
Phrases related to: take money unlawfully Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 1,074 phrases and idioms matching take money unlawfully.

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double double, boil and troubleA song/chant/spell witches say while stirring a cauldron and throwing items in the cauldron to brew the spell, usually to put a curse on someone (or to take one off)Rate it:

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double or nothingStatement of bravado. Usually involving a risky or gambling choice to keep going or move forward. Can also be used as a version of: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. -If you don’t take a risk, you’ll not get any reward, if you don’t try something, you won’t get any gainRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
double takerSomething causing someone to do a double takeRate it:

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down lowAfter asking you to "high five" or saying "up top" someone will then say "down low". This means they are asking you to "high five" or tap the palm of their hand with the palm of your hand down lower--about waist high--as they extend their hand out toward you. If you don't respond timely they may take their hand away and say "too slow" then laugh. It's just something Americans do to have fun.Rate it:

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down on one's uppersimpecunious, lacking moneyRate it:

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drink from a firehoseTo take a small amount from an enormous, hard-to-manage quantity.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
drop backOf a quarterback or other player in the backfield, to take a number of steps back from the line of scrimmage immediately after the snap or hike of the ball, to avoid defenders.Rate it:

(4.00 / 3 votes)
drop shipwhen a manufacturer ships products directly to a buyer by arrangement through a seller. The seller makes the sale of the product to the buyer and makes money from the sale without handling the product.Rate it:

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earn one's crustTo earn money, to do something as a job.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
eat the windTo take a walk.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
Eat Your WordsTo admit your mistake humbly; to say sorry for something you did or said; to take your words backRate it:

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eeny meeny miney moe(short version) a way of choosing someone or something by counting off items one by one until the last word falls on a person or item to the full rhyme which is: eeny meany miney moe catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miney moe Whichever item falls on the last word "moe" that's the one that is chosen, for example to be "it" to start a game or to choose sides for teams. There are only four words per line that count. The last line "eeny meeny money moe" was later replaced by My mother said to pick the very best one and you are not it" (all words count for one as each person (item) is tapped.Rate it:

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effundere, profundere pecuniam, patrimoniumto squander one's money, one's patrimony.Rate it:

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en avoir pour son argentto get one's money's worthRate it:

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en être pour ses fraisTo have lost one’s money (or, pains) for nothing.Rate it:

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epistulam deprehendereto take forcible possession of a letter.Rate it:

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étourdir la grosse faimTo take the edge off one’s appetite.Rate it:

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être cousu d'argentTo be made of money; To be rolling in riches.Rate it:

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even moneyBy extension, an event that is somewhat likely to happen, but far from inevitable.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
even moneyA bet which offers odds of 1 to 1.Rate it:

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exceptio non numeratae pecuniaeAn exception whereby a defendant can claim that the plaintiff has not paid the money to him and that therefore the obligation is not owing.Rate it:

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exsurgere altius or incitatius ferrito take a higher tone (especially of poets and orators).Rate it:

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eye for an eye and a tooth for a toothTo take retribution or give penalty similar to the original offense or faultRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
fabulam edereto bring out a play, put it on the stage (used of the man who finds the money).Rate it:

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faire de l'eau (of boats)To take in fresh water.Rate it:

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faire du cuir d'autrui large courroieTo be generous with other people’s money.Rate it:

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faisons un compte rondLet us make it even money.Rate it:

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fall on one's swordTo voluntarily take the blame for a situation.Rate it:

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fat catsPeople who receive too much money for the job they do.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
Feather Your NestTo be more concerned about making money and enriching oneself than doing any good or caring for othersRate it:

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feathered oof-birdAny large, plentiful source or supplier of money.Rate it:

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feed a cold, starve a feverEating more will cure the common cold, and eating less will cure a fever.1887, J. H. Whelan, "The Treatment of Colds.", The Practitioner, vol. 38, pg. 180:"Feed a cold, starve a fever." There is a deal of wisdom in the first part of this advice. A person with a catarrh should take an abundance of light nutritious food, and some light wine, but avoid spirits, and above all tobacco.1968, Katinka Loeser, The Archers at Home, publ. Atheneum, New York, pg. 60:I have a cold. 'Feed a cold, starve a fever.' You certainly know that.2009, Shelly Reuben, Tabula Rasa, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ISBN 015101079X, pg. 60:They say feed a cold, starve a fever, but they don't tell you what to do when you got both, so I figured scrambled eggs, tea, and toast.Rate it:

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fend offTo take defensive action, push against, veer away, avoid, steer away, retreat, tack, give strong vocal or signal warning.Rate it:

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filer à l'anglaiseto take French leaveRate it:

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filer à l'anglaiseTo leave without saying good-bye, without attracting attention; To take French leave.Rate it:

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filthy lucremoney (used with contempt or condemnation)Rate it:

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find a need and fill ithow to make money; a course of action to take in order to create something newRate it:

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Finger in Every PieTo be involved in different activities and matters, to take interest in everythingRate it:

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fire in the bellyThe emotional stamina and vigor, passion, or inner drive to achieve something, to take action, etc.Rate it:

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fish in troubled watersTo take advantage from a chaotic situation.Rate it:

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flat brokeHas no money at allRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
flat outCompletely out of something such as; energy, food or money. Basically to be out of any kind of product.Rate it:

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follow upTo take further actions remaining after an event; to continue, revisit, or persist; especially, to maintain communication.Rate it:

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for my moneyUsed to mark a statement made by the speaker as an opinion or something not known with certainty.Rate it:

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for what it’s worthIdiomatic phrase used to introduce one’s opinion or advice on a topic or situation - usually spoken with a guarded degree of modesty, uncertainty, or an expectation that the receiver is not bound to heed the speaker’s words. Interchangeable with the phrase, ‘take it or leave it.’Rate it:

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forbidden fruitIllicit pleasure; something that one should not take or get involved with, such as an another person's spouse.Rate it:

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fortune favors the boldLuck is usually on the side of those who take chances and risks.Rate it:

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Forty WinksTo take some sleep for shorter period of time, a brief napRate it:

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forward-leaningDisposed to take action or to exercise initiative; aggressive; bold.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
frigidā, calidā lavari (Plin. Ep. 3. 5. 11)to take a cold, warm, bath.Rate it:

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