
Phrases related to: floating-point representation system Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 399 phrases and idioms matching floating-point representation system.

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il s'est piqué d'honneurHe made it a point of honour; He was put upon his mettle.Rate it:

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il tira à bout portantHe fired point-blank.Rate it:

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il y a un point noir à l'horizonThere are breakers ahead.Rate it:

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ils tirèrent sur lui à brûle-pourpointThey fired at him point-blank (so as to burn his doublet).Rate it:

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In a NutshellTo make something clear in few words, to say something briefly and to the pointRate it:

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in contentione ponitur, utrum...anit is a debated point whether... or...Rate it:

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in controversia relinquere aliquidto leave a point undecided.Rate it:

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in ea re omnia vertunturall depends on this; this is the decisive point.Rate it:

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in procinto diabout to, on the point ofRate it:

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in the crosshairsTargeted at the point of intersection of the two perpendicular lines in a gunsight or scope.Rate it:

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installed baseThe number of units of a system or product that are currently in use.Rate it:

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ius ad artem redigereto reduce law to a system.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas au courant de l'affaireI have not the latest information on the point; I am not up (well posted) in the matter.Rate it:

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je tombe d'accord avec vous sur ce pointI am at one with you on that head.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA gossip network; an informal communication system within a group or organization.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA system used by primitive cultures in remote tropical regions for communication over long distances, such as drum sounds or a relay of runners.Rate it:

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kid gloveA metaphorical representation of careful handling.Rate it:

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kidding asideUsed to attempt to make a serious point in a jocular conversation.Rate it:

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killTo strike a ball or similar object with such force and placement as to make a shot that is impossible to defend against, usually winning a point.Rate it:

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l'argent n'a point de maîtreRien ne fait connaître à qui appartient une pièce de monnaie perdue.Rate it:

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la viande est cuite à pointThe meat is done to a turn.Rate it:

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last minutePoint in time, too close to a deadline to reasonably begin a critical task.Rate it:

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lawyer upTo exercise one's right to legal representation, especially on the occasion of refusing to answer law-enforcement officials' questions without the presence of such legal representation.Rate it:

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leave offTo stop with a view to resuming at a later point.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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log inTo gain access to a computer system, usually by providing a previously agreed upon username and password.Rate it:

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lowest point in my lifeTo experience extrene depression as a result of certain circumstances, loss of a lov'd one, financial or personal reverses, physical or emotional deprivation.Rate it:

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lump to one's throatA feeling of emotional sadness. On the point of crying.Rate it:

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magna quaestio est (followed by an indirect question)it is a difficult point, disputed question.Rate it:

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make a pointTo argue or promote an idea.Rate it:

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make a pointTo take care in doing something of something; to pay attention or ensure that something is done.Rate it:

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max outTo reach a maximum or a point at which no more growth or improvement is possible.Rate it:

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mihi exploratum est, exploratum (certum) habeoI am quite certain on the point.Rate it:

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miss the pointTo fail to grasp the meaning of an utterance.Rate it:

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moral compassA person, belief system, etc. serving as a guide for morally appropriate behavior.Rate it:

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moral high groundA position or point of view which is ethically superior or more reputable, in comparison to others which are under consideration.Rate it:

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moral low groundA position or point of view which is unethical or less reputable, in comparison to others which are under consideration.Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

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my very educated mother just served us nine pumpkinsA mnemonic used to remember the order and names of the nine planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.Rate it:

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not to mentionUsed by the speaker to mention another important point; an apophasis.Rate it:

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not to put too fine a point on itUsed to apologise for a possibly impolite statement one is making.Rate it:

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nous y voilàExprime l’idée qu’on atteint finalement la destination, le point important ou la situation que l’on envisageait, attendait ou espérait.Rate it:

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off the gridNot using electricity from the public electrical supply system.Rate it:

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off the gridNot connected to a publicly available communication system, such as the world-wide web or a mobile telephone network.Rate it:

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off the gridIsolated; in a remote location; in seclusion; not participating in some official process or system.Rate it:

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off the gridIn or into a situation or place in which electricity from the public electricity system is not used.Rate it:

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old boy networkA presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism and usually at the exclusion of certain other people; often specifically at the exclusion of womenRate it:

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old moneyThe imperial system of measurement, as opposed to the metric system.Rate it:

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old moneyThe monetary system used in the United Kingdom before decimalisation and consisting of pounds, shillings, and pence.Rate it:

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She's a real ___________ in the rough, that one.
A ruby
B jewel
C gem
D diamond