Found 1,558 phrases starting with P: Page #18


poison-pen letterA missive which is malicious, insulting, and/or defamatory toward a person, organization, or point of view, especially one which is unsigned.Rate it:
poisoned chaliceA scheme or instrument for causing death or harm, especially one which eventually brings about the downfall of its creator; something which is initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful.Rate it:
poke aboutTo search for something, especially in an unorganized wayRate it:
poke alongTo move along very slowly.Rate it:
poke aroundTo search for something, especially in an unorganized wayRate it:
poke outTo be barely visible past an obstruction or obstructions; to protrude.Rate it:
poke outTo emerge from behind, in, or under something.Rate it:
poke outTo cause to protrude or emerge.Rate it:
poke outTo remove by poking.Rate it:
poke someone's eye outTo damage or harm someone's eye to the point that it can no longer see.Rate it:
pole up one's assAn extremely uptight personalityRate it:
poles apartTotally opposite.Rate it:
police beatUsed other than as an idiom: see police, beat.Rate it:
police beatA small police station, with a limited range of facilities, located in an officer's residence or in a shopping centre.Rate it:
polish a turdTo work on a time-consuming and ultimately pointless or impossible task.Rate it:
polish offTo finish (complete) something (like food).Rate it:
polish offTo remove by polishing .Rate it:
Polish parliamentThe Sejm of the Republic of Poland.Rate it:
Polish parliamentA deliberative body institutionally unable to reach a decision.Rate it:
polish the appleIt was common for children to bring a nice apple to their teacher to enhance their public relations status: "Polish It For Better Relations"Rate it:
polish upTo polish something to make it shiny.Rate it:
polish upTo hone.Rate it:
polite fictionA social scenario in which all participants are aware of a truth, but pretend to believe in some alternative version of events to avoid conflict or embarrassment.Rate it:
political footballA contentious political issue or problem that is often debated or discussed, but that remains unresolved; an issue or problem which is avoided by authorities and handed off to others.Rate it:
political footballOngoing unproductive wrangling or posturing between political factions, resulting in failure to deal with an issue or problem in a decisive or appropriate way.Rate it:
politically correctAvoiding offense based on demographics especially race, sex, religion, ideology, sexuality, disability, or social groupingRate it:
politically correctUsed other than as an idiom.Rate it:
polo shirtgarmentRate it:
ponte las pilasstart workingRate it:
pony in the barnAn exciting and real prospect, something to be legitimately excited about.Rate it:
pony upTo pay (usually a bill, debt or due).Rate it:
pony up!Fulfill your promise, pay your dues, PITCH-IN, help-out, toss-in a few sheckels;Rate it:
poon upTo dress up in order to impress others.Rate it:
poop factoryAn infant.Rate it:
poop factoryAn animal whose defecation inconveniences humans.Rate it:
poop machineAn infant.Rate it:
poop machineAn animal whose defecation inconveniences humans.Rate it:
poop one's pantsto defecate in one's clothes while wearing them.Rate it:
poop outTo quit due to tirednessRate it:
poop outTo defecateRate it:
poor as a church mouseVery poor to a point of starving or begging.Rate it:
Poor as a Church MouseTo be in very poor condition, poverty- strickenRate it:
poor boyUsed other than as an idiom: see poor, boy.Rate it:
poor boyA submarine sandwich.Rate it:
poor little rich girlAn unhappy young woman from a wealthy background.Rate it:
poor little rich girlA wealthy young person whose money brings them no contentment (often used as an expression of mock sympathy).Rate it:
poor powerLimited ability.Rate it:
pootle alongTo walk, ride, drive etc. leisurelyRate it:
pop a cap in someone's assTo shoot someone with a gun.Rate it:
pop inTo visit in an impromptu manner.Rate it:

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Wise _____ owl.
A old
B feathered
C bearded
D night