
Phrases related to: united self-defense group of colombia Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 376 phrases and idioms matching united self-defense group of colombia.

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roble negroÁrbol que forma bosques en las partes bajas de las montañas andinas en Colombia.Rate it:

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rogues' galleryA group of lawbreakers or other disreputable characters.Rate it:

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roll withTo spend time; to be someone's companion or part of a group with someone.Rate it:

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rooting interesta desire for, or interest in, the success of a particular person or group, often a sports teamRate it:

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rotten eggA person who is the latest, the last, or the slowest in a group at performing a certain task, especially at going to a certain place.Rate it:

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rubber bandself explanatoryRate it:

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rule the dayTo set the standard which guides behavior; to control a situation, group, strategy, etc.Rate it:

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rule the roostTo be the controlling member(s) of a family, organization, or other group.Rate it:

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rule the school(of one or a group of students) To socially dominate a school's student population, or a major part of it (such as the girls or the boys).Rate it:

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rumor millA group or network of persons who originate or promulgate gossip and other unsubstantiated claims.Rate it:

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run rings aroundTo demonstrate superiority, or greater skill than another person, team or group of people.Rate it:

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San Andrés y ProvidenciaDepartamento y archipiélago de Colombia, ubicado en el mar Caribe. Coordenadas decimales: 12.570648,-81.710815; 13.336175,-81.375732°. Su territorio ocupa una superficie de 52,5 km².Rate it:

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sawdust trailThe route followed by an itinerant Christian preacher in the United States.Rate it:

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sawdust trailThe path to spiritual redemption or salvation, especially as involving attendance at Christian revival meetings presided over by itinerant preachers in the United States.Rate it:

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selective outrageWhen one's prejudiced or biased demeanours come to light to show their disgrace towards a particular group she another group has done the same thing.Rate it:

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sell awayTo sell all of an item or group of items.Rate it:

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set the paceTo establish the speed for a group to move at, for example in a race.Rate it:

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share and share alikeTo divide possessions, benefits, or obligations equally among members of a group.Rate it:

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shout outwhen used as a noun, a shout out means to publicly greet or acknowledge a person, group, or organization; see also shout out when used as a verb - to shout outRate it:

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show the flagTo represent one's country or some other group in a manner intended to suggest the authority or importance of that country or group.Rate it:

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shower of shitAn individual or group.Rate it:

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sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsumto have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations.Rate it:

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sick manA weak member of a peer group, especially the weakest.Rate it:

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single outTo select one from a group and treat differently.Rate it:

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skunk at a garden partyWithin a group, someone who is unwelcome and actively avoided.Rate it:

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slow marchA manner of walking in which a person or group proceeds at a controlled pace in a deliberate, steady, rhythmic manner.Rate it:

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SLRself-loading rifleRate it:

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snake oilA type of 19th century patent medicine sold in the United States that claimed to contain snake fat, supposedly a Native American remedy for various ailments.Rate it:

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soft touchA person or group which is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one which loans or readily gives money to another.Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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sort outTo separate from the remainder of a group; often construed with from.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who plays a leading or substantial role as a supporter, proponent, etc. representing a group, cause, or point of view.Rate it:

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stack upTo put a group of abstract things together.Rate it:

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stanStan must be one of the most famous Kpop slang. it is an acronym of stalker + fan and is self-explanatory. when kpoppers call themselves Stan, they mean to distinguish themselves from being just an ordinary fan.Rate it:

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stand up and be countedTo take significant individual action to help a group effort.Rate it:

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stand up forTo speak or act in support or defense of.Rate it:

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stew in one's juicesTo be alone and self-absorbed in an uncomfortable state of mind, especially while experiencing the unpleasant effects of one's own actions.Rate it:

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stock phraseA phrase frequently or habitually used by a person or group, and thus associated with them.Rate it:

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Stuffed ShirtA self-conceited person who brags about himself, to give self-importanceRate it:

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sum of its partsA concept in holism. Related to the idea that the total effectiveness of a group of things each interacting with one another is different or greater than their effectiveness when acting in isolation from one another.Rate it:

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take sidesTo ally oneself with a given opinion, agenda or group; to support one side or viewpoint in a competition or confrontation.Rate it:

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take the leadTo assume leadership over a group.Rate it:

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take up the cudgel forTo make a defense for in lieu of another person.Rate it:

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task forceA group of people working towards a particular task, project, or activity, especially assigned in a particular capacity.Rate it:

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thankyousomuchEquivalent to, eg: "Thank you very much", self-evidently an expression of great thanks.Rate it:

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Thatcher's childrenPeople who grew up or were born in the United Kingdom during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) and who adopted the ideology of Thatcherism.Rate it:

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the good doctorsplural of the good doctor. An honorific for a group of doctors, especially for a group of doctors of medicine.Rate it:

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the natives are restlessA group of agitated people—such as a set of residents, customers, or citizens—is expressing annoyance, distress, or other discomposure.Rate it:

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think tankA group of which performs research and develops reports and recommendations on topics relating to strategic planning or public policy, and which is usually funded by corporations, interest groups, or government.Rate it:

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Three StoogesA group of three stupid people.Rate it:

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