Found 1,094 phrases starting with A: Page #6


ACDNRAutomatic Call Dispenser: Not Ready.Rate it:
ace in the holeA hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage.Rate it:
ace intoTo be barely admitted into something, or to be admitted only at the last minute.Rate it:
ace of spadesThe playing card belonging to the spades suit and featuring one pip.Rate it:
ace outTo defeat others in a contest; to do better than others in a competition.Rate it:
ace outTo have a lucky streak; to experience a stroke of good fortune.Rate it:
ace up one's sleeveA surprise advantage of which others are not aware.Rate it:
Ace up Your SleeveA matchless hidden advantage and ability of a person that nobody else knows about and that no one else could ownRate it:
aces in my booksomeone who meets or exceeds my approval or expectationsRate it:
ache forTo desire, or want something, or someone, very much.Rate it:
achilles' heela weak point or fault in someone or something otherwise perfect or excellentRate it:
acid dropboiled sweetRate it:
acid testA rigorous test or appraisal of the quality or worth of something.Rate it:
acid testTo test for the truth.Rate it:
ack ackanti aircraft fireRate it:
acknowledge the cornTo cop a plea; to admit to a small error but not a larger one.Rate it:
acquired tasteA taste which is not natural or innate, but which has developed through habit or learning.Rate it:
acquired tasteSomething that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasant; a person who is regarded as difficult or dislikable but of whom at least some have grown to approve.Rate it:
across the boardA racing bet where one bets that the same competitor will place in first, second and third.Rate it:
across the boardPertaining to all categories or things.Rate it:
across the pondOn the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.Rate it:
act as tourch bearerWhen someone play significant role in others lifeRate it:
act inActing in or as something. committing into some work.Rate it:
act like a bull in a china shopTo act rudely or clumsily in a delicate situation.Rate it:
act of CongressAuthorization that is extremely difficult to get, especially in a timely fashion.Rate it:
act onTo act decisively on the basis of information received or deduced.Rate it:
act one's ageTo be mature and not childish.Rate it:
act outTo go through the process of a scene from a play, a charade or a pointless exercise.Rate it:
act outTo express one's feelings through disruptive actions.Rate it:
act upTo misbehave; to cause trouble.Rate it:
act upgive troubleRate it:
act up toTo equal in action; to fulfill in practice.Rate it:
act uponTo take action on the basis of information received or deduced.Rate it:
acting funnyActing 'funny' means that a person is behaving differently towards you or a group of people.Rate it:
actions speak louder than wordsPeople will believe what you do more than they will hear what you say. They will not believe you if you say one thing and do something different than what you say..Rate it:
activist judgeA judge or justice who makes rulings based on personal political views or considerations rather than on the law, or who issues rulings intended to have political effects.Rate it:
activist justiceA justice (usually referring to a member of a Supreme, High or Appellate court) who makes rulings based on personal political views or considerations rather than on the law, or who issues rulings intended to have political effects.Rate it:
actors more & stages fewA situation where more are in demand but lacking enough provisions or when right options are scanty or less.Rate it:
acts of violenceViolent or otherwise harmful acts, usually to a person, animal, or object.Rate it:
ad fontesGo to the sources: An expression emphasizing the importance of conducting fundamental research and of consulting primary sources.Rate it:
ad infinitumendlesslyRate it:
ad infinitumwithout any limitRate it:
ad nauseamuntil people are sick ofRate it:
ad valoremproportionate to the estimated valueRate it:
Adam and Eve not Adam and SteveImplying that only heterosexual relations are normal.Rate it:
Adam TilerA pickpocket's accomplice; the person who takes the goods a pickpocket steals and leaves with them.Rate it:
adams alewaterRate it:
add fuel to fireTo inflame a situation, to make a situation worse.Rate it:
add fuel to the fireTo worsen a conflict between people; to inflame an already tense situation.Rate it:
Add Fuel to the FireTo boost up one’s anger or trouble more with your deeds or words, when he/she is already facing worst situationRate it:

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He was as _____ as a cucumber.
A green
B cool
C skinny
D fleshy