
Phrases related to: gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re Page #6

Yee yee! We've found 412 phrases and idioms matching gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re.

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dubitationem alicui tollereto relieve a person of his doubts.Rate it:

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egregiam operam (multum, plus etc. operae) dare alicui reito expend great labour on a thing.Rate it:

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epistulam dare alicui ad aliquemto charge some one with a letter for some one else.Rate it:

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epistulam reddere alicui (Att. 5. 21. 4)to deliver a letter to some one (used of the messenger).Rate it:

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ex or de manibus alicui or alicuius extorquere aliquidto wrest from a person's hand.Rate it:

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exprobrare alicui aliquidto reproach a person with...Rate it:

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facultatem alicui dare alicuius rei or ut give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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facultatem, potestatem alicui eripere, adimereto deprive a man of the chance of doing a thing.Rate it:

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fidem abrogare, derogare alicuito rob a person of his credit.Rate it:

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fidem addere alicui reito confirm, ratify, sanction something.Rate it:

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fidem alicuius rei facere alicuito make some one believe a thing.Rate it:

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fidem dare alicui (opp. accipere) (c. Acc. c. Inf.)to give one's word that...Rate it:

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fidem derogare alicuito rob a person of his credit.Rate it:

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fidem facere, afferre alicui rei (opp. demere, de-, abrogare fidem)to make a thing credible.Rate it:

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fidem habere alicuito believe a person.Rate it:

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fidem praestare alicuito keep faith with a person, keep one's word.Rate it:

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fidem tribuere, adiungere alicui reito believe in, trust in a thing.Rate it:

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filiam alicui despondereto betroth one's daughter to some one.Rate it:

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filiam alicui in matrimonium dareto give one's daughter in marriage to some-one.Rate it:

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filiam alicui nuptum dareto give one's daughter in marriage to some-one.Rate it:

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finem imponere, afferre, constituere alicui reito finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing.Rate it:

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frenos adhibere alicuito restrain some one.Rate it:

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funus alicui facere, ducere (Cluent. 9. 28)to carry out the funeral obsequies.Rate it:

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gladium alicui in pectus infigereto plunge one's sword in some one's breast.Rate it:

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gratiosum esse alicui or apud aliquemto be popular with; to stand well with a person.Rate it:

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gratum (gratissimum) alicui facereto do any one a (great) favour.Rate it:

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heredem esse alicuito be some one's heir.Rate it:

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honorem alicui habere, tribuereto honour, show respect for, a person.Rate it:

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honores alicui mandare, deferreto invest a person with a position of dignity.Rate it:

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illudere alicui or in aliquem (more rarely aliquem)to make sport of, rally a person.Rate it:

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imperium alicui abrogare (Off.3. 10)to depose a person from his command.Rate it:

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imperium, rerum summam deferre alicuito confer supreme power on a person.Rate it:

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in amore et deliciis esse alicui (active in deliciis habere aliquem)to be some one's favourite.Rate it:

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in aurem alicui dicere (insusurrare) aliquidto whisper something in a person's ears.Rate it:

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in deditionem venire (without alicui)to make one's submission to some one.Rate it:

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in invidia esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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in mora alicui esseto detain a person.Rate it:

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in odium, in invidiam venire alicuito incur a person's hatred.Rate it:

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in suspicionem alicui venireto be suspected by some one.Rate it:

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infamiam alicui inferre, aspergereto damage a person's character, bring him into bad odour.Rate it:

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iniuriam inferre, facere alicuito wrong a person.Rate it:

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insidias alicui parare, facere, struere, instruere, tendereto waylay a person.Rate it:

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intentum esse alicui reito be engaged upon a matter.Rate it:

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interdicere alicui Italiāto banish a person from Italy.Rate it:

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invidiam alicui conflare (Catil. 1. 9. 23)to make a person odious, unpopular.Rate it:

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invidiam, odium ex-, concitare alicui, in aliquemto make a person odious, unpopular.Rate it:

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invisum esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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iugum servile alicui demereto deliver some one from slavery.Rate it:

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iusiurandum dare alicuito swear an oath to a person.Rate it:

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iusta facere, solvere alicuito perform the last rites for a person.Rate it:

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