
Phrases related to: sell in may and go away Page #72

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slam dunkThe act of jumping and forcing the basketball through the rim with emphasis.Rate it:

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sleep like a logTo sleep heavily, long and without disturbance.Rate it:

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sleep tightIf you keep yourself tightly bundled you will sleep warm and rest well.Rate it:

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sleep with the fishesTo be killed and have one's body disposed off in the sea or other body of water.Rate it:

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sleight of handThe required digital dexterity behind magic tricks and illusions.Rate it:

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slide offTo leave a place, a meeting, etc., without being noticed; to slip away, slip off.Rate it:

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sling off the bluesIt is not uncommon for individuals to become discouraged, down in the dumps, and want to throw in the towel.Rate it:

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slip outTo leave quietly, and unnoticed.Rate it:

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slippery slopeA logical argument that follows a chain of events or causes and effects to some conclusion.Rate it:

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slobA lazy and slovenly person.Rate it:

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smack downTo defeat utterly and decisively, especially in a humiliating way.Rate it:

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small armsFirearms designed to be carried and fired by a single person; often held in the hand.Rate it:

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smarten upTo wear smart clothes and look more stylishRate it:

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smash downTo cause to fall down and break by hitting it hard.Rate it:

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Smell like a RoseTo come up winner and successful at the end, to look alright in bad situation, to evade bad reputation by coming up innocentRate it:

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smell testAn assessment of a subject's ability to detect and distinguish odors.Rate it:

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smoke poleThis term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.Rate it:

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smoke signalA method of long-distance communication sometimes used in ancient and undeveloped societies, consisting of messages conveyed by means of columns or intermittent puffs of smoke.Rate it:

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smoke upTo smoke, and get the effects from, a drug, especially marijuana.Rate it:

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smoking gunThe conclusive evidence, the bare facts, clear and decisive picture.Rate it:

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snail it, until you nail it!When you’re practicing a musical piece and mistakes are happening. Slow it down at a snails pace and get it right and then speed it up.Rate it:

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snap inTo practice aiming, adjusting and firing a rifle with no ammunitionRate it:

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snap someone's head offTo suddenly and sharply rebuke or insult a person, especially in response to a harmless remark.Rate it:

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snot-nosedYoung and arrogant or conceited.Rate it:

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Snug as a Bug in a RugComfy and warm, something that relaxes you or provides you with solaceRate it:

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snuggle bunnyA romantic partner, child, pet, stuffed animal, etc. which is an object of affection and which provides comfort through physical contact.Rate it:

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so far so goodUp to this point, all is OK.Well, you've packed your bags for the holiday, bought your tickets, reserved the hotel and put the dog in kennels. So far so good, now let's get to Minorca without any troubles.Rate it:

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so Gott willGod willing; used to indicate acceptance of God’s will when expressing an intention or hope, and particularly to avert misfortuneRate it:

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so mote it beMay it be thus: a formula once used in ancient church and pagan rituals, and now used to conclude spells in Wicca.Rate it:

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soak inTo wet a surface and be absorbed completelyRate it:

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softly, softly, catchee monkeyCapture a target without startling it to run away.Rate it:

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softroader. This involves increased ground clearance with tyre, wheel, and suspension tweaks, skid plates and refers to mini SUV or wagons.Rate it:

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solid as a rockVery reliable and dependableRate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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some mothers do have themA colloquial and mildly pejorative reaction to a clumsy or foolish action.Rate it:

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some rights reservedThe owner, or other copyright holder, of a work simultaneously reserves a number of copyright-related rights and waives a number of other copyright-related rights.Rate it:

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sometimes the solution to the problem is the problem itself but points to other.Sometimes in life we wonder why this things happen and while wondering we are trying so hard to find the solution to what happened but infact it should be happened to make us strong, but some we need friends, or elder to show us the solution..Rate it:

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soplar y sorber, no puede seryou can't have your cake and eat it tooRate it:

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sound asleepSleeping still and silently.Rate it:

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sound outTo question and listen attentively in order to discover a person's opinion, intent, or preference, especially by using indirect conversational remarks.Rate it:

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sour cherrySpecies of Prunus subg. Cerasus, (cherries), native to much of Europe and southwest Asia, especially, Prunus cerasus, Prunus pseudocerasus, and Prunus cerasoides.Rate it:

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South TibetThose areas located south of the McMahon Line, which are now administered by the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, and which were formerly part of the Tibetan cultural area.Rate it:

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Sow your wild oatsTo do absurd and inappropriate things in one’s youth, to do silly things and activities when youngRate it:

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spaghetti westernNickname for a motion picture produced by an Italian-based company and filmed in Europe, depicting a tale of cowboys and desperadoes set in the American Old West.Rate it:

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spannerA hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts.Rate it:

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spare tyreA large stomach and rolls of fat around the waist.Rate it:

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speak someone's languageTo talk about concerns, feelings, ideas, etc. which someone understands well and can relate to intimately.Rate it:

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speak toAddress the Topic, List Salient Features, Point-Up the Pros And Cons, Designate The Budgetary Requirements,, Focus On This Aspect, Delineate Definite DangersRate it:

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special deliverySomething-whether desirable or undesirable-which is intentionally given to a specific individual or which an individual receives rapidly and unexpectedly; the personalized, direct quality of the transmission of such an item.Rate it:

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spin downTo reduce its spinning speed from that required for reading and writing.Rate it:

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