
Phrases related to: strip no more Page #9

Yee yee! We've found 584 phrases and idioms matching strip no more.

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married sectorAny of two or more flight sectors in an itinerary that can not be rebooked or changed separately from the other sectors, due to fare rules or market restrictions.Rate it:

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matter of factA more factual correction.Rate it:

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max outTo reach a maximum or a point at which no more growth or improvement is possible.Rate it:

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métro, boulot, dodometonymy for the everyday routine of a Parisian or more generally urban worker. Roughly, same old same old or also rat race.Rate it:

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mettez un couvert de plusPut another knife and fork (for another guest); Lay for one more.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA stalemate, or a confrontation between two or more sides that no side can win.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).Rate it:

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might makes rightThe stronger and more powerful rule others, control the situation or determine right and wrong.Rate it:

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moral high groundA position or point of view which is ethically superior or more reputable, in comparison to others which are under consideration.Rate it:

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muscle upTo make stronger or more powerful.Rate it:

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mutton dressed as lambA mature woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman, especially if a deliberate attempt to appear young.Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

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my cup runneth overTo have more than is needed or wantedRate it:

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ne l'offensez pas, car vous n'y trouverez pas votre compteDo not offend him, for you would get more than you cared for.Rate it:

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next-levelSignificantly more advanced, better, or more extreme.Rate it:

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nihil antiquius or prius habeo quam ut (nihil mihi antiquius or potius est, quam ut)there is nothing I am more interested in than...Rate it:

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nihil mihi longius est quam (c. Inf.)nothing is more tiresome to me than...Rate it:

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not just a pretty faceSomeone who is more intelligent, talented, or emotionally complex than might be assumed.Rate it:

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not the brightest bulb in the chandelierThere are more intelligent (i.e. brighter) people in the room or in existence generally.Rate it:

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now you're cookingA phrase, often given in response, meaning that the subject has switched to a more suitable or more efficient approach; short for: Now you're cooking with gas; this phrase can be used with anything, not just cooking.Rate it:

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of anIndicates a more or less habitual activity during the given part of the day.Rate it:

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on one's high horseSelf-righteous; proceeding on the belief one is more correct or proper than others.Rate it:

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on prend plus de mouches avec du miel qu'avec du vinaigreMore is done by kindness than by harshness.Rate it:

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on the mendImproving or undergoing restoration to a previous, more favorable condition.Rate it:

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one can't hold two watermelons in one handdo not attempt to take on more than you can handleRate it:

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one step forward, two steps backA situation in which progress is more than offset by adverse developments.Rate it:

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one too manyOne or more serving too much of alcohol, which leads to drunkenness.Rate it:

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open seasonA period of time during the calendar year when authorities within a jurisdiction permit the unrestricted hunting of one or more kinds of animal wildlife.Rate it:

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open the floodgatesTo allow some action to proceed more swiftly or to a greater extentRate it:

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où la chèvre est attachée il faut qu'elle brouteOne must bow to circumstances; One must put up with the inconveniences of one’s position if one can get nothing better; One must not expect more from life than life can give; We must take things as we find them.Rate it:

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out of one's leagueIn a situation in which one is mismatched with one or more others, whose accomplishments, preparedness, or other characteristics are on a significantly higher or lower level than one's own.Rate it:

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outpope the PopeTo try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group.Rate it:

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over/underAlso expressed as over-under; In sports betting, a sportsbook predicts the combined teams' score for a certain game. In an over/under bet, people bet on whether the combined teams' score will be more than (over) or less than (under) the sportsbook's predicted total combined score of the gameRate it:

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packing heatCarrying one or more firearms on one's person, especially in a concealed manner.Rate it:

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parade of horriblesA rhetorical device employing a series of progressively more terrible results following from an act.Rate it:

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passons l'éponge là-dessusLet us say no more about it; Let us forget all about it; Let bygones be bygones.Rate it:

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peeble in own shoeTrouble but within group, self. Problem of one's own known to self more than others could be explained to.Rate it:

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peel the onionTo investigate a matter more deeply, usually step by step, each step leading to a new discovery.Rate it:

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Pen is Mightier than the SwordWords have more power than war, to influence with ones words not with fightRate it:

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people personSomeone who is happier or more skilled at dealing with people rather than things or concepts.Rate it:

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perk upto become more lively or enthusiastic.Rate it:

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perk upTo cause to be more upright, straighten upRate it:

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perk upto cause to be more lively or enthusiastic.Rate it:

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piece outTo increase or complete by adding one or more pieces.Rate it:

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play the fieldTo date more than one person at the same time.Rate it:

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pluck upto become more cheerfulRate it:

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plura in eam sententiam disputareto discuss a subject more fully on the same lines.Rate it:

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plus (literally) The more it changes, the more it's the same thing (sometimes loosely translated as the more things change, the more they stay the same).Although the outward appearance may change, fundamentals are constant.Rate it:

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plus ça changeThe more it changes, the more it's the same thing (sometimes loosely translated as the more things change, the more they stay the same).Rate it:

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plus on a, plus on veut avoirMuch would have more.Rate it:

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Let's not ________ the boat.
A sink
B rock
C shake
D beat