
Phrases related to: gonna get over you Page #44

Yee yee! We've found 2,919 phrases and idioms matching gonna get over you.

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je vous le rends tel quelI return it to you just as it was lent to me.Rate it:

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je vous manqueYou miss me.Rate it:

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je vous reconnais bien làThat is just like you.Rate it:

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je vous rendrai la pareille1. I will pay you out. 2. I will do the same for you.Rate it:

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je vous vois venirI see what you are driving at.Rate it:

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je vous y prendsI catch you at it.Rate it:

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jemandem das Fell über die Ohren ziehento pull the wool over someone's eyesRate it:

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jemandem Sand in die Augen streuento pull the wool over someone's eyesRate it:

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joe coolAn “Average Joe,” that has reached “Cool” status, Used derogatorily = pointing out that “No, you have not” — reached Cool Status Snoopy, reached Cool Rate it:

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join inTo participate, take part or get involved in something.Rate it:

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JTLYKInitialism of just to let you know.Rate it:

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jumpTo employ a move in certain board games where one game piece is moved from one legal position to another passing over the position of another piece.Rate it:

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jump ropeThe activity, game or exercise in which a person must jump, bounce or skip repeatedly while a length of rope is swung over and under, both ends held in the hands of the jumper, or alternately, held by two other participants. Often used for athletic training and among schoolchildren. Variations involve speed, chants, varied rope and jumper movement patterns, multiple jumpers and/or multiple ropes.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA system used by primitive cultures in remote tropical regions for communication over long distances, such as drum sounds or a relay of runners.Rate it:

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Just DesertsA much deserving punishment, doomed to get punishedRate it:

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just killed a woman, feeling goodwhen you kill a woman in a videogame, you HAVE to say " just killed a woman, feeling good."Rate it:

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keep a close watchto pay careful attention to a situation or a thing, so that you can deal with any changes or problems.Rate it:

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keep the changeAn instruction to a taxi driver, waiter etc. to keep the change from the amount handed over as a tipRate it:

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keep watchTo guard; to watch over someone or something.Rate it:

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keep your britches on!"Be Patient", "Keep Your Pants ON!", "Don't Get All Excited!"Rate it:

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keep your feet on the groundmaintain a sense of composure, refuse to get all up in the air over any reversal.Rate it:

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Keep Your Shirt OnTo remain patient and cool, not to get angry and enraged and to control one’s temperedRate it:

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key intoTo grasp; to understand the overall concept of or be acutely aware of the underlying and essential meaning of something; to get it.Rate it:

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kick in the pantsa (forceful) reminder to start or get goingRate it:

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kick into touchTo kick a ball over the touchline in a game of rugby to avoid pressure from the opponent team in a difficult situationRate it:

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kids will be kidsYou cannot expect children to act like adults.Rate it:

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kill the rabbitTo get a positive test result from an old-fashioned pregnancy test.Rate it:

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kiss meI informally request that you kiss me—that you touch my lips with your lips or press the lips against, as an expression of love or affection.Rate it:

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kiss the gunner's daughterTo be flogged or beaten while restrained over a cannon.Rate it:

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kiss upTo pay false flattery to another, particularly a superior at work, in order to get special attention.Rate it:

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knock one down with a featherAlternative form of knock one over with a feather.Rate it:

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knock yourself outHave as much as you like there's plenty of things available.Rate it:

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know whatAlternative form of you know whatRate it:

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know what i mean?Do you understand?Rate it:

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know what i'm saying?Do you understand? "You are not going out tonight", said Dad; "Know What I'm saying?"Rate it:

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know what side of the bread your butter's onTo know who has the upper hand/power in a situation before you take on someone who can make your situation worseRate it:

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l'occasion fait le larronOpportunity makes the thief; Keep yourself from opportunities and God will keep you from sins.Rate it:

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la belle affaire!Is that all? (i.e. it is not so difficult or important as you seem to think).Rate it:

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la duda ofendeHow could you think such a thing?Rate it:

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la vida es sólo unayou only live onceRate it:

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LAGNAFAcronym of let's all get naked and fuck.Rate it:

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laissez couler l'eauDo not be anxious about what cannot be helped; Don’t cry over spilt milk.Rate it:

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last lickslast few days/ minutes/ hours... of what you are doingRate it:

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later onGood-bye; see you later.Rate it:

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lay a finger onIf you lay a finger on my little brother, I'll have your guts for garters.Rate it:

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le beurre et l'argent du beurreone's cake and eating it too; two mutually exclusive things, such that one can only choose one over anotherRate it:

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le plus fort est faitThe worst is over; The most difficult part is done.Rate it:

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le vin est tiré, il faut le boireYou have gone too far now to draw back; In for a penny, in for a pound.Rate it:

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leave well enough aloneDo not interfere, change, disturb, get involved or try to make a situation better because you might make a situation worse; (also known as "let well enough alone" "leave well alone and "let well alone")Rate it:

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left and rightAll over the place; indiscriminately; frequently or excessively.Rate it:

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