
Phrases related to: L'Eguille-sur-Seudre Page #8

Yee yee! We've found 431 phrases and idioms matching L'Eguille-sur-Seudre.

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Región de ValparaísoUna de las quince regiones en las que se encuentra dividido Chile. Limita al norte con la Región de Coquimbo, al sureste con la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, al sur con la Región de O'Higgins, al este con la República Argentina y al oeste con el océano Pacífico.Rate it:

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Región del BiobíoUna de las quince regiones en las que se encuentra dividido Chile. Limita al norte con la Región del Maule, al sur con la Región de la Araucanía, al este con la República Argentina y al oeste con el océano Pacífico.Rate it:

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Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'HigginsUna de las quince regiones en las que se encuentra dividido Chile. Limita al norte con la Región de Valparaíso y la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, al sur con la Región del Maule, al este con la República Argentina y al oeste con el océano Pacífico.Rate it:

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Región del MauleUna de las quince regiones en las que se encuentra dividido Chile. Limita al norte con la Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, al sur con la Región del Biobío, al este con la República Argentina y al oeste con el océano Pacífico.Rate it:

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Reino de SabaTerritorio mencionando en el Antiguo Testamento y en el Corán, ubicado posiblemente en el sur de la península arábiga, en el Cuerno de África o ambas zonas.Rate it:

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rira bien qui rira le dernierSe dit en parlant de quelqu’un qui se flatte du succès dans une affaire où l’on compte l’emporter sur lui.Rate it:

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s'endormir sur ses lauriersto rest on one's laurelsRate it:

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s'il en estInsiste sur une vérité.Rate it:

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s'il vous plaîtLocution qui permet d’insister sur un point du discours.Rate it:

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Santa BárbaraAldea en la Región de Antofagasta, en los 21°57' de latitud sur y 68° 36' de longitud oeste.Rate it:

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Santa BárbaraPuerto en la Patagonia chilena, situado en los 48° 02' de latitud sur y 75° 28' de longitud oeste.Rate it:

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Santa BárbaraCiudad en la Región del Biobío, situada en los 37° 40' de latitud sur y 72° 04' de longitud oeste.Rate it:

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sauter à pieds joints sur quelqu'un(fig.) To ride rough-shod over any one.Rate it:

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savoir sur le bout du doigtTo know perfectly; To have at one’s finger-ends.Rate it:

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scaredy cata children's word for a person who is easily frightenedRate it:

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se dresser sur ses ergotsTo stand on one’s dignity.Rate it:

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se reposer sur ses lauriersto rest on one's laurelsRate it:

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se tenir sur son quant-à-soiTo stand on one’s dignity.Rate it:

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sécher sur piedTo pine away.Rate it:

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shut the front door!An exclamation of shock and/or disbelief; like saying, "No! Really?!" or "No way!" or "I don't believe it"Rate it:

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sidepiecesexDescribes extra-marital or extra-relational physically intimate interaction with one other than one's spouse or longterm partner, with whom one also has some form of established relationship; term, song, and hastag by American Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe one of the acts in which her abusive ex-fiance may have been engaged, while absent from the home daily for 15 hours.Rate it:

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six of one, half dozen of anotherIt makes no difference, they're still the same This expression is sometimes said a little differently, but is all the same no matter how it is said. Sometimes people say "half dozen" and sometimes "half a dozen " Also, sometimes the expression is "six of one, half dozen of THE other" and sometimes it is said, "six of one, half a dozen of ANother."Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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stranger on the phoneDr. Greshun De Bouse's brilliant true account of a present-day angel in female human form who uplifts and changes lives of countless downtrodden men whom have never seen her, via telephone through the power of Biblical scripture and the Holy Spirit.Rate it:

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sur ce il s'en allaAfter that he went away.Rate it:

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sur l'onglecompletely or perfectlyRate it:

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sur la tête de ma mèreS’emploie pour attester que l’on tiendra bien sa promesse.Rate it:

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sur le billardOn the pool tableRate it:

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sur le billardOn the operating table; to be under the knifeRate it:

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sur le bout de la langueon the tip of one's tongueRate it:

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sur le champright awayRate it:

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sur le pied où en sont les chosesConsidering how matters stand.Rate it:

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sur mon âmeSur ma parole ; sur ma foi.Rate it:

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tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleureraOn ne peut jamais être sûr de triompher totalement.Rate it:

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testis unus, testis nullusUn jugement ne peut être rendu sur la base d'un témoin unique.Rate it:

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the deck is stacked against meI don't have a chanceRate it:

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the measure of society is how it treats its weakest membersSocieties who help and take care of those who are the most in need are worth more than societies who don't or who even mistreat those who are in need--the least of them--much less help them.Rate it:

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the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:

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tijereta de las pajas. Ave paseriforme nativa de la región subtropical de América del Sur, hoy reducida a la cuenca del Paraná medio; de pequeño tamaño, alcanzando el macho los 30 cm de largo y la hembra unos 20. Tiene la cabeza negra, así como el dorso y el pecho, con el vientre blanco; en la hembra la banda pectoral es más clara, y la cola muestra una orla parda. La cola es extraordinariamente elongada y de color negro. El cuello está desprovisto de plumas, y se torna rojo brillante durante la época de celo. En grave retroceso por la destrucción de su hábitat, está considerado vulnerable por la IUCN y consta en el Apéndice I de CITES.Rate it:

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till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:

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tiny but mightysmall but powerful; something people say to express self-worth that even though they may be small they make up for it in being mighty; don't underestimate me/usRate it:

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tiuque del surMilvago chimango temucoensis. Subespecie del tiuque, que habita en Chile desde Ñuble hasta Chiloé y zonas costeras más al sur hasta Magallanes.Rate it:

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to know and not to do is not to knowWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "Your actions speak so loudly that your words I cannot hear"Rate it:

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tomber sur le nezto fall flat on one's faceRate it:

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tortolita de la punaMetriopelia aymara Mide unos 17 cm, es de color café a gris por encima y por debajo tiene un tono concho de vino. Es un ave de la Puna, pero su hábitat se extiende bastante lejos al sur y alcanza hasta Coquimbo en Chile y Mendoza por Argentina; por el norte abarca zonas de la Puna del Perú y Bolivia.Rate it:

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trier sur le voletto handpick, to select carefully by strict criteriaRate it:

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trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:

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tu m'enlèves le mot de la boucheDire la même chose que ce que l’interlocuteur était sur le point de dire.Rate it:

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tu parles, CharlesBien sûr.Rate it:

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un point c'est toutPour mettre un terme à une discussion, sur le ton impérieux.Rate it:

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A man is a _____ of the field.
A stronghold
B plough
C tree
D pillar