Found 378 phrases starting with HO:

ho therehocus pocushog heaven
hoi polloihoist by one's own …hoity toity
hold a candleHold a Candle tohold a grudge
hold a lighthold againsthold all the aces
hold all the aceshold alofthold back
hold backhold backhold cheap
hold courthold courthold court
hold downhold downhold forth
hold forthhold inhold in
hold ithold ithold it
hold it down like a…hold it togetherhold my beer
hold offhold offhold on
hold onhold onhold on
hold on to your seathold one's…hold one's breath
hold one's breathhold one's head highhold one's horses
hold one's liquorhold one's nervehold one's own
hold one's peacehold one's tonguehold one's water
hold oneself togeth…hold onto your hathold out
hold outhold outhold over
hold over someone's…hold somebody's handhold somebody's hand
hold someone's feet…hold someone's handhold someone's hand
hold swayhold that thoughthold that thought
hold that thought a…hold that thought!hold the cards
hold the forthold the fortHold the Fort
hold the linehold the linehold the phone
hold the purse stri…hold the reinshold the ring
hold this lhold togetherhold true
hold truehold uphold up
hold uphold uphold up
hold up ashold up one's endhold up one's end
hold waterhold with the hare …hold with the hare …
hold yew hardhold your firehold your fire
hold your head highHold Your Horseshold-up play
holder newtholding patternholding pattern
holehole in onehole in one
hole outhole upholla at
holla athollow outhollow out
hollow outHollywood momentholy catfish
holy cowholy crapholy crap on a crac…
holy crap on a stickholy cricketholy crickets
holy fuckholy macaroniholy mackerel
holy mackinawholy moleyHoly of Holies
Holy of Holiesholy shitholy smoke
holy toledo!home and dryhome and hosed
home away from homehome field advantagehome game
home in onhome is where the h…home is where you h…
home runhome runhome run
home runhome runhome stretch
home sweet homehome teamhome training
home traininghome truthshomeless dumping
Homer noddedHomer nodshomer simpson
Homer sometimes nodshoming pigeonhoming pigeon
hondlehone in onHonest Abe
honest injunhonest-to-goodnesshonesty is the best…
honey budhoney do listhoney doesn't fly t…
honey holehoney traphoney-dippers
honk offhonor in the breachhonorable mention
hoof ithook inhook in
hook line and sinkerhook someone uphook up
hook uphook uphook up
hook uphook, line and sink…hoover up
hoover uphop jointhop to it
Hop To It!hop to it!hop to it!
hop uphop, skip, and a ju…hope against hope
hope only lasts whe…hope only lasts whe…hope springs eternal
hope springs eterna…hopped uphopping mad
horizontal dancinghorizontal jogginghorizontal mambo
horizontal refreshm…horizontal tangohorizontally challe…
hormone therapyhormone therapyhorned up
horror filmhorror showhorror show
horror storyhorse and rabbit st…horse around
horse of a differen…Horse of a Differen…horse opera
horse operahorse pillhorse pill
horse playhorse puckyhorse sense
horse shit!horse's asshorse's ass
horse's mouthhorsefeathershorses for courses
horses for courseshorsetradehorsetrading
horsetradinghose downhose down
hose downhospital passhospital pass
hospital passhospital passhostess with the mo…
hot airhot airhot and bothered
hot and botheredhot and coldhot and heavy
hot and heavyhot buttonhot button
hot chocolatehot cross bunshot damn!
hot deskinghot doghot dog
hot handhot lunchhot mess
hot messhot off the presseshot on
hot onhot onhot on somebody's h…
hot on someone's he…hot potatohot potato
hot shitHot Shothot spot
hot spothot stuffhot stuff
hot stuffhot stuffhot to trot
hot to trothot under the collarhot up
hot uphot waterhot water
hot waterhot waxhotfoot it
hotter than a pistolhotter than a pistolhottest thing in to…
hounded me almost t…hours on endhouse cooling party
house of cardshouse of cardshouse of God
house of ill famehouse poorhouse warming
household namehousehold namehousehold name
housewarminghousewarminghouston, we have a …
how about thathow are youhow are you doing
how are you getting…how bisthow can you sleep a…
how comehow comehow did he die
how do I get tohow do i get to car…how do I get to the…
how do I get to the…how do I get to the…how do ye do
how do you dohow do you like thathow do you like the…
how do you pronounc…how do you…how do you spell th…
how do?how goes ithow long is a piece…
how many languages …how many siblings d…how much do I owe y…
how much do you cha…how much does it co…how much is it
how much wood would…how old are youhow old are you
how rude!how sohow so
how the mighty have…how the other half …how the sausage get…
how's abouthow's everythinghow's it going
how's it hanginghow's lifehow's that
how's thathow's thathow's that again
how's the weatherhow's the weatherhow's the weather u…
how's thingshow's trickshow-d'ye-do
howdedohowdy-dohowl out

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Don't let the red _________ fool you.
A tuna
B mackerel
C herring
D piranha