
Phrases related to: there's no use Page #8

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Appendix:Star Wars/may the Force be with youA wish for luck, implying effective use of the Force.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
crystal dickA penis that is flaccid as a result of methamphetamine or other drug use.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
dieFollowed by from. General use, though somewhat more common in medical or scientific contexts.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
fire at willFire when ready. A command that allows troops to use weapons at their discretion and choose their own targets, allowing the individual soldier a greater freedom of timing the shot with target movement and similar.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
it ain't over 'til the fat lady singsThere are more developments yet to come.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
up hill and down daleHere and there; everywhere.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
tough loveThe compassionate use of stringent disciplinary measures, to attempt to improve someone's behavior.Rate it:

(3.33 / 3 votes)
bluewashTo use a blue paint or glaze.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
bones to the late comersIf you are invited to a party (marriage /dinner /lunch) and you happen to reach there late, only the bones that are left by the people who arrived earlier than you, will be waiting for you.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
coke dickErectile dysfunction caused by cocaine use.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
crystal dickErectile dysfunction caused by methamphetamine use or other drug use.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
dust offTo use something after a long time without it.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
go the way of the dinosaursTo go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common use or practice; to go off the firsthand market; to become a thing of the past.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
in for an inch, in for a mileGiven that one is partly involved in or committed to a project, action, position, etc., there is no reason to refrain from becoming fully involved or fully committed.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
les loups ne se mangent pas entre euxDog does not eat dog; There is honour among thieves. Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
phase outTo remove or relinquish the use of something little by little.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère?Whatever induced him to get into that fix? Whatever business had he there?Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stickTry the same thing (or similar things) often enough, and, even if the general standard is poor, sometimes one will be successful.2001, And still no one is shouting stop. read in The Kingdom archives at on 02 Nov 06,Many team managers are of the philosophy that if you throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick. They believe that team preparation is all about physical fitness. They run the players into the ground and they believe they will be "flying on the day".2001, Robert McCrum, Let them eat cake, in The Observer 16 Dec 01, read on Guardian Unlimited site at on 02 Nov 06,Australian publishing boomed and in the past 10 years the country's literary culture has undergone a mini golden age, capped by Carey's triumph at the 2001 Booker Prize. As one Australian arts administrator said to me many years ago: 'Listen, mate, if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.'2001, Chris Collin, Re: 2-cp speys on The Strathspey Server mailing list archive at on 02 Nov 06,I am finding that "if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick". It doesn't always work of course (especially on the nights when the class is mostly the beginners), but the class seems to thrive on the challange.2005, Ray Craft (poster on The right scale blog), Fitzhooie and his Burden, read at on 02 Nov 06,Prosecutors everywhere have bad habits of overcharging lots of cases, knowing that if the throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick.2005, Sean Kelleher, Spike Milligan: His part in our downfall in Business 07 Aug 05, read at on 02 Nov 06,As long as there is negligible regulation and enforcement anyone can actually try and do the job...Weak regulation allows the industry to build strategies on full time recruitment. The theory goes: throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.c2005, Everything You've Learned About Marketing Is Wrong, read on LINC Performance website at on 02 Nov 06,They have the money to continue to believe in the repetition side of the equation. You throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. But it still isnRate it:

(3.00 / 4 votes)
from can see to can't seeFrom the time when it is barely light enough to see until there is no light remaining whatsoever: from sunup to sundown, from dawn to duskRate it:

(2.67 / 3 votes)
pie in the skyIt is an offer to give something good to someone, however there is nothing firm about it or it is unlikely to materialize.Rate it:

(2.50 / 2 votes)
the die is castThe future is determined; there are no more options; events will proceed in an irreversible manner.Rate it:

(2.50 / 2 votes)
boys will be boysIt is hard, often fruitless, to attempt to curb the natural playfulness and tendency to mischief of most growing boys.1922, James Joyce, Ulysses Chapter 13But just then there was a slight altercation between Master Tommy and Master Jacky. Boys will be boys and our two twins were no exception to this golden rule.Even grown men usually remain somewhat boyish in heart"Boys will be boys", grinned grandpa while he joined his adult son playing with the fancy train-set he gave his grandson for Christmas while the kid was in school.Rate it:

