Found 320 phrases starting with TO:


to 'put out''put out'; To engage in 'heavy petting' or 'sexual congress'. a Depression expression, may be archaic:Rate it:
to a certain extenta phrase to indicate a statement is true to a limited degree; partly true but not completely trueRate it:
to a fare-thee-wellTo the greatest extent or to completion; to a state of refinement or perfection.Rate it:
to a faultTo an excessive degree; extremely.Rate it:
to a manunanimouslyRate it:
to a nicetyTo a fine point, with great exactness or accuracy.Rate it:
to a tPrecisely; exactly; perfectly; with great attention to detail.Rate it:
to a turnTo perfection.Rate it:
to all intents and purposesFor every functional purpose; in every practical sense; in every important respect; practically speaking.Rate it:
to and froTo go back and forth; to alternate.Rate it:
to attain one' age of wisdomTo reach an age of maturity, to grow old.Rate it:
to be a lonley islandA person who singles out himself from others group consistently.Rate it:
to be a queen beeOne whom has a personality and a history of integrity, coupled with a natural diplomatic aura is bound for a successful and rewarding public career.Rate it:
to be an open bookAn individual's life can be unrestricted in intimate details and become as an open book.Rate it:
to be continuedUsed at the end of an episode to indicate that the story continues in the next episode.Rate it:
to be continuedUsed to indicate that a story under discussion has not concluded, either in narration or in reality.Rate it:
to be faced downto be finishedRate it:
to be honestFrankly, honestly.Rate it:
to be honest with youAn expression to be avoided at all costs for progressive, professionally oriented, skilled communicative individuals, lilly- white honest 'movers and shakers'!Rate it:
to be mixing apples and oranges.To be considering two completely different things.Rate it:
to be named laterUsed other than as an idiom. In an exchange, a unspecified example of a thing (in sports, usually a player), either not yet chosen or named publicly, at the time of a trade.Rate it:
to be named laterSomething of very uncertain value.Rate it:
to be named laterSomething of very low value.Rate it:
to be of the peakTo be at the highest point in something of their own. Applies to person thing, season anything related.Rate it:
to be on someone's assTo annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone.Rate it:
to be perfectly honest with youTo express candidly, straight forwardly, without affectation, without boasting, without extrapolating:Rate it:
to be shuck ofto be rid ofRate it:
to be sureAdmittedly, undoubtedly, certainly.Rate it:
to be the cat's whiskersTo perform better than was generally supposed possible.Rate it:
to be the impossible dream.To be a fancy which will never become reality.Rate it:
to be truthfulSynonym of to be honestRate it:
to be willy nillyUnnecessary, ridiculous actions.Rate it:
to be, or not to be, that is the questionfamous Shakespeare quoteRate it:
to beat the bandVery vigorously; at a frantic pace; to a high degree; in large quantities.Rate it:
to bootMoreover, on top of that, besides, also.Rate it:
to bootSome variations in usage remain archaic. Old English, Middle English: to help, in addition.Rate it:
to dateUntil now; until the present time.Rate it:
to deathTo a great degree.Rate it:
to die forVery good; exquisite; excellent; particularly desirable.Rate it:
to dig your own graveGet deeper in trouble by complicating matters further.Rate it:
to disassembleTo break bondsRate it:
to docommotionRate it:
to dofussRate it:
to do withconcerningRate it:
to dog flyto be having a fine only progressRate it:
to each his ownEvery person is entitled to his or her personal preferences and tastes.Rate it:
to each his ownAn expression asserting the right of individuals to subscribe, sanction, believe, acquire, marry, associate.Rate it:
to err is human, to forgive, devineEveryone makes mistakes. The real tragedy is not when someone errs, but when they are not forgiven.Rate it:
to feel like shitFeeling poorly; feeling shittyRate it:
to get hold of wrong end of the stickto not understand the situation correctlyRate it:

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Can you __________ this off for me? I'm full.
A corner
B gobble
C buff
D polish