick a quarrel with you so as to ill-use you, to do you harm.Rate it:

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il vous rendra des pointsHe will give you odds (at a game).Rate it:

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il vous rendrait des pointsHe is more than a match for you; He could give you points.Rate it:

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il y a beau temps que je ne vous ai (pas) vuI have not seen you for many a day.Rate it:

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ILYSMInitialism of I love you so much.Rate it:

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imperium tenere (in aliquem)to have power over some one.Rate it:

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in a while crocodilethe correct response to "See you later, Alligator," a fun, rhyming way for two people to say goodbye; see also "see you later alligator"Rate it:

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in all my born daysAn expression of astonishment usually at something you've never heard, seen or experienced.Rate it:

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in shapeI guess I'd better get my room in shape if I have guests.Rate it:

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in te omnia sunteverything depends on you.Rate it:

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In the BagTo be certain to get success, be sure to win or achieve somethingRate it:

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In the Catbird SeatTo have authority and superiority to others, to get advantage than othersRate it:

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in the long runAfter a very long time; eventually; over a long period of time; more generally.Rate it:

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in the long termAfter a very long time; eventually; over a long period of time; more generally.Rate it:

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in the mixActively engaged in a pursuit, process or activity; being considered or given favor over the competitionRate it:

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in troubleTo be in a situation where you have said or done something which is illegal, prohibited, forbidden or proscribed that makes you subject to punishment, reprimand, consequences, punishment, retribution and/or legal action (usually an undesirable situation, unless said sarcastically or humorously)Rate it:

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in utraque rein both cases; whichever way you look at it.Rate it:

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incidere in aes alienumto get into debt.Rate it:

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indexa list of information and page numbers, where you can find the relevant informationRate it:

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inicere pontemto build a bridge over a river.Rate it:

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inmates running the asylumAlternative form of lunatics have taken over the asylumRate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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