Found 320 phrases starting with TO: Page #4


tomayto, tomahtoUsed to dismissively suggest that something is a distinction without a difference; alternate spelling: tomato, tomatoRate it:
tomorrow is another dayTomorrow will bring new opportunities and a fresh start for one's endeavors.1600, author unknown, "Phillidaes Love-call to her Coridon, and his replying" (song), in England's Helicon, printed at London by I.R. for John Flasket:Phil. Yonder comes my Mother, Coridon,whether shall I flie?Cor. Under yonder Beech my lovely one,while she passeth by.Say to her thy true-Love was not heere,remember, remember,to morrow is another day:1896, Amelia E. Barr, A Knight of the Nets, ch. 8:"Well, well, my dear lass, to-night we cannot work, but we may sleep. . . . Keep a still heart tonight, and tomorrow is another day."1936, Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, ch. 63:"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."2005, Fran Schumer, "JERSEY: In Princeton, Taking On Harvard's Fuss About Women," New York Times, 19 June (retrieved 18 Aug. 2009):"Half of me is depressedRate it:
tone downTo relax; to make quieter or less obtrusive; to make milder.Rate it:
tone downTo make a television program, piece of writing, etc. less offensive and so more suitable for a family audience.Rate it:
tone upTo strengthen and make the muscles of the body firmer by regular excercise.Rate it:
tongue twistera phrase that if spoken repeatedly is difficult to say without making a mistakeRate it:
tongue-in-cheekNot intended seriously; jocular or humorous.Rate it:
Tongue-in-CheekEnvisioned in an humorous way; not much of seriousness; dishonest; mocking Rate it:
tongue-tiedhaving difficulty expressing yourself i.e. when you are nervous or embarrassed; an inability to speak; a condition you are in when you are at a loss for words; when you try to speak and the words get misspoken; NOT to be confused with "tongue-tie" or Ankyloglossia, which is a physical dental/mouth condition that makes speech difficult (among other symptoms)Rate it:
tonic watermixerRate it:
tonsil hockeyFrench kissing; tongue kissing.Rate it:
tonsil tennisFrench kissing; tongue kissingRate it:
too badIt is unfortunate that.Rate it:
too badThat's a pity; that's unfortunate.Rate it:
too bad, so sadAn expression of mock sympathy.Rate it:
too big for one's bootsFar less capable than one's claims to be.Rate it:
too big for one's britchesDisturbingly confident, unacceptably cocky.Rate it:
too big for one's britchesToo large to fit into one's pants.Rate it:
Too Big for Your BritchesSelf-important; proud of something, particularly about selfRate it:
too clever by halfShrewd but flawed by overthinking or excessive complexity, with a resulting tendency to be unreliable or unsuccessful.Rate it:
too good for this worldOut of this world; of exceptionally high quality; wonderful; marvelous.Rate it:
too hot to handleToo extreme, aggressive, risky, or dangerous to deal with given the circumstancesRate it:
too hot to holdA place that has too much police activity to harbor a fugitive unnoticed.Rate it:
too many balls in the airToo many tasks, responsibilities, or details to cope with or manage successfully.Rate it:
too many balls in the airAttempting to accomplish many projects in one time period.Rate it:
too many cooks spoil the brothToo many people involved worsen the outcome/resultRate it:
too muchTo a greater extent than is wanted or required; excessively.Rate it:
too muchTo a sufficiently strong degree to prevent some other action from happening.Rate it:
too much bed makes a dull headToo much inactivity makes one less mentally acute.Rate it:
too rich for one's bloodToo expensive or fancy to suit one's taste or preferences.Rate it:
too young, too simple, sometimes naiveFoolish or imprudent, caused by a lack of social experiences.Rate it:
tool aroundTo drive or jaunt about, going from place to place without any specific direction or goal.Rate it:
tool aroundTo spend one's time idly.Rate it:
tool upTo furnish with equipment.Rate it:
tool upTo arm oneself with a weapon, especially a gun.Rate it:
toot one's own hornTo promote oneself; to boast or brag; to tout.Rate it:
tooth and nailViciously; with all one’s strength or power; without holding back..Rate it:
tooth and nailTaking everything bodily you possibly could offer/ use to get the job or task done, usually referring to an tough battle ahead. Battle usually a physical fight, or harsh obstacles were to be meet with this plight, but you or many were going to give it your all.Rate it:
tooth-and-nailvicious; violent; full of strength and powerRate it:
tooth-and-nailviciously, violentlyRate it:
toothpaste is out of the tubeA situation that cannot be recovered or reversed to its original state.Rate it:
top bananaThe boss, the leader.Rate it:
top bananaThe principal comedian in a vaudeville or burlesque show.Rate it:
Top BananaThe one who leads as a comedian in a show of variety; superiorRate it:
top brassA group of people who are the leaders or heads of an organization.Rate it:
top catSynonym of top dogRate it:
top dogIn a competition, the one expected to win.Rate it:
top dollarThe maximum amount of money that an item, service, or worker is worth; a very high price.Rate it:
top drawerOf the highest quality.Rate it:
Top DrawerThe very best in qualityRate it:

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He's struggling to make _______ meet.
A ends
B calculations
C lives
D friends