
Phrases related to: pretty much Page #5

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in a canterWithout much effort; easily.Rate it:

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in one's wildest dreamsMuch better than one could ever expect.Rate it:

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in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingAmong others with a disadvantage or disability, the one with the mildest disadvantage or disability is regarded as the greatest.Even someone without much talent or ability is considered special by those with no talent or ability at all.Rate it:

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j'en ai bien envieI should like it very much.Rate it:

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je lui ferai voir du paysI will lead him a pretty dance.Rate it:

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je ne me ferai pas tirer par la mancheI shall not require much pressing.Rate it:

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je suis dans de beaux drapsI am in a fine mess, in a pretty pickle.Rate it:

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jeu qui trop dure ne vaut rien (charles d'orléans)Too much of a good thing is bad.Rate it:

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jolie laideunconventionally attractive. Literally it means "pretty and ugly" but is not generally used in reference to ugliness; a more accurate translation would be unusual, flawed or quirky good looks.Rate it:

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jouer gros jeu(lit.) To play for high stakes; (fig.) To risk very much in an attempt.Rate it:

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Just DesertsA much deserving punishment, doomed to get punishedRate it:

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knock for a loopTo astonish; to surprise very much.Rate it:

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knock yourself outHave as much as you like there's plenty of things available.Rate it:

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last of the big spendersSomeone who doesn't spend much money.Rate it:

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lead outA race tactic, used to set up a rider for a sprint finish, in which one rider on a team will ride at a very high rate of speed with a teammate following directly behind in his slipstream thus enabling the following rider to gain speed without expending as much energy as he normally would. See drafting.Rate it:

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let aloneMuch less; to say nothing of.Rate it:

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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayTo do what seems right, just and proper to you without caring much about the consequencesRate it:

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like there is no tomorrowto an excessive degree, desperately, very quickly or very muchRate it:

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ma non troppoBut not too much.Rate it:

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magna est admiratio alicuiussome one is the object of much admiration.Rate it:

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make the most ofTo profit as much as possible from.Rate it:

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mal d'autrui n'est que songeOther people’s woes do not affect us much.Rate it:

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mamma jammerA pretty girl dancing good on a dance floor.Rate it:

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man of few wordsA man who doesn't speak much, or speaks only for a short period of time.Rate it:

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muito obrigadathank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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muito obrigadothank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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multis negotiis implicatum, districtum, distentum, obrutum esseto be involved in many undertakings; to be much occupied, embarrassed, overwhelmed by business-claims.Rate it:

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multum (aliquid) alicui rei tribuereto consider of importance; to set much (some) store by a thing.Rate it:

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multum afferre ad aliquidto contribute much towards...; to affect considerably; to be instrumental in...Rate it:

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multum valere ad aliquidto contribute much towards...; to affect considerably; to be instrumental in...Rate it:

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no brainerSomething that supposedly doesn’t take much intellectual thought.Rate it:

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not long for this worldUnlikely to remain for much time.Rate it:

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nothing is sacredUsed to lament the lack of respect for traditions, ideas, values, etc. and conveys that not much is still considered inviolable or untouchableRate it:

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nunca mucho cuesta pocoyou get what you pay for; literally: much never costs littleRate it:

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oh! la belle équipée!Here’s a pretty kettle of fish!Rate it:

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on a whimDone without much thought--without thinking seriously about the consequencesRate it:

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on mit les petits plats dans les grands pour le bien recevoir (fam.)They spared neither trouble nor money to receive him well; They received him with much fuss.Rate it:

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on nous donna du vin à discrétionThey gave us as much wine as we wanted (wine ad libitum).Rate it:

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on t'en donnera des tabliers propres pour les salirYou ask too much.Rate it:

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one too manyOne or more serving too much of alcohol, which leads to drunkenness.Rate it:

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pecunia magna, grandis (multum pecuniae)much money.Rate it:

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peu importeIt does not much matter.Rate it:

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plus on a, plus on veut avoirMuch would have more.Rate it:

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por mais quehowever muchRate it:

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pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:

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Pull a Rabbit Out of HatTo magically produce something much needed, to find out a solution all of a sudden or unexpectedlyRate it:

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push itTo make an extraordinary or risky effort; to behave in a way which tests the limits; to expect too much.Rate it:

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quand on prend du galon on n'en saurait trop prendreAs well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb; One cannot make too much of a favourable opportunity.Rate it:

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quand on veut trop serrer l'anguille, elle s'échappe“Much would have more and lost all”; He who is too greedy loses everything. Rate it:

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quanto custahow much does it cost?Rate it:

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Love at first _____.
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