
Phrases related to: King Man Lee Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 502 phrases and idioms matching King Man Lee.

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aliquem regno spoliare or expellere (Div. 1. 22. 74)to depose a king.Rate it:

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dans le royaume des aveugles les borgnes sont roisAmong the blind, the one-eyed is king.Rate it:

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juicyUsed in reference to describing a young man who appears attractive, handsome, good-lookingRate it:

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sack upTo force oneself to become more manly; to toughen up or man up.Rate it:

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to thine own self be trueThe easiest person to deceive is oneself."This above all:to thine own self be true,and it must follow, as the night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any man." -William ShakespeareRate it:

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top hatA man's formal hat, with a tall cylindrical crown (often of silk).Rate it:

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amplis honoribus usus (Sall. Iug. 25. 4)a man who has held many offices.Rate it:

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beauty sleepC. 1900, Ralph Connor, The Man From Glengarry, ch. 23.Rate it:

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BroadwayThe highest straight in poker, ace-king-queen-jack-ten.Rate it:

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dog outTo mistreat, especially for a pimp or abusive man to mistreat a woman by prostituting her.Rate it:

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eternal triangleA relationship involving three persons (usually two women and one man or two men and one woman) among whom there are conflicting and competing attachments of a romantic or emotional nature.Rate it:

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faire avaler des couleuvres à quelqu'unTo say very humiliating things to a man who, on account of his inferior position, is obliged to put up with them; To make any one swallow a bitter pill.Rate it:

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good old boyA friendly, unambitious, relatively uneducated, sometimes racially biased white man who embodies the stereotype of the folksy culture of the rural southern USA.Rate it:

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le roi n'est pas son cousinHe is very haughty (so that he would not acknowledge the king as his cousin).Rate it:

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les grosses mouches passent à travers la toile de la justice, mais les petites y sont prisesOne man may steal a horse, while another dare not look over the hedge; Justice will whip a beggar, but bow to a lord; One does the scath, another has the harm; The crow gets pardoned, and the dove has the blame.Rate it:

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plus fin que lui n'est pas bêteHe who can take him in is no fool.\n It would take a smart man to deceive him.Rate it:

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that's the way life isThat is the way things happenCertain things cannot be changed, helped or improved; struggle and objection are pointless.1935, Louis Bromfield, The Man Who Had Everything, page 279:That's the way life is, and there's no use trying to go against it.1979, Jay Edward Abrams, A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption, ISBN 0310511011, page 45:There are no standards, no values; that's the way life is. Learn to accept it and slide with it. Stop fighting it.2002, B. Eugene Ellison, Rings of the Templars, ISBN 059524050X, page 337:Shit happens; that's the way life is. In fact, I want you to take an additional thousand for your efforts.Rate it:

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the jetset wayThe JetSet Way is the only way. People who live this way are straight alpha/sigma males and have the ability at will to ethically attain any and every woman they shall desire, own any car they shall want, wear whatever brand clothes they want, get VIP access everywhere and will spend more time on planes traveling to foreign countries than they do at their home. The Jet Set Way was coined by JetSetFly (also known as Josh King Madrid) himself.Rate it:

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war brideA woman who marries a man who is on active duty military in wartime.Rate it:

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'tis an ill wind that blows no goodSimilar to "every cloud has a silver lining" or "one man's gain is another's loss". This expression appeared in John Heywood's 1546 proverb collection and remains so well known that it is often shortened. (}Rate it:

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à chacun son dûGive the devil his due; Every man is worth his hire.Rate it:

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à dure enclume marteau de plumeThe strokes of adversity find the wise man unmoved.Rate it:

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à l'impossible nul n'est tenuThere is no doing impossibilities; No living man all things can.Rate it:

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a latere regis esseto belong to the king's bodyguard.Rate it:

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à parti pris point de conseilAdvice is useless when a man’s mind is made up.Rate it:

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a rey muerto, rey puestoThe king is dead, long live the kingRate it:

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Abbot's PriorySynonym of King's Bench PrisonRate it:

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actum est de meit's all over with me; I'm a lost man.Rate it:

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ad unum omnes perieruntthey perished to a man.Rate it:

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admodum adulescens, senexstill quote a young (old) man.Rate it:

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adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit or alii de adulescente bene sperare possunthe is a young man of great promise.Rate it:

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alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)to put down to a man's credit.Rate it:

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alicui expensum ferre aliquidto put a thing down to a man's account.Rate it:

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alicui petenti satisfacere, non deesseto accede to a man's petitions.Rate it:

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alicuius in re publica or capessendae rei publicae consilia eo spectant, ut...a man's policy is aiming at, directed towards...Rate it:

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alicuius mens in scriptis spirata man's soul breathes through his writings.Rate it:

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aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)to separate from, divorce (of the man).Rate it:

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aliquem (incolumem) conservareto grant a man his life.Rate it:

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aliquem ad suam sententiam perducere or in suam sententiam adducereto win a man over to one's own way of thinking.Rate it:

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aliquem affligere, perdere, pessumdare, in praeceps dareto bring a man to ruin; to destroy.Rate it:

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aliquem consulem renuntiare (De Or. 2. 64. 260)to offically proclaim (by the praeco, herald) a man elected consul; to return a man consul.Rate it:

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aliquem coram, in os or praesentem laudareto praise a man to his face.Rate it:

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aliquem ex paupere divitem facereto raise a man from poverty to wealth.Rate it:

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aliquem in antiquum statum, in pristinum restituereto restore a man to his former position.Rate it:

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aliquem in regnum restituereto restore a king to his throne (not in solium).Rate it:

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aliquid est proprium alicuiussomething is a characteristic of a man.Rate it:

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aliquid laudi alicui ducere, dareto consider a thing creditable to a man.Rate it:

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alles anderes ist Menschenwerk“Everything else is the work of man.” “Everything else is a human construct.”Rate it:

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animum alicuius ad laetitiam excitareto put a man in a pleasurable frame of mind.Rate it:

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animus relinquit aliquema man loses his senses, becomes unconscious.Rate it:

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