
Phrases related to: now that you mention it Page #24

Yee yee! We've found 1,703 phrases and idioms matching now that you mention it.

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leave well enough aloneDo not interfere, change, disturb, get involved or try to make a situation better because you might make a situation worse; (also known as "let well enough alone" "leave well alone and "let well alone")Rate it:

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left fieldThe part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and to your left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher.Rate it:

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les finances sont en ce moment dans un pétrin impossibleThe finances are in horrible disorder just now.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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les jeux sont faitsThings have reached an irreversible point; you cannot go back now that you have done something.Rate it:

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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayTo do what seems right, just and proper to you without caring much about the consequencesRate it:

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life is like a box of chocolatesLife is full of surprises, you never know what will happen next.Rate it:

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like a moth to a flameIt’s an expression that indicates you’re drawn to something that will harm youRate it:

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like, whoa!Slow down; stop; you are going too fast.Rate it:

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LMGTFYInitialism of let me google that for you.Rate it:

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lo que digaswhatever you sayRate it:

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locked in loveSomeone is obsessed with you that they ruin your life.Rate it:

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long time no hearI haven't heard from you for a long time.Rate it:

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long time no seeI haven't seen you for a long time.Rate it:

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macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.Rate it:

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maintenant qu'il est riche, il s'en donne de la bonne façonNow he is rich, he refuses himself nothing.Rate it:

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maintenant, à nous deux!Now I will settle with you; Now is the time for a private explanation; Now to business.Rate it:

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make a meal ofThat is the eleventh edit that you have made to that word, you are really making a meal of it.Rate it:

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make no apologiesTo believe that what you have done is acceptable.Rate it:

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make one's bed and lie in itTo create a difficult situation whose unpleasant consequences one must now endure.Rate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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me gustasI like you; I fancy you.Rate it:

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me voilà quitte envers luiI owe him nothing now.Rate it:

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ménagez un peu vos termesModerate your expressions a little; Be a little careful in what you say.Rate it:

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mentio alicuius rei inciditto mention a thing incidentally, casually.Rate it:

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mentionem facere alicuius rei or de aliqua reto mention a thing.Rate it:

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mentionem inicere de aliqua re or Acc. c. mention a thing incidentally, casually.Rate it:

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merci mille foisthank you a thousand timesRate it:

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mi manchiI miss youRate it:

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Midas TouchThe ability to make large money and succeed with whatever you doRate it:

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mind your own businessMind your own business means that we should do our work we should not bother about any others work; pay attention to what you are doing and not to what I am doing.Rate it:

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mocking is catchingAn admonishment to be careful of criticising others, lest the same happen to you.Mocking is Catching was the title of a 1726 song by Henry Carey.Rate it:

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Money Burns a Hole in Your PocketSomeone who is always eager to spend the money, couldn’t resist from spending the money as soon as you have itRate it:

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money doesn't grow on treesYou must work in order to have money.Rate it:

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monitored by exceptionBy monitoring eks. hardware you can do it by exception as you can or will not monitore all components.Rate it:

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monkeys might fly out of my buttusually used as a response (often with hint of sarcasm) to a situation that you think there is no chance of ever occurringRate it:

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MTFBWYInitialism of may the Force be with you.Rate it:

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muito obrigadathank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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muito obrigadothank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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muito prazerpleased to meet youRate it:

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my footIndicates disapproval, disregard, disdain, disgust or disbelief; "my foot" is said after you say something to show emphatically that you do not believe something is trueRate it:

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my way or the highwayYou can do it my way or you can leave - go down the highway (be excluded)Rate it:

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não há de quêyou're welcomeRate it:

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não me digayou don't sayRate it:

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narmeanEye dialect spelling of do you know what I mean.Rate it:

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ne l'offensez pas, car vous n'y trouverez pas votre compteDo not offend him, for you would get more than you cared for.Rate it:

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ne vous en avisez pasYou had better not.Rate it:

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necesita usted ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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necesitáis ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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necesitan ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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Ollie Ollie ___________ free.
A Otts and
B Mocks and
C Moxy
D Oxen