
Phrases related to: pleasure principle

Yee yee! We've found 70 phrases and idioms matching pleasure principle.

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agreement in principleA legally enforceable, but incompletely specified, agreement between parties that identifies the fundamental terms that are intended to be or are agreed upon.Rate it:

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dormitive principleWords.Rate it:

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business before pleasureAn admonishment that discharging one's obligations must take precedence over devoting time to pursuits meant solely for one's own gratification.Rate it:

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guilty pleasureSomething that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow.Rate it:

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it's a pleasurePolite reaction after receiving thanks.Rate it:

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to what do I owe the pleasureA question asked to know the reason for being visited by the interlocutor.Rate it:

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with pleasureWillingly; without argumentRate it:

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Dog's LifeA be miserable and awful, to have harsh survival without much pleasure or prosperityRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
get one’s jolliesTo get enjoyment or pleasure from an experience or activity, especially if it is in a generally unpleasant or perverse wayRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
look forward toTo anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure.Rate it:

(5.00 / 6 votes)
Make Your Mouth WaterTo be intimidated by something in such a way that you feel inclined towards it and desperately desire of eating or drinking by feeling pleasureRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
opinio juris sive necessitatisThe principle of International Law where states believe or accept that a practice exists and must be followed because of a rule of Law requiring it, to the extent that it becomes part of the body of norms known as international Customary Law. See the Lotus CaseRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
audi alteram partem"Hear both sides." A legal principle of fairness given to ensure that the accused has the chance to refute an accusation.Rate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
bomb aroundThe drive around at speed for pleasure.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
golden ruleA fundamental rule or principle.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
object lessonAn example that typifies a principle.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
Labour of LoveTo do something free of money, work done for love and pleasure, not for the sake of moneyRate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
cold comfortMuch less reassurance, consolation, aid, or pleasure than one needs or desires.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
oratio in aures influithis words find an easy hearing, are listened to with pleasure.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
a certa ratione proficiscito be based on a sound principle.Rate it:

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afferre alicui laetitiamto give pleasure to some one.Rate it:

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afficere aliquem gaudio, laetitiato give pleasure to some one.Rate it:

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central dogmaThe principle that genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.Rate it:

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cheap thrillSomething simple done for pleasureRate it:

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cui bonoThe principle that the ultimate initiator of an action is likely the person who stands to gain from the action.Rate it:

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delectari aliqua reto take pleasure in a thing.Rate it:

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delight into enjoy; to take pleasure inRate it:

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è un piacereit's a pleasureRate it:

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Fly in the OintmentA small disturbance or irritation which can spoil ones pleasure and excitementRate it:

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for kicksIn order to obtain pleasure or excitement; for fun.Rate it:

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forbidden fruitIllicit pleasure; something that one should not take or get involved with, such as an another person's spouse.Rate it:

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gern geschehenIt's a pleasure.Rate it:

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get a charge out ofTo derive excitement, entertainment, or pleasure from.Rate it:

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get off onTo be excited or aroused by; to derive pleasure from.Rate it:

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go againstTo be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle.Rate it:

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golden ruleThe principle that one should treat other people in the manner in which one would want to be treated by them.Rate it:

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have it largeTo engage intensely in pleasure-seeking activities.Rate it:

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hell raiserwild pleasure seekerRate it:

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homo voluptarius (Tusc. 2. 7. 18)a devotee of pleasure; a self-indulgent man.Rate it:

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in voluptates se mergereto plunge into a life of pleasure.Rate it:

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je le veux bienWith pleasure! I have no objection.Rate it:

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je me fais une fête de passer huit jours à la campagneI look forward with pleasure to the idea of spending a week in the country.Rate it:

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je ne demande pas mieuxNothing would give me greater pleasure.Rate it:

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Jet SetRepresenting people of high class, those who travel in a fashionable manner for pleasureRate it:

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jet setA set of wealthy people who travel for pleasure.Rate it:

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jet-setterA member of the jet set, a rich person who travels for pleasure.Rate it:

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jet-setterA member of the jet set; a rich person who travels for pleasure.Rate it:

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laetitiam capere or percipere ex aliqua reto take pleasure in a thing.Rate it:

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leading manprinciple male actorRate it:

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life's not all skittles and beerSkittles and Beer refers to the carefree, indulgent bar life; skittles being a British pub game. Thus, life's not all skittles and beer means that not everything is about pleasure.Rate it:

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You take my _______ away.
A socks
B cup of tea
C breath
D heart