Found 221 phrases starting with PA: Page #3


pardon mePolite expression to get someone to repeat.Rate it:
pardon meSorry; said as an apology.Rate it:
pardon my frenchPlease excuse my swearing or bad language.Rate it:
pare downTo reduce by paring or a similar gradual process.Rate it:
park that thoughtAlternative form of hold that thought.Rate it:
park the busTo attempt to stop the opposition team from scoring a goal by playing extremely defensively and placing as many players as possible behind the ball.Rate it:
park the car in harvard yardA sentence used to illustrate that the Boston accent is non-rhotic; typically pronounced "pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd".Rate it:
parking lotA major thruway blocked by stop and go traffic.Rate it:
parking lotAn open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use.Rate it:
part and parcelAn integral or essential piece; that which must be done or accepted as part of something else.Rate it:
part companyTo end a relationshipRate it:
part companyto separate; go their own wayRate it:
part withTo willingly let go of; to give up; to relinquish.Rate it:
partial outTo remove one variable in order to identify any correlation between othersRate it:
parting of the waysa separation of two things or people because of a disagreement, a point of divergence, especially an important oneRate it:
parting shotAn insult or barbed comment issued as the speaker departs or the conversation comes to an end.Rate it:
partner upTo form a partnership; to decide to work together in a duo.Rate it:
party and playUsed other than as an idiom: see party, play.Rate it:
party and playMarked by the use of drugs and the absence of sexual inhibitions.Rate it:
party animalA person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties, especially one whose partying behavior is exuberant or excessive.Rate it:
party crasherSomeone who attempts and often gains entry to a party or club to which they were not invited, often using social engineering techniques. The party crasher usually tries to blend into the party so as not to be kicked out.Rate it:
party guideGet that party up, get that party up we gonna Dance all Night, get that balloons up, get that balloons up, we gonna stay all nightRate it:
party hardyto party very hard, possibly not remembering later what happened at the partyRate it:
party heartyTo engage in unrestrained merriment.Rate it:
party pooperSomeone who unnecessarily dampens fun.Rate it:
party toPrivy to; having knowledge of.Rate it:
pas devant les enfantsNot in front of the children.Rate it:
pass asTo be able to convince others that one is something contrary to fact; to look sufficiently like something or someone that one can purport to be it.Rate it:
pass awayTo die.Rate it:
pass byTo proceed past something.Rate it:
pass byTo pass over. disregard, overlook.Rate it:
pass downTo hand over, pass through or transfer to a lower level, next generation, etc.Rate it:
pass forTo be mistakenly seen as something that one is notRate it:
pass forTo be sufficient, especially minimally so, for a specified purpose.Rate it:
pass musterTo adequately pass a formal or informal inspection.Rate it:
pass musterTo measure up to a particular standard.Rate it:
pass offTo happen.Rate it:
pass offTo misrepresent something.Rate it:
pass onTo convey or communicate.Rate it:
pass onTo die.Rate it:
pass onTo skip or decline.Rate it:
pass outTo faint; fall asleep.Rate it:
pass outTo distribute, to hand out.Rate it:
pass outTo graduate, usually marked by the ceremony at the end of their training.Rate it:
pass overTo bypass; to skip.Rate it:
pass overTo make a transit of; to pass through or across.Rate it:
pass overTo fly over.Rate it:
pass overTo overlook; not to note or resent.Rate it:
pass overTo die.Rate it:
pass roundto distributeRate it:

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That's too good! It works like a ________.
A dream
B diamond
C jewel
D charm