
Phrases related to: Bruay-sur-l'Escaut Page #8

Yee yee! We've found 431 phrases and idioms matching Bruay-sur-l'Escaut.

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sur le billardOn the pool tableRate it:

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sur le billardOn the operating table; to be under the knifeRate it:

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sur le bout de la langueon the tip of one's tongueRate it:

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sur le champright awayRate it:

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sur le pied où en sont les chosesConsidering how matters stand.Rate it:

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sur mon âmeSur ma parole ; sur ma foi.Rate it:

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take a page out of someone's playbookTo adopt an idea or practice of another personRate it:

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tan someone's hideTo beat or spank someone.Rate it:

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tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleureraOn ne peut jamais être sûr de triompher totalement.Rate it:

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testis unus, testis nullusUn jugement ne peut être rendu sur la base d'un témoin unique.Rate it:

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that dog won't huntThat idea will not work; that is an inadequate explanation or proposition.Rate it:

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that's a fine how do you do!An expression said in disgust or in jest to someone who 1) did not greet you as expected 2) ignored you 3) did something undesirable instead of greeting you 4) insulted you 5) did something mean or uncaringRate it:

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that's a wrapa declaration the current activity is now finishedRate it:

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that's lamethat's bad; not as good as it could be or has been; not as good as is typical of othersRate it:

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that's the way the cookie crumblesThat is the way things happen; that's life.Rate it:

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the deck is stacked against meI don't have a chanceRate it:

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the devil's lettuceA code name for marijuana.Rate it:

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the measure of society is how it treats its weakest membersSocieties who help and take care of those who are the most in need are worth more than societies who don't or who even mistreat those who are in need--the least of them--much less help them.Rate it:

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the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:

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there's no crying in baseballQuit complaining about it, go back and do your job.Rate it:

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there's no place like homeone feels the most comfortable at homeRate it:

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there's no time like the presentNow (i.e., the present time) is an appropriate time to take a particular action.Rate it:

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tijereta de las pajas. Ave paseriforme nativa de la región subtropical de América del Sur, hoy reducida a la cuenca del Paraná medio; de pequeño tamaño, alcanzando el macho los 30 cm de largo y la hembra unos 20. Tiene la cabeza negra, así como el dorso y el pecho, con el vientre blanco; en la hembra la banda pectoral es más clara, y la cola muestra una orla parda. La cola es extraordinariamente elongada y de color negro. El cuello está desprovisto de plumas, y se torna rojo brillante durante la época de celo. En grave retroceso por la destrucción de su hábitat, está considerado vulnerable por la IUCN y consta en el Apéndice I de CITES.Rate it:

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till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:

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tiny but mightysmall but powerful; something people say to express self-worth that even though they may be small they make up for it in being mighty; don't underestimate me/usRate it:

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tiuque del surMilvago chimango temucoensis. Subespecie del tiuque, que habita en Chile desde Ñuble hasta Chiloé y zonas costeras más al sur hasta Magallanes.Rate it:

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to know and not to do is not to knowWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "Your actions speak so loudly that your words I cannot hear"Rate it:

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to let a frog out of one's mouthTo say the wrong thing.Rate it:

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tomber sur le nezto fall flat on one's faceRate it:

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tortolita de la punaMetriopelia aymara Mide unos 17 cm, es de color café a gris por encima y por debajo tiene un tono concho de vino. Es un ave de la Puna, pero su hábitat se extiende bastante lejos al sur y alcanza hasta Coquimbo en Chile y Mendoza por Argentina; por el norte abarca zonas de la Puna del Perú y Bolivia.Rate it:

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trier sur le voletto handpick, to select carefully by strict criteriaRate it:

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trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:

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tu m'enlèves le mot de la boucheDire la même chose que ce que l’interlocuteur était sur le point de dire.Rate it:

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tu parles, CharlesBien sûr.Rate it:

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un point c'est toutPour mettre un terme à une discussion, sur le ton impérieux.Rate it:

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un tien vaut mieux que deux tu l'aurasMieux vaut opter pour quelque chose que l’on peut obtenir immédiatement plutôt que pour quelque chose de plus de valeur mais que l’on n'est pas sûr d’obtenir plus tard.Rate it:

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un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l'aurasMieux vaut opter pour quelque chose que l’on peut obtenir immédiatement plutôt que pour quelque chose de plus de valeur mais que l’on n'est pas sûr d’obtenir plus tard.Rate it:

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unbuckle your belt(or loosen your belt)To lessen the strain on one's abdomen: in preparation for a large meal, or with the intention to continue eating even after having a "full" belly.Rate it:

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up in herehere; in this place; it doesn't mean "up" (higher) literallyRate it:

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uva rufeteLlamada Alvarinho Tinto, Bairrada, Baga, Baga de Louro, Dozal, Pedral, Penamacor, Poeirinha, Rufeta, Rufete, Tinta Carvalha y Tinta Pinheira. Su principal zona de cultivo está en la sierra de Salamanca, al sur de la misma provincia. Debido a la configuración geográfica de dicha sierra, los valles suelen ser de pendientes pronunciadas por lo que su cultivo se acostumbra a realizar en bancales, allí también denominados paredones. Su recolección por tanto es muy laboriosa y artesanal.Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vee have vays of making you talkThis is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.Rate it:

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veranito de San JuanTemporada breve de días soleados y a veces también temperaturas más altas que se produce a la entrada del invierno en América del Sur y durante la estación de las lluvias en América Central. Se presenta usualmente en los últimos días de junio, coincidiendo con la celebración de San Juan Bautista.Rate it:

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viens mon chou, mon bijou, mon joujou, sur mes genoux, et jette des cailloux à ce hibou plein de pouxPhrase aidant à retenir les exceptions les plus courantes à la règle du pluriel des mots se terminant par « -ou ».Rate it:

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vino navegadoBebida alcohólica, popular en el sur de Chile, que se prepara a partir de una mezcla de vino tinto, rodajas de naranja, azúcar y especias.Rate it:

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voilà qui est parlerSe dit pour louer quelqu’un qui a dit, sur une question longtemps agitée, des choses claires, lumineuses, péremptoires.Rate it:

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voiture autonomeVoiture apte à rouler, sur route ouverte, sans intervention d’un conducteur.Rate it:

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volaille de merdeFoutez le camp, volaille de merde ! sur zonesons.comRate it:

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volaille de merdeJean Rochefort : "On ne se voit pas demain alors ?" sur, 09 octobre1917, page consultée le 18 décembre 2018.Rate it:

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voqui coloradoEs una planta trepadora que se encuentra en el centro-sur de Chile con una amplia distribución desde Coquimbo a la Región de Los Lagos. También se encuentra en Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay y Bolivia. Tiene un tallo leñoso que se ve rojizo cuando envejece. Sus hojas están compuestas por cinco foliolos en forma palmeada.Rate it:

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