Found 141 phrases starting with DI: Page #2


die awayTo die gradually or slowly.Rate it:
die awayTo diminish; to cease gradually.Rate it:
die awayTo cause to die; to do away with.Rate it:
die backto wither, particularly during the winter.Rate it:
die downTo become less virulent.Rate it:
die for want of lobster sauceTo literally die or to be devastated due to a minor inconvenience or mishap.Rate it:
die in harnessTo continue to work until the day of one's death.Rate it:
die offTo become extinct (if a group of plants, animals, or people dies off, all of that group dies over a period of time).Rate it:
die on the vineTo fail at an early stage or never come to fruition, typically due to neglect, infeasibility, or lack of resources.Rate it:
die on the vineUsed other than as an idiom: see die, on, the, vine.Rate it:
die outTo become extinct.Rate it:
die the way one livedTo die because of or after doing something characteristic of the interlocutor.Rate it:
diegesisA narrative or plot. Typically, a movie.Rate it:
different as chalk and cheeseTwo things which are superficially alike but very different in substance.Rate it:
different strokesDifferent touches.Rate it:
different strokesDifferent styles adapted to a specific situation.Rate it:
dig deepTry especially hard.Rate it:
dig inTo begin eating.Rate it:
dig inTo make a burst of hard work.Rate it:
dig in one's heelsTo act in a determined manner by firmly maintaining one's beliefs, demands, situation, etc. in the face of opposition.Rate it:
dig intoTo research a particular subject.Rate it:
dig intoTo begin eating heartily.Rate it:
dig one's own graveTo behave in a way that is likely to have future negative effects on oneself.Rate it:
dig oneself in a holeTo put oneself in even more trouble.Rate it:
dig outTo find, or retrieve something by removing overlying material, or material that hides itRate it:
dig outThis term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.Rate it:
dig outUsed other than as an idiom: see dig, out.Rate it:
dig out of a holeTo save someone or something from trouble.Rate it:
dig upTo discover something by digging; to unearth.Rate it:
dig upTo excavate something.Rate it:
dig up dirtTo examine in order to find negative information for public opinion, usually with the purpose of embarrassing or discrediting a person.Rate it:
DILLICInitialism of do I look like I care?.Rate it:
DILLIGAFFAcronym of does it look like I give a flying fuck?.Rate it:
dim bulbA person who is slow-witted.Rate it:
dimber damber upright manThe chief of a gang of thieves or gypsies.Rate it:
dime a dozenSo common as to be practically worthless.Rate it:
Dime a DozenTo be common and cheap; easy to access and obtainable everywhereRate it:
dime outto report to the authorities; to snitch onRate it:
dime's worthAn insignificant amountRate it:
diminished capacitya mental state that makes a person less answerable for a crimeRate it:
diminishing returnsA condition in which additional inputs into an organization, project or process produce progressively fewer or lower-quality additional outputs, and may, in extreme cases, cause the total quantity or quality of outputs to decrease.Rate it:
dine outTo have dinner away from one's house, usually at a restaurant.Rate it:
ding upto dent, bend, or injureRate it:
ding, ding, ding, we have a winnerSaid when somebody answers a question correctly.Rate it:
dinner partysocial eventRate it:
dinosaurs eating cheetosA discreet way to tell your significant other they have a booger to take care ofRate it:
dip a toe intoTo enter or get involved in tentatively and for the first time.Rate it:
dip intoUsed other than as an idiom: dip into.Rate it:
dip intoTo spend some of one's savingsRate it:
dip intoTo read parts of something.Rate it:

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You're preaching to the ________.
A fans
B orchestra
C choir
D audience