Found 197 phrases starting with HE: Page #4


hell on earthA very unpleasant situation; torment, particularly when widespread.Rate it:
hell on wheelsTough, aggressive, lawless, wild.Rate it:
hell or high waterHighly adverse circumstances; acts of God.Rate it:
hell raiserwild pleasure seekerRate it:
hell to payVery unpleasant consequences; a great deal of trouble.Rate it:
hell weekThe week during which new members are required to undergo undignified rites of initiation or gruelling discipline in order to be accepted into a fraternity, sorority, secret society, military group, etc.Rate it:
hell, fire and brimstonehorror and destructionRate it:
hell-bentstubbornly and often recklessly determined; cleaned up version: heck-bentRate it:
hello am homeKnock knock to anybody home, am just coming in nowRate it:
hello assus marines drill instructor lingoRate it:
hello!A very commonly used greetingRate it:
help ever, hurt never, love all, serve allHumanity is very essential and core of life.Rate it:
help is on the wayhelp is on the wayRate it:
help oneselfTake freely.Rate it:
help outTo provide additional assistanceRate it:
help wantedIndicates that a position of employment is open.Rate it:
helping handAny assistance, help or aid.Rate it:
hem and hawTo discuss, deliberate, or contemplate rather than taking action.Rate it:
hem inenclose, confineRate it:
hen's teethAnything very rare or impossible to obtain is said to be like finding hen’s teeth.Rate it:
hen's teethPlural form of hen's tooth.Rate it:
hen's toothAnything not naturally occuring.Rate it:
hens' teethAlternative form of hen's teeth.Rate it:
her gunt is massiveShe has a Belly and Fanny which combines to make a GUNTRate it:
herd catsTo attempt to control those resistant to control.Rate it:
herd togetherTo push people or animals into a group, as a herd.Rate it:
here and nowimmediatelyRate it:
here and thereFrom time to time.Rate it:
here and thereIn one place and another.Rate it:
here be dragonsA place/thing that has not yet been ventured; unfamiliar territoryRate it:
here goes nothingIndicates a lack of confidence or certainty about the activity about to be tried.Rate it:
here liesWritten on gravestones followed by the buried person's name.Rate it:
here to staypresent, and set to remain permanently.Rate it:
here today, gone tomorrowRefers to things that come then go quickly because they seem to be here one day then gone the next dayRate it:
here we goan expression of frustration upon seeing or hearing something bad repeated.Rate it:
here we go againan expression of frustration upon seeing something bad repeated.Rate it:
here you areSaid when you hand something over to someone or do a favour to them, usually to draw the recipient's attention to the exchange; Equivalent to “thank you” when receiving something..Rate it:
here you goAlternative form of here you are.Rate it:
here's your signA sarcastic remark and gesture that is said and done when someone says something stupid. This is said while holding the back of your right hand in a fist to your forehead with the index finger and thumb extended to form an "L" for "Loser." This is done and said to someone when they ask an obvious question and they should have known the answer; it points out to someone how dumb the question was that they just asked.Rate it:
here's looking at youA toast made to a friend or acquaintance when drinking an alcoholic beverage.Rate it:
here's mud in your eyeA good-natured toast used when drinking an alcoholic beverage.Rate it:
here's the thingPrecedes the key point of an explanation.Rate it:
here's toDenoting proposed salutation while drinking alcohol, toast.Rate it:
hereinaboveAbove this, in this document.Rate it:
hesiod says: even a fool after suffering gets him knowledge; the italians: can scotato da l'acqua calda ha paura poi della freddaA dog burnt by hot water afterwards fears cold.]Rate it:
het upangry or excitedRate it:
hew outcarve out, or cut out a form, or to make something hollow by using heavy cutting tools such as an axe.Rate it:

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A charm
B dream
C jewel
D diamond