Found 378 phrases starting with HO: Page #6


hospital passA poorly executed pass to a team-mate causing the receiver to present an easy target for a defender, and thus be tackled hard.Rate it:
hospital passA throw that stays in the air long enough that it allows too many people to get underneath it, increasing the risk of injury and a trip to the hospital. Thus, a hospital pass.Rate it:
hospital passAn unwinnable case, often passed to a newly-qualified member of the firm.Rate it:
hospital passExempting one from regular activities, to instead visit a hospital.Rate it:
hostess with the mostestA good hostessRate it:
hot airboastful talkRate it:
hot airempty talkRate it:
hot and botheredaroused, especially sexuallyRate it:
hot and botheredaggravated or irritatedRate it:
hot and coldAmbivalent; having conflicting emotions.Rate it:
hot and heavyEnthusiastic.Rate it:
hot and heavyPassionate.Rate it:
hot buttonA central issue, concern or characteristic, especially one that motivates people to make a choice.Rate it:
hot buttonThe principal desire that a salesman needs to "hit" in order to make a sale.Rate it:
hot chocolatewarm drinkRate it:
hot cross bunsgood friday cakesRate it:
hot damn!It is usually used when one is very much pleased/excited.Rate it:
hot deskingThe working practice of sharing desks or workstations between workers, as a means of saving space and resources.Rate it:
hot dogsausage in a rollRate it:
hot dogfrankfurter in a rollRate it:
hot handA sustained period of luck or success, a streak of good luckRate it:
hot lunchA sexual act in which a pouch of clingfilm or similar material filled with faeces is placed in one of the participants' mouth and subsequently penetrated by the second participant.Rate it:
hot messA warm meal, usually cooked in a large pot, often similar to a stew or porridge; or, service of such a heated meal to soldiers.Rate it:
hot messRefers to a person, thing, or situation in such a state of disarray or disapproval by peers, often in reference to physical appearance, perceived to be disastrously embarrassing, pitiful, or beyond repair.Rate it:
hot off the pressesFreshly printed, minted, written, or created.Rate it:
hot onEnthusiastic for.Rate it:
hot onKnowledgeable about.Rate it:
hot onSkilled at.Rate it:
hot on somebody's heelsClose behind; pursuing or following closely.Rate it:
hot on someone's heelsClose behind; pursuing or following closely.Rate it:
hot potatoA child's game in which players pass a ball or other item between them, with the object of avoiding being left holding the item when time expires.Rate it:
hot potatoAn awkward or delicate problem with which nobody wants to be associated.Rate it:
hot shitAn exceptionally impressive person or thingRate it:
Hot ShotSharp Person, Really With-It, "In the Swing of It, Svelte, Mayhaps Be Swell? Sophisticated. Sharp Kat et alRate it:
hot spotdangerous place; accident placeRate it:
hot spotlively placeRate it:
hot stuffAn attractive person, often used as a come-on or pickup line.Rate it:
hot stuffSomething excellent or exciting.Rate it:
hot stuffA roofing worker's term for hot bitumen.Rate it:
hot stuffUsed other than as an idiom: see hot, stuff. (colloquial)Rate it:
hot to trotEager for sexual activity.Rate it:
hot to trotEager to begin; anxious to get going.Rate it:
hot under the collarTo be enraged; angry, very much upset about somethingRate it:
hot upTo increase in temperature.Rate it:
hot upTo become more heated.Rate it:
hot waterUsed other than as an idiom: see hot, water.Rate it:
hot watera dangerous situation; troubleRate it:
hot waterfierce criticismRate it:
hot waxWax is heated to remove hair from sensitive areas.Rate it:
hotfoot itTo hasten; to move rapidly.Rate it:

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