
Phrases related to: get out the door Page #50

Yee yee! We've found 2,833 phrases and idioms matching get out the door.

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je t'en souhaite! (pop.)I wish you may get it.Rate it:

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je tirais au pistolet pour me faire la mainI practised pistol-shooting to get my hand in.Rate it:

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je vais lui dire cela.—non, il n'aurait qu'à se fâcherI will tell him that.—No, don’t, he might get angry.Rate it:

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je vous rendrai la pareille1. I will pay you out. 2. I will do the same for you.Rate it:

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jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bainthrow the baby out with the bathwaterRate it:

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joe coolAn “Average Joe,” that has reached “Cool” status, Used derogatorily = pointing out that “No, you have not” — reached Cool Status Snoopy, reached Cool Rate it:

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join inTo participate, take part or get involved in something.Rate it:

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Just DesertsA much deserving punishment, doomed to get punishedRate it:

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keep up with the jonesesTo do or buy things for status, show, or image rather than out of need, especially for the purpose of competing with friends or neighbors.Rate it:

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keep your britches on!"Be Patient", "Keep Your Pants ON!", "Don't Get All Excited!"Rate it:

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keep your feet on the groundmaintain a sense of composure, refuse to get all up in the air over any reversal.Rate it:

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Keep Your Shirt OnTo remain patient and cool, not to get angry and enraged and to control one’s temperedRate it:

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key intoTo grasp; to understand the overall concept of or be acutely aware of the underlying and essential meaning of something; to get it.Rate it:

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kick in the pantsa (forceful) reminder to start or get goingRate it:

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killTo force a company out of business.Rate it:

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kill the kardashiansWhen Gary Holt (guitarist for Thrash metal band Exodus) found out that Kendall Jenner wore a Slayer Shirt but she didn't listen to the band. He made shirts that say "Kill The Kardashians".Rate it:

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kill the rabbitTo get a positive test result from an old-fashioned pregnancy test.Rate it:

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kiss upTo pay false flattery to another, particularly a superior at work, in order to get special attention.Rate it:

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know what i'm saying?Do you understand? "You are not going out tonight", said Dad; "Know What I'm saying?"Rate it:

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l'édition est épuiséeThe book is out of print.Rate it:

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la caque sent toujours le harengWhat is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.Rate it:

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la niaise! pleurer à chaudes larmes pour une vétilleThe silly girl! to cry her eyes out for a trifle.Rate it:

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la vérité comme l'huile vient au-dessusTruth will out; It takes a good many shovelfuls of earth to bury the Truth.Rate it:

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LAGNAFAcronym of let's all get naked and fuck.Rate it:

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latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent(s).Rate it:

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latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent.Rate it:

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lay asideTo put out of consideration.Rate it:

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lay upTo go out of active service.Rate it:

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le livre vient de paraîtreThe book is just out, just published.Rate it:

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le roi jean a crevé les yeux à arthurKing John caused Arthur’s eyes to be put out.Rate it:

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le scélérat se brûla la cervelleThe scoundrel blew his brains out.Rate it:

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le vin entre, la raison sortWhen ale is in, wit is out.Rate it:

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leave well enough aloneDo not interfere, change, disturb, get involved or try to make a situation better because you might make a situation worse; (also known as "let well enough alone" "leave well alone and "let well alone")Rate it:

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les pots fêlés sont ceux qui durent le plusThe door with the creaking hinge hangs longest; The cracked pitcher goes oftenest to the well.Rate it:

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let ripTo get angry.Rate it:

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let the dog see the rabbitGet out of the way, so I can see what I'm doing.Rate it:

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level offto get to a stable level, to cease oscillatingRate it:

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life's molecular danceThe phrase "life's molecular dance" refers to the dynamic and coordinated interactions between molecules within living organisms. It signifies the intricate and harmonious movements of various biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites, as they carry out essential functions in cellular processes. This metaphor highlights the complexity and beauty of these molecular interactions, which are crucial for sustaining life and maintaining the delicate balance within biological systems.Rate it:

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like gold dustIf things or people are like gold dust, they are difficult to get because a lot of people want them.Rate it:

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line upTo get into a lineRate it:

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link whoreSomeone who goes to great lengths to get other people to link to his/her website or blog.Rate it:

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link whoringThe practice of going out of one's way to place links to one's website on someone else's webpage.Rate it:

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load upto get a loadRate it:

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locare opera publicato let out public works to contract.Rate it:

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lock awayTo lock up; to lock in a safe place, out of view.Rate it:

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log offTo log out.Rate it:

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loin des yeux, loin du cœurOut of sight, out of mind.Rate it:

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lolTo laugh out loud.Rate it:

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Loose CannonWho easily loses his or her temper and gets out of controlRate it:

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lose consciousnesspass outRate it:

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She is as graceful as a _____.
A dancer
B swan
C lion
D flight