
Phrases related to: common use Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 370 phrases and idioms matching common use.

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real superheroA crimefighter who imitates common characteristics of superheroes of fiction, typically by at least wearing colorful spandex clothes and a mask.Rate it:

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res obsolescita thing is going out of use, becoming obsolete.Rate it:

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rhyme or reasonLogic. Common sense.Rate it:

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rien n'y faitNothing has any effect upon him (or, on it); It is all of no use.Rate it:

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rob the cradleTo use a young person for a purpose inappropriate to his or her age.Rate it:

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rough and readyCrude or unpolished, but still fit for use; good enough.Rate it:

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run into the groundTo wear out, especially through excessive use.Rate it:

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run throughTo use completely, in a short space of time. Usually money.Rate it:

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saluti rei publicae non deesseto further the common weal.Rate it:

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Save for a Rainy DayTo save something for bad time or for a time of need, To keep something in store for future useRate it:

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screen outTo use a screen, grate, sieve or similar means to separate large from small objects or particles.Rate it:

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set the paceTo establish a common goal by example.Rate it:

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set upTo ready something for use.Rate it:

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shell outTo use a program's "shell escape" function to execute an unrelated command or to invoke a subsidiary, interactive shell.Rate it:

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shoot one's boltTo use up one's resources, especially a singular one or one not readily restored.Rate it:

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short codeA number of fewer digits than a telephone number, used as an abbreviated telephone number for use only when dialing from a cellular phone.Rate it:

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sniff testAn informal reality check of an idea or proposal, using one's common sense or sense of propriety.Rate it:

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spend a pennyTo use the toilet.Rate it:

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ssA common abbreviation for "missing", as in informing the team when an enemy hero leaves their lane; or "stay safe", a general warning. Using in Dota 2Rate it:

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staircase witThinking of an idea or course of action too late to use it effectively, or the tendency to do so.Rate it:

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stick toTo persist; to continue (to use, do, etc.)Rate it:

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stock up onTo acquire an inventory in anticipation of future need or eventual use.Rate it:

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store upTo build up a supply of something, usually for use at a particular time in the future, when the time is right.Rate it:

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stretchTo get more use than expected from a limited resource.Rate it:

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Strike While the Iron is HotTo avail the opportunity at the right time, to make use of a favorable conditionRate it:

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stuffPaper stock ground ready for use. When partly ground, it is called half stuff.Rate it:

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tag offTo hover an RFID device such as a smartcard over a receiver, often with a graphical user interface, in order to confirm the end of use or one's exit from the vehicle.Rate it:

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take the biscuitTo be of no further use; to be near death.Rate it:

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take the game toTo use attacking tactics against.Rate it:

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take to the matto confront or argue hard for something or until someone wins; all these ways are proper ways to use the phrase: To take someone or something to the mat or to go to the mat for somethingRate it:

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talk dirtyTo use profane language, especially sexual vulgarities for the purpose of arousal.Rate it:

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talk like an apothecaryTo use hard or gallipot words: from the assumed gravity and affectation of knowledge generally put on by the gentlemen of this profession, who are commonly as superficial in their learning as they are pedantic in their language.Rate it:

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ten a pennySo common as to be practically worthless.Rate it:

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the enemy of my enemy is my friendAlthough I dislike and/or disagree with you, for the time being we should work together against a common threat.Rate it:

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the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:

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think twiceTo reconsider, use judgement; to proceed with caution or thought.Rate it:

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those who can't do, teachOne who fails is likely to become a teacher. (Refers to common trend of teachers having low wages).Rate it:

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ties that bindcommon things that cause people to be close to one another and/or give them a sense of belongingRate it:

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tomato juiceJuice made from tomatoes. In modern use, this usually refers to the comminuted flesh and juice of cooked tomatoes, prepared commercially.Rate it:

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tooth and nailTaking everything bodily you possibly could offer/ use to get the job or task done, usually referring to an tough battle ahead. Battle usually a physical fight, or harsh obstacles were to be meet with this plight, but you or many were going to give it your all.Rate it:

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toutes voiles dehorsmaking use of all sails, in all sailsRate it:

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trot outTo bring something forward in order to display or use it.Rate it:

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tu n'en auras pas l'étrenneYou will not be the first to use it.Rate it:

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usui or ex usu esseto be of use.Rate it:

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ut Ciceronis verbis utarto use Cicero's expression; to say with Cicero (not ut cum Cicerone loquar).Rate it:

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ut hoc utar or afferamto use this example.Rate it:

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ut in eodem simili verserto use the same simile, illustration.Rate it:

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ut levissime dicam (opp. ut gravissimo verbo utar)to use the mildest expression.Rate it:

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UTSLInitialism of use the source, Luke.Rate it:

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vim adhibere, facere alicuito use violence against some one.Rate it:

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