
Phrases related to: rights of way in england and wales Page #75

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via tritaa well-trodden, much-frequented way.Rate it:

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vicissitudines dierum noctiumquethe succession of day and night.Rate it:

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victoria multo sanguine ac vulneribus stetit (Liv. 23. 30)the victory cost much blood and many wounds, was very dearly bought.Rate it:

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victory at seaOcean conditions very windblown and messy, possibly to the point of being inimical to surfing and other water sports.Rate it:

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viginti anni et amplius, aut plustwenty years and more.Rate it:

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vilains taillables et corvéables à merciSerfs taxable and workable at their lord’s will and pleasure.Rate it:

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vires consenescuntto become old and feeble.Rate it:

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viri clari et honorati (De Sen. 7. 22)men of rank and dignity.Rate it:

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vitae ratio bene ac sapienter institutaa sound and sensible system of conduct.Rate it:

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vivre d'amour et d'eau fraîche (or, claire)To live on bread and cheese and kisses.Rate it:

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você e quem maisyou and whose army ?Rate it:

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vocum et fidium (nervorum) cantusvocal and instrumental music.Rate it:

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voilà comme je suisYou must take me as I am; That’s my way.Rate it:

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voilà trois médecins qui ne vous trompent pas: gaîté, doux exercice et modeste repasThe best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merriman.Rate it:

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von nichts kommt nichtsyou scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursRate it:

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vouloir c'est pouvoirWhere there’s a will there’s a way.Rate it:

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vous dites des choses de l'autre mondeYou say most out-of-the-way things.Rate it:

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vous l'avez fait tant bien que malYou did it in a casual (off-hand) way.Rate it:

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wait for itUsed to draw attention to and build suspense, often ironically, for a remark to come.Rate it:

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walk off withTo win, as in a contest and especially without significant effort.Rate it:

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walk on eggshellsTo be careful and sensitive, in handling very sensitive matters.Rate it:

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walk the dogPerform a trick where the ball rolls down the shaft, and then is caught in the head of the lacrosse stick.Rate it:

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walk the floorTo pace back and forth restlessly, because of worry, excitement, distress, etc.Rate it:

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wanton kittens make sober catsPeople who are unruly and reckless in youth may nevertheless turn out to be responsible adults.Rate it:

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war of nervesWarfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents.Rate it:

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war of nervesA situation in which opposed parties refrain from direct conflict but maintain a tense, contentious relationship in which each uses annoyances or intimidating psychological tactics to attempt to dishearten and unnerve the other.Rate it:

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warm regardsUsed as a polite way to finish a letter.Rate it:

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warm-bloodedmaintaining a relatively constant and warm body temperature, regardless of the ambient temperatureRate it:

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wash outTo lose traction while going around a turn, especially in cycling, motorsports and skiing/snowboarding.Rate it:

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wash overSaid of the way an emotion affects one suddenly.Rate it:

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wash upTo clean the utensils, dishes etc. used in preparing and eating a meal.Rate it:

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wash upTo wash one's hands and/or face, often around mealtimes.Rate it:

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washed outTo be very tired and lacking energy.Rate it:

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waste awayTo lose energy and become weak and feeble.Rate it:

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watch like a hawkto observe (someone or something) closely and keenlyRate it:

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Water Under the BridgeUsed to signify a life situation that has already happened and cannot be changed; therefore, one should not worry about it. The analogy to water having passed under the bridge means that there is nothing you can do about it since it's already passed, so no reason to dwell on it. What's done is done.Rate it:

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watering holeA depression in which water collects and where animals come to drink.Rate it:

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waterworksTo start crying a lot and/or loudly, either genuinely or in order to get attentionRate it:

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wax poeticTo speak or write verbosely and in an increasingly enthusiastic manner; any discourse which is of an eloquent or poetic nature; similar to ‘wax lyrical’Rate it:

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we got the dough, yo.Another way to say "We got the money, yo"Rate it:

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we will have no wine before it's timeSome things are worth the wait and should not be rushed.Rate it:

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we're goodthere is nothing wrong between us; our relationship is okay, not in jeopardy; alternate way of saying it: we goodRate it:

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wear awayto erode gradually and progressivelyRate it:

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wear one's heart on one's sleeveTo be extremely transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotion or what is in one's heart; often when this is said, it is said when it is more than the listener wants or needs to hear about it--so it is often said in a negative way or with a negative connotationRate it:

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weasel outTo obtain or extract, especially with effort and by cunning methods.Rate it:

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weight of the worldThe distressing combined burden of the problems, doubts, imperfections, and responsibilities associated with human existence.Rate it:

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WendeDie Wende; the process or time of unification between the BRD and GDR to modern Germany.Rate it:

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whale onTo strike an opponent heavily and repeatedly in a fight.Rate it:

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what are you smokingIndicates that interlocutor is acting in a crazy or unprecedented way.Rate it:

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what did your last slave die ofUsed to indicate that someone is being bossy and/or demanding, usually to an unreasonable extent.Rate it:

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A cat
B mouse
C house
D fridge