Found 423 phrases starting with TA:

table scraptable scraptable talk
tach uptacit acceptance of…tack up
tackle the jobtag alongtag off
tag ontag teamtag up
tail awaytail between one's …tail in
tail offtail wagging the dogtake a back seat
Take a Backseattake a bathtake a bath
take a bead ontake a bitetake a bow
take a breathtake a breathertake a bullet
take a chancetake a crack attake a crap
take a dim view oftake a dirt naptake a dive
take a divetake a flyertake a flyer
take a gambletake a gandertake a grab
take a grabtake a hiketake a hike
take a joketake a leaktake a leap of faith
take a lickingtake a licking and …take a load off
take a long walk of…take a looktake a nap
take a numbertake a page out of …take a pew
take a picturetake a picture, it …take a powder
Take a Powdertake a ride to Tybu…take a risk
take a run attake a run attake a seat
Take a Shine Totake a shine to som…take a shit
take a shot in the …take a spilltake a spin
take a stab attake a stab attake a stand
take a tiger by the…take a tumbletake a tumble
take a turntake a turntake a turn
take a turn for the…take a turn for the…take a walk in the …
take a wifetake a wrong turn a…take aback
take abacktake acrosstake after
take aftertake againsttake against
take aimtake aimtake aloft
take an axe totake an axe totake apart
take aparttake aparttake apart
take awaytake awaytake away
take awaytake awaytake away
take away fromtake backtake back
take backtake backtake back
take by stormtake by stormtake by storm
take care of the pe…take care of the pe…take cover
take delight intake downtake down
take downtake downtake down
take down a pegtake effecttake exception
take exception totake fivetake five
take flighttake fortake for
take fortake for a ridetake for a spin
take for a spintake for grantedtake for granted
take formtake guardtake heart
take heedtake illtake in
take intake intake in
take intake into accounttake into considera…
take it awaytake it easytake it easy
take it easytake it from metake it from there
take it like a mantake it or leave ittake it or leave it
take it out intake it out ontake it outside
Take it to Hooptake it to the banktake it up the ass
take it up the asstake it upon oneselftake its toll
take kindlytake leavetake leave
take leave of one's…take libertiestake lightly
take lying downtake matters into o…take me away
take no for an answ…take no notice oftake no prisoners
take no prisonerstake offtake off
take offtake offtake off
take offtake offtake off
Take Off Your Hat t…take off!take offline
take ontake ontake on
take ontake on faithtake on the chin
take on watertake on watertake one for the te…
take one's ball and…take one's chancetake one's eye off …
take one's hat off …take one's leavetake one's lumps
take one's lumpstake one's picktake one's time
take one's timetake one's tongue o…take out
take out an oniontake out of contexttake out the trash
take out the trashtake overtake over
take overtake overtake over
take overtake overtake part
take parttake pridetake shape
take sicktake sidestake silk
take sitting downtake somebody's wor…take someone to the…
Take Someone under …take someone's head…take someone's point
take someone's pointtake someone's word…take something as r…
take something in o…take something in s…take something to t…
take the baittake the biscuittake the biscuit
take the bitter wit…Take the Bitter wit…take the Browns to …
take the bull by th…take the caketake the cake
Take the Caketake the cash and l…take the count
take the counttake the counttake the cure
take the falltake the fieldtake the fifth
take the flaktake the game totake the gilt off t…
take the gloves offtake the heattake the hint
take the law into o…take the leadtake the lead
take the libertytake the michaeltake the mick
take the mickeytake the offensivetake the pee
take the pisstake the pisstake the piss
take the plungetake the plungetake the point
take the pointtake the raptake the red pill
take the reinstake the shadow for…take the stand
take the veiltake the wheeltake the wheel
take the wind out o…Take the Words Righ…take things as they…
take this job and s…take totake to
take totake totake to heart
take to hearttake to one's heelstake to something l…
take to tasktake to the banktake to the cleaners
take to the hillstake to the mattake to wife
take uptake up a collectiontake up for
take up the cudgel …take up the gauntlettake up with
take up withtake upontake upon oneself
Take With a Grain o…take with a pinch o…takes one to know o…
takes the wraps offtaking a break will…taking the edge off
taking the gloves o…taking to ones heelstaking upon oneself
talent managementtalk a blue streaktalk a good game
talk a mile a minutetalk abouttalk around
talk attalk attalk back
talk bigtalk dirtytalk down
talk downtalk down totalk in circles
talk in circlestalk intotalk is cheap
talk jockeytalk like an apothe…talk of the devil
talk of the towntalk outtalk out of
talk out of one's a…talk out of turntalk out one's ass
talk overtalk overtalk over someone's…
talk pasttalk roundtalk softly and car…
talk somebody under…talk someone into s…talk someone under …
talk someone's ear …talk the leg off a …talk the talk
talk throughtalk throughtalk through one's …
talk through one's …Talk Through Your H…talk to oneself
talk to the handtalk turkeytalk up
talk uptalking headtall in the saddle
tall ordertall taletally ho
tally ontally ontamp down
tamp downtan someone's …TANJ
tank toptank uptank up
tank upTANSTAAFLtant pis
tap dancingtap intap in
tap intotap intotap out
tap outtap outtap out
tap uptap uptape off
tape outtape uptaper off
tar with the same b…target on your backtarget someone
tart uptart uptart up
tartufotartufotask force
taste like chickentaste of one's own …taste of one's own …
tattle taletattle tell, tattle…taxi driver

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A mouse
B cat
C house
D fridge