
Phrases related to: gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 412 phrases and idioms matching gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re.

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lacrimas or fletum alicui movereto move to tears.Rate it:

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laudem tribuere, impertire alicuito praise, extol, commend a person.Rate it:

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litem alicui intendereto go to law with, sue a person.Rate it:

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ludibrio esse alicuito serve as some one's butt.Rate it:

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ludos funebres alicui dareto give funeral games in honour of a person.Rate it:

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mandatum, negotium alicui dareto entrust a matter to a person; to commission.Rate it:

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manum (dextram) alicui porrigereto give one's hand to some one.Rate it:

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manus inicere, inferre, afferre alicuito lay violent hands on a person.Rate it:

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meritum praemium alicui persolvereto reward a man according to his deserts.Rate it:

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minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellumto threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war.Rate it:

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minitari alicui igni ferroque (Phil. 13. 9. 21)to threaten with fire and sword.Rate it:

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misericordiam alicui commovereto excite some one's pity.Rate it:

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modum facere, statuere, constituere alicui rei or alicuius reito set a limit to a thing.Rate it:

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moram alicui rei afferre, inferre, facereto retard, delay a thing.Rate it:

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mortiferam plagam alicui infligereto inflict a mortal wound on some one.Rate it:

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multam irrogare alicui (Cic. Dom. 17. 45)to impose a fine (used of the prosecutor or the tribunus plebis proposing a fine to be ratified by the people).Rate it:

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multitudo circumfunditur alicuia crowd throngs around some one.Rate it:

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multum (aliquid) alicui rei tribuereto consider of importance; to set much (some) store by a thing.Rate it:

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multum alicui tribuereto value, esteem a person.Rate it:

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negare, more strongly denegare alicui aliquidto refuse, reject a request.Rate it:

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negotium alicui facessere (Fam. 3. 10. 1)to give a person trouble, inconvenience him.Rate it:

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notam turpitudinis alicui or vitae alicuius inurereto injure a man's character, tarnish his honour.Rate it:

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nubere alicuito marry (of the woman).Rate it:

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nuntium remittere alicui (De Or. 1. 40)to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman).Rate it:

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nuptam esse cum aliquo or alicuito be married to some one.Rate it:

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obviam alicui aliquem mittereto send to meet a person.Rate it:

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obviam ire alicuito meet any one.Rate it:

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obviam venire alicuito go to meet some one.Rate it:

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occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendumto give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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oculorum aciem alicui praestringere (also simply praestringere)to dazzle a person.Rate it:

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odio, invidiae esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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omnes ad vitam copias suppeditare alicuito provide some one with a livelihood.Rate it:

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omnium rerum arbitrium alicui permittereto put the matter entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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operam alicui rei tribuere, in aliquid conferreto expend great labour on a thing.Rate it:

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operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquemto become a pupil, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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opponere alicui aliquidto object, to adduce in contradiction.Rate it:

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optionem alicui dare (Acad. 2. 7. 19)to give a person his choice.Rate it:

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optionem alicui dare, utrum...anto offer a person the alternative of... or...Rate it:

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pacis condiciones dare, dicere alicui (Liv. 29. 12)to dictate the terms of peace to some one.Rate it:

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palmam deferre, dare alicuito award the prize to...Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui credere (sine fenore, usuris)to lend some one money (without interest).Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui debereto owe some one money.Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui legareto leave money to a person in one's will.Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui mutuam dareto lend money to some one.Rate it:

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pecuniam fenori (fenore) alicui dare, accipere ab aliquoto lend, borrow money at interest.Rate it:

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pecuniam numerare alicui (Att. 16. 16)to pay cash.Rate it:

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pericula alicui impendent, imminentdangers threaten a man.Rate it:

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perniciem (exitium) alicui afferre, moliri, parareto compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin.Rate it:

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pestem alicui (in aliquem) machinarito compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin.Rate it:

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petenti alicui negare aliquidto refuse, reject a request.Rate it:

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