Found 1,094 phrases starting with A: Page #3


a load of old codswallopA load of rubbish. Completely untrue.Rate it:
a load of shit(Not synonymous with “a shit load”.) Explanation: an untruth; an exaggeration; Syn: bullshit; horse shit.Rate it:
a lotA large amount.Rate it:
a lotMany things, much.Rate it:
a lotvery much; a great deal; to a large extent.Rate it:
a lotoften; frequentlyRate it:
a lot of malarkeyStatements, results, appearances which are unproven, present myriad shortfalls, do not appear within plausible parameters.Rate it:
a magician never reveals his secretsA polite refusal by someone who has just done a magic trick to reveal how it works.Rate it:
a magician never reveals his secretsA refusal to explain how one accomplished something impressive.Rate it:
a man hasn’t lost when he’s fallen down, he’s lost when he’s too weak to get back upit explains that giving up is losingRate it:
a man is known by the company he keepsPeople are similar in character to their friends.Rate it:
a man's home is his castle(US) a proverbial expression of personal privacy and securityRate it:
a man/woman after your own hearta man or woman who likes the same things or has the same opinions as youRate it:
a marathon is not a sprintThis means we need to pace ourselves—if we try to go too fast, we will run out of gas.Rate it:
a method to one’s madnessThere is a reason, rational purpose, plan, or intention behind one’s seemingly crazy or absurd behaviorRate it:
a million timesby a factor of a millionRate it:
a miss is as good as a mileA failure remains a failure, regardless of how close to success one has actually come.Rate it:
a morning birdThat means the bird always wakes up early in the morning to find its meal.Rate it:
a needle in a haystackIt means when something is extremely difficult (or impossible) to find.Rate it:
a new broom sweeps cleanNew management will often make radical changes.Rate it:
a nod is as good as a winkThe hint, suggestion etc can be understood without further explaining.Rate it:
a notch aboveSuperior to; of a higher quality than.Rate it:
a number ofSeveral of.Rate it:
a page turnerA story, a book, an article of great interest can become a page turner.Rate it:
a party animalAn individual whom lives, thinks, reflects, promotes, enjoys, raucous, wild, off the deep end, exotic; parties, gatherings, happenings and blasts.Rate it:
a penny saved is a penny earnedA maxim for thrift that says that money not spent may be spent later, or may earn interest in the meantimeRate it:
a penny saved is a penny gaineda penny saved is a penny earnedRate it:
a pick-upA female whom frequents venues where males spend their spare time in billiards, drinking, lounging and where she seeks temporary companionship for ulterior motives.Rate it:
a picture is worth a thousand wordsAlternative form of a picture paints a thousand words.Rate it:
a picture paints a thousand wordsA visualisation is a better description than a verbal description.Rate it:
a pig might have a long tale but its tail is always short!A hypocrite always keeps giving excuses & making stories, but his/her supporter & power base are always short! So, if anyone earnestly try to get rid of that hypocrite's tyranny and torcher, that is very much feasible as history supports that hypocrites never win!Rate it:
a pint’s a pound the world arounda pint = a pound, of liquid; an expression that helps people remember that a pint weighs the same as a pound (in liquid measure)Rate it:
a plain janeeasy-going, unobtrusive, soft spoken, communicative.Rate it:
a pull of the hair for being unfairThe general response to "A kick and a flick for being so quick", which is in turn a response in itself to "A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month".Rate it:
a purple patchBritish (Informal) a run of success or good fortune. "people expect him to score in every game now he's hit a purple patch."Rate it:
a pyrrhic victoryAn apparent victory, but one which is no victory at all, due to the great cost incurred. The phrase comes from the victory won by King Pyrrhus at Asculum in 279BC which cost him many of his best men. After the battle Pyrrhus remarked: "One more such victory and we are finished."Rate it:
a question ofThe important question is; the necessary question is.Rate it:
a quick drop and a sudden stopA fall to one's death, especially by hanging.Rate it:
a real hotdoggerA Reference to an energetic, active or talented person.Rate it:
a real knock out!A very attractive woman. So deemed because her attractiveness is so stunning that it can (figuratively) knock you out.Rate it:
a riddle wrapped up in an enigmaSomething very mysterious and hidden.Rate it:
a rising tide lifts all boatsBenefits provided to a few may lead to conditions that are beneficial to all.Rate it:
a risk takerAny new venture replete with myriad unknown consequences can become costly in many areas.Rate it:
a Roland for an OliverEqual measure; measure for measure; adequate response.Rate it:
a rolling stone gathers no mossA person who never settles in one place will never be successful.A person who does not keep active will grow mouldy.Rate it:
a scholar and a gentlemanAn admirable person.Rate it:
a seat of learningA retreat for scholars where learning is an end in itself, like the universities.Rate it:
a sense of belongingMany organizations promote a sense of kinship with loyal, dedicated employees.Rate it:
a shit loadA large quantity of somethingRate it:
a short drop and a sudden stopA fall to one's death by hanging.Rate it:

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I think you're missing the wood for the ________.
A fire
B tyre
C pyre
D trees