
Phrases related to: gonna get over you Page #39

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flumen extra ripas diffluitthe river is over its banks, is in flood.Rate it:

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flumen ponte iungereto build a bridge over a river.Rate it:

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flumen super ripas effunditurthe river is over its banks, is in flood.Rate it:

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Fly Off the HandleTo get extremely furious and angry, unable to control temperRate it:

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Fly the CoopTo move or leave secretly from a place or situation, to run away or get way or escapeRate it:

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forbidden fruitIllicit pleasure; something that one should not take or get involved with, such as an another person's spouse.Rate it:

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forewarned is forearmedAdvance awareness of a situation, especially a risky one, prepares one to deal with it.1863, Charles Reade, Hard Cash, ch. 4:[W]hatever a young gentleman of that age says to you, he says to many other ladies; but your experience is not equal to your sense; so profit by mine . . . forewarned is forearmed.1885, G. A. Henty, Saint George for England, ch. 4:Sometimes, they say, it is wiser to remain in ignorance; at other times forewarned is forearmed.circa 1903, Lucy Maud Montgomery, "Why Mr. Cropper Changed His Mind":"Well, Miss Maxwell, I think it only fair to tell you that you may have trouble with those boys when they do come. Forewarned is forearmed, you know."Rate it:

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fork outTo pay out, to hand overRate it:

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Four Corners of the EarthFrom all across the world, from all over the placeRate it:

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from here to sundayEverywhere; all over the place.Rate it:

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from stem to sternOver the full length of a ship or boat, from the front end of the vessel to the back end.Rate it:

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from those to whom much is given, much is expectedThe more you are given, the more responsibility you have to give to others. This reminds us not to be selfish. You have not been blessed so that you can have for yourself. You are blessed so that you have more ability to share with others and be an example for them.Rate it:

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fucking a right!Absolutely! Phrases with similar meaning: "Does a bear sshit in the woods? "You bet your sweet ass!"Rate it:

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full of himself/herselfThe self-centered individual awash with a smattering of ego expresses an all-knowing, all familiar, par excellence in the extreme. If someone said this about themselves, you could say that they are full of themselves, or "He's full of himself."Rate it:

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gain onTo get the better of; to have the advantage of.Rate it:

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gardez-vous en bien!Mind you do not do it!Rate it:

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GBTWInitialism of get back to work.Rate it:

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gern geschehenYou're welcome: a response to an expression of thanks.Rate it:

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geschehen ist geschehenno use crying over spilt milk.Rate it:

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gettiGet to itRate it:

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gettin' jiggy wit itshort for "getting jiggy with it"; to get excitedly energetic while dancingRate it:

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give a man a fishShortened form of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetimeRate it:

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give awayTo relinquish control over.Rate it:

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give awayTo formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom; often by her father.Rate it:

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give hostage to fortuneTo take an action or make a statement that is risky because it could cause you trouble later.Rate it:

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give it a twistIf you have trouble getting it to work right, try giving it a twist.Rate it:

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give snackTo ask for something. Created to ask for something that you want, mostly in a sport when asking for the ball, hacky sack, or anything that you want that someone else is holding.Rate it:

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give somebody the slipTo evade, escape, or get away from somebody.Rate it:

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Give Up the GhostStop trying or give up when you know it is useless and you will not succeedRate it:

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Give Your Eyeteeth for SomethingWilling to sacrifice something valuable to get something else, desperately wanting somethingRate it:

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gladius cervicibus impendeta sword hangs over his neck.Rate it:

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glauben Sie an Gottdo you believe in GodRate it:

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glaubst du an Gottdo you believe in God?Rate it:

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go and boil your headgo away; get lostRate it:

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go and eat cokego away; get lostRate it:

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Go BananasBe crazy or get weird, to act in an odd, silly mannerRate it:

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go by the boardTo fall or to go overboard; to be cast over the side of a ship.Rate it:

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go forTo go somewhere in order to get something.Rate it:

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Go for BrokeTo strive hard or risk everything to achieve a big goal, toil hard to get somethingRate it:

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go for the gustoTo give your best; get everything out of life you can get; reach for the goal; have the best experienceRate it:

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go intoTo get involved in.Rate it:

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go onleave; the speaker is telling you to leaveRate it:

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go on gitleave! short for Go on, get out of here!; the speaker is telling the listener to leave, emphatically; also often said to animals to chase them awayRate it:

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go play in the trafficTo go elsewhere and feel free to engage in risky behavior; get lost.Rate it:

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go soak your headSynonym of get bentRate it:

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go take a jump in the lake!a rude way of telling someone to go away and stop annoying you.Rate it:

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go toTo get to work; (imperatively) come on.Rate it:

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go wildGo ahead; do as you please used to grant permission for or to give endorsement of a suggestion or proposal, especially when the speaker is not interested in the outcome of the proposal.Rate it:

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god willing and the creeks don't riseA way of answering 'yes' when someone asks if you are going to do something; the same as saying, "Yes, I will, unless something happens to prevent me that I cannot control"; if it is God's will and no disasters happenRate it:

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god works in mysterious waysExpressing confidence that a conundrum has a solution despite it not being apparent.Expressing that a seemingly unfortunate or unfavourable situation or change may be beneficial later or in the long run.Person A: It seems that I'm about to be fired from my job.Person B: Well, God works in mysterious ways - maybe it'll be the kick you need to apply to university...Rate it:

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There's no use in __________ over spilled milk.
A weeping
B laughing
C crying
D screaming