
Phrases related to: ship self-defense system Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 250 phrases and idioms matching ship self-defense system.

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old boy networkA presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism and usually at the exclusion of certain other people; often specifically at the exclusion of womenRate it:

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old moneyThe imperial system of measurement, as opposed to the metric system.Rate it:

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old moneyThe monetary system used in the United Kingdom before decimalisation and consisting of pounds, shillings, and pence.Rate it:

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on one's high horseSelf-righteous; proceeding on the belief one is more correct or proper than others.Rate it:

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on the wagonBy extension, maintaining a program of self-improvement or abstinence from some other undesirable habit.Rate it:

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où il y a de la gêne il n'y a pas de plaisir (ironic.)There is nothing like making one’s self at home everywhere.Rate it:

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pad the accountTo enrich one's self with money, sometimes unjustlyRate it:

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peeble in own shoeTrouble but within group, self. Problem of one's own known to self more than others could be explained to.Rate it:

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people's republicA self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments.Rate it:

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play the anglesTo seek ways to advance one's self-interest, especially by making choices in a calculating or crafty manner; to scheme.Rate it:

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prendre l'eauto be on a sinking shipRate it:

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problem childA child who is particularly difficult to raise or educate, especially due to a lack of self-control and disruptive and antisocial behavior.Rate it:

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pull someone down a pegTo lower someone's high self-opinion.Rate it:

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qui se loue s'emboueSelf-praise is no recommendation.Rate it:

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rat's nestA software or hardware system whose design lacks organized structure, making it difficult to understand and maintain.Rate it:

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ratio; disciplina, ratio et disciplina; arssystem.Rate it:

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real timeThe time duration required by a computer system to complete a particular taskRate it:

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reinvent the wheelTo redo work unnecessarily when it has already been done satisfactorily; to rethink an already working system, technique, etc. in a pointless attempt to improve it.Rate it:

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ring outTo make a phone call from an internal phone system to a general telephone network number.Rate it:

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round toTo turn the head of a ship toward the wind.Rate it:

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rubber bandself explanatoryRate it:

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sea legsThe ability, when walking aboard ship, to anticipate the motion of the deck so as to walk steadily without losing balance.Rate it:

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send belowTo order someone to go below the top deck on a ship.Rate it:

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set adriftTo send a ship, boat or raft out to sea without a crew or resources to steer it.Rate it:

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shipping them greenWhen a ship is heading into waves, its bow will sometimes plunge into the onrushing wave. At first, spray will break over the bow, but as the height of the waves increases, the bow will plunge deeper into the wave, and instead of spray, unbroken green water will pour onto the Fo'c'sle and decks. Hence the seafarer's expression "Shipping them green", implying worsening weather, or, by extension, a worsening and/or dangerous or unsatisfactory situation.Rate it:

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sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsumto have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations.Rate it:

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skeleton crewThe minimum number of personnel needed to operate and maintain an item at its most simple operating requirements, such as a ship or business, during an emergency or shut down, and at the same time, to keep vital functions operating.Rate it:

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SLRself-loading rifleRate it:

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socialized medicineAn umbrella term for any system of government-run health care.Rate it:

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speak another vesselMy Captain signaled with pennants',/came within hailing distance 'spoke with megaphone. He learned SKIPPER of upwind ship/Mandarin/ two masted schooner es 'Mandarin's Skipper's spouse aboard as assistant navigator:Rate it:

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stanStan must be one of the most famous Kpop slang. it is an acronym of stalker + fan and is self-explanatory. when kpoppers call themselves Stan, they mean to distinguish themselves from being just an ordinary fan.Rate it:

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stand up forTo speak or act in support or defense of.Rate it:

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starting priceThe final odds on a horse when the race starts; also used to designate a system of fixed-odds betting using such prices. Abbreviation: SP.Rate it:

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stew in one's juicesTo be alone and self-absorbed in an uncomfortable state of mind, especially while experiencing the unpleasant effects of one's own actions.Rate it:

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stuffA melted mass of turpentine, tallow, etc., with which the masts, sides, and bottom of a ship are smeared for lubrication.Rate it:

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Stuffed ShirtA self-conceited person who brags about himself, to give self-importanceRate it:

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take abackOf a ship: to catch it with the sails aback suddenly.Rate it:

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take up the cudgel forTo make a defense for in lieu of another person.Rate it:

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teething troublesSmall problems such as are to be expected with some any new and untried system or product.Rate it:

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thankyousomuchEquivalent to, eg: "Thank you very much", self-evidently an expression of great thanks.Rate it:

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the flying dutchmanlegendary ghost shipRate it:

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tiny but mightysmall but powerful; something people say to express self-worth that even though they may be small they make up for it in being mighty; don't underestimate me/usRate it:

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totam rationem evertere (pass. iacet tota ratio)to upset the whole system.Rate it:

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vitae ratio bene ac sapienter institutaa sound and sensible system of conduct.Rate it:

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walk the lineTo behave in an authorized or socially accepted manner, especially as prescribed by law or morality; to exercise self-control.Rate it:

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what me worryAs an interrogatory, indicative of a nonchalant attitude towards potential criticism, not caring about what other people think, confident and self-possessed.Rate it:

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what, me worryAs an interrogatory, indicative of a nonchalant attitude towards potential criticism, not caring about what other people think, confident and self-possessed.Rate it:

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wishful thinkingDecision-making based on self-delusion.Rate it:

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you only have two feet, so take one step at a time to get it doneBe patient with your self, don’t get overwhelmed. Sometimes it takes time to get things done.Rate it:

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будь верен сам себеto thine own self be trueRate it:

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Time _____ when you're having fun.
A waits
B flies
C stops
D ticks on