(2.33 / 3 votes)
babysitter testA test for the ease of use of household appliances.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
by handManually; without the use of automation or machines.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
do something with mirrorsTo insinuate one has performed a magic or optical trick with the use of hidden mirrors, insinuating trickery and sham.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
double upTo have a secondary use.Rate it:

(2.00 / 2 votes)
speak softly and carry a big stickDo not boast or utter verbal threats, but do make others aware that you are prepared to use physical force if necessary.Rate it:

(2.00 / 2 votes)
à vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloireWhere there is no danger, there is no glory.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Blood is Thicker than WaterThere is no other replacement for blood relations. What a person from your family or relatives can do for you, will not be done by strangers in a good senseRate it:

(1.00 / 2 votes)
bread and pull it! or pullit; poulet?Means hard luck; don't complain; that is all there is.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
butt outdon't be involved in (stop interfering in) what someone else is doingRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
deliver the message to garciaWhat we need is people who get the job done, no matter how. We don't want pickers who'll only learn if we use their preferred learning method. Have you read "A Message to Garcia" ? That's what we need today - young people who can deliver the message to Garcia.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
dog in the huntThis is often used erroneously to indicate that one has no stake in the outcome. As such this is a bastardization of two Southern idioms: "no dog in the fight," and "that dog won't hunt." (The latter indicates something is a bad idea or prone to fail.) Use of the phrase "no dog in the hunt" when one wishes to indicate they have no "dog in the fight" will generate funny glances from any Southerners who overhear it.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
eternal triangleA relationship involving three persons (usually two women and one man or two men and one woman) among whom there are conflicting and competing attachments of a romantic or emotional nature.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
every rule has an exceptionAlternative form of there is an exception to every rule.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
il s'en faut beaucoup que l'un ait autant de mérite que l'autreThere is a great difference in merit between the two.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
in a bindIn a difficult situation, usually of one's own making; having a dilemma; faced with a problem or a set of problems for which there is no easy solution.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
legworkSkillful or vigorous use of the legs, as in dance or sports.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
montha collection of days make up a month, there are 12 months in a year, or 56 weeks in a year, or 365 days in a yearRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
no plan survives contact with the enemyIt is a reality of conflict that, after a plan against an enemy is begun, there will always be unexpected elements resulting from opposition that require improvisation and deviation from the original plan.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
petit bonhomme vit encoreThere’s life in the old dog yet.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
play on wordsA pun, or similar humorous use of language such as a double entendre.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
that's the way life isThat is the way things happenCertain things cannot be changed, helped or improved; struggle and objection are pointless.1935, Louis Bromfield, The Man Who Had Everything, page 279:That's the way life is, and there's no use trying to go against it.1979, Jay Edward Abrams, A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption, ISBN 0310511011, page 45:There are no standards, no values; that's the way life is. Learn to accept it and slide with it. Stop fighting it.2002, B. Eugene Ellison, Rings of the Templars, ISBN 059524050X, page 337:Shit happens; that's the way life is. In fact, I want you to take an additional thousand for your efforts.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
TINLCInitialism of There is no lumber cartel.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
to no availEffect in achieving a goal or aim; purpose, use (now usually in negative constructions).Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
#pitstoptoyourpurposeHashtag, phrase, ministry, movement by Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe how the storms of life are just a temporary stop en route to one's divine destiny; As creator of the phrase and hashtag, De Bouse is the first to use #pitstoptoyourpurpose on social media and online anywhere.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
"you are going to be late, bup! (better hurry up!)BUP or B'up = is an abbreviation for the phrase, "Better Hurry Up".Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
a bird may love a fish, but where will they build their home?It's too hard to make a relationship work when two people are so vastly different. Similar variations end by saying "...where will they build their nest?" and "...where will they build their home together?"Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
à chemin battu il ne croît pas d'herbe(fig.) There is no profit in an affair in which many are engaged.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
à dur âne dur aiguillonIn dealing with obstinate natures one must use severe measures.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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People with light blond hair are also known as...
A sunlight children
B pool babies
C sister golden hair
D towheaded