Found 378 phrases starting with HO:


ho thereShortening of hello there.Rate it:
hocus pocuschicaneryRate it:
hog heavenA state of contented bliss.Rate it:
hoi polloithe masses, the general populace, the common people; in America it can carry a negative connotation depending on the context (as though commoners don't belong amongst the rich (high society) but it is not inherently derogatoryRate it:
hoist by one's own petardTo be hurt, or destroyed by one's own plot or device, of one's own doing which one intended for another; to be "blown up by one's own bomb".Rate it:
hoity toityhaughty; snobbish; a phrase used to describe people who think they are better than other peopleRate it:
hold a candleTo compare; to be even remotely of the same quality, skill, etc. as another.Rate it:
Hold a Candle toLow grade or low standard, inferior and not comparable to someone in talent and abilityRate it:
hold a grudgeFar longer than is reasonable.Rate it:
hold a lightSynonym of hold a candleRate it:
hold againstTo think less of for.Rate it:
hold all the acesTo be in a strong position when one is competing with someone else, having all the advantages.Rate it:
hold all the acesTo have all advantagesRate it:
hold aloftTo elevate; to maintain at an elevated altitude.Rate it:
hold backTo act with reserve; to contain one's full measure or power.Rate it:
hold backTo contain; stop.Rate it:
hold backTo delay, especially in school.Rate it:
hold cheapTo have a low esteem for; to look down upon; to hold in contempt.Rate it:
hold courtTo preside in a formal manner over an official assembly of courtiers and others in which entertainment is presented or affairs of state are considered.Rate it:
hold courtTo convene or preside over a trial or other legal proceeding in a court of law.Rate it:
hold courtTo serve as the principal discussant or center of attention in an informal gathering of friends, associates, etc.Rate it:
hold downTo restrain; to check.Rate it:
hold downTo continue, to hold and to manage well.Rate it:
hold forthTalk at great length; expatiate; harangue.Rate it:
hold forthTo extend or offer, propose.Rate it:
hold inTo keep to oneself; to prevent from escaping.Rate it:
hold inTo restrain oneself.Rate it:
hold itWait a minute; stop.Rate it:
hold itTo wait to excrete when one needs to.Rate it:
hold itUsed other than as an idiom: see hold, it.Rate it:
hold it down like a million poundsStaying true.Staying loyal .Holding it down a phrase used as a greetingRate it:
hold it togetherSynonym of cope : to remain calm in adversity, to successfully manage one's difficulties.Rate it:
hold my beerI am about to do something crazy or difficult.Rate it:
hold offTo delay someone or something temporarily; to keep at bay.Rate it:
hold offTo delay commencing an action (until some specified time or event has passed).Rate it:
hold onWait a short while.Rate it:
hold onTo hold, grasp, or grip.Rate it:
hold onTo keep; to store something for someone.Rate it:
hold onmaintain a graspRate it:
hold on to your seatPrepare for: something exciting or unexpected, e.g. a bumpy ride, a shocking revelation, “you may want to avert your eyes”Rate it:
hold one's waternot have to pee; try not to urinateRate it:
hold one's breathTo wait, as if breathlessly.Rate it:
hold one's breathTo inhale and then intentionally close the epiglottis so that one's breath is not exhaled.Rate it:
hold one's head highto act with pride; to be proud in a positive wayRate it:
hold one's horsesTo be patient; to wait.Rate it:
hold one's liquorTo be resistant to intoxication or to show few signs of intoxication, even after consuming a significant amount of alcohol.Rate it:
hold one's nerveTo stay calm facing nervousness.Rate it:
hold one's ownTo stand up to; to give a respectable performance; to provide worthy competition.Rate it:
hold one's peaceTo refrain from speaking; to be silent.Rate it:
hold one's tongueTo keep quiet; especially, to leave something unsaid.Rate it:

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_______ out a living.
A eke
B break
C make
D fake