
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #96

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vita umbratilis (vid. sect. VII. 4)the contemplative life of a student.Rate it:

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vitae cursum or curriculum conficereto finish one's career.Rate it:

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vitae finem facereto put an end to one's life.Rate it:

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vitae societassocial life.Rate it:

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vitae splendori(em) maculas(is) aspergereto sully one's fair fame.Rate it:

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vitam (inopem) tolerare (B. G. 7. 77)to endure a life of privation.Rate it:

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vitam ad annum centesimum perducereto reach one's hundredth year, to live to be a hundred.Rate it:

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vitam alicuius depingereto make a sketch of a man's life.Rate it:

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vitam alicuius exponereto give an account of a man's life.Rate it:

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vitam beatam (miseram) degereto live a happy (unhappy) life.Rate it:

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vitam profundere pro patriato sacrifice oneself for one's country.Rate it:

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vitam solitariam agereto live a lonely life.Rate it:

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vitam, aetatem (omnem aetatem, omne aetatis tempus) agere (honeste, ruri, in litteris), degere, traducereto live (all) one's life (honourably, in the country, as a man of learning).Rate it:

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vivre en bonne intelligence avec quelqu'unTo live on good terms with some one.Rate it:

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vix me contineo quin lacrimemto be hardly able to restrain one's tears.Rate it:

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vix mihi tempero quin lacrimemto be hardly able to restrain one's tears.Rate it:

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vocem intercludere (Just. 11. 8. 4)to prevent some one from speaking.Rate it:

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vocem summittereto lower one's voice.Rate it:

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voilà ce que c'est que de se mettre en colèreThat is the consequence of losing one’s temper.Rate it:

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voilà comme je suisYou must take me as I am; That’s my way.Rate it:

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voir le loupto lose one's virginityRate it:

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voluntatemor animum alicuius a se abalienare, aliquem a se abalienare or alienareto become estranged, alienated from some one.Rate it:

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voluptates haurireto take one's fill of enjoyment.Rate it:

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voluptatibus fruito take one's fill of enjoyment.Rate it:

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voluptatis or animi causa (B. G. 5. 12)for one's own diversion; to satisfy a whim.Rate it:

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voti damnari, compotem fierito have to pay a vow; to obtain one's wish.Rate it:

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votre rival vous coupera l'herbe sous le piedYour rival will cut you out, will take the wind out of your sails, will cut the ground from under your feet.Rate it:

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voulez-vous accepter la fortune du pot?Will you take pot-luck with us?Rate it:

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vous moquez-vous du monde de parler ainsi?Are you making fun of people (are you serious) in speaking thus? Do you take people for a pack of fools?Rate it:

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vulgo dicitur, pervulgatum estevery one says.Rate it:

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vultum fingereto dissemble, disguise one's feelings.Rate it:

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vultum non mutareto keep one's countenance, remain impassive.Rate it:

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waiting gameA strategy or course of action in which one or more parties refrain from direct action until circumstances change in their favor.Rate it:

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wake upTo become more aware of a real-life situation; to concentrate on the matter in hand.Rate it:

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walk all overTo dominate a person or a group; to have a person take a submissive or inferior role.Rate it:

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walk the dogTake a dog for a walkRate it:

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waltz matildaTo travel with a swag; that is, with one's belongings wrapped in a cloth.Rate it:

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war of nervesWarfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents.Rate it:

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wash overTo pass unnoticed so that one is unaffected by it.Rate it:

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wash overSaid of the way an emotion affects one suddenly.Rate it:

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wash upTo wash one's hands and/or face, often around mealtimes.Rate it:

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watch itTo be careful or cautious; to pay attention to what one is doing (usually imperative).Rate it:

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Water Under the BridgeUsed to signify a life situation that has already happened and cannot be changed; therefore, one should not worry about it. The analogy to water having passed under the bridge means that there is nothing you can do about it since it's already passed, so no reason to dwell on it. What's done is done.Rate it:

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we have waysA shortened version of "We have ways of making you talk." Usually said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. Also pronounced as "Vee have vays" to imitate a German accent.Rate it:

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we have ways of making you talkThis movie quote is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies; also pronounced as "Vee have vays of making you talk" to imitate a German accent.Rate it:

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wear downTo have one's long hair styled in a free, low-hanging, unencumbered style; i.e., not in an up-do or ponytail.Rate it:

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weigh inTo bring in one's weight, metaphorically speaking, to bear on an issue.Rate it:

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weird outTo, by weirdness, make someone feel uneasy or uncomfortable; to make one feel weird.Rate it:

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wet the bedTo urinate in one's bed (during sleep).Rate it:

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what a crock!An exclamation of disbelief; calling someone a liar; saying that someone didn't have the right to say or do something; indicating that something isn't fair or right; short version of "What a crock of bull shit!" or "What a crock of bull!" or "What a crock of shit!" or "That's bull! or "That's bullshit"Rate it:

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