Found 378 phrases starting with HO: Page #8


how much is ithow much does it cost?Rate it:
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?a tongue twister; if spoken over and over this phrase is hard to say without making a mistakeRate it:
how old are youAsks the interlocutor to give his or her age.Rate it:
how old are youUsed to question the mental age of the interlocutor.Rate it:
how rude!something said to emphasize or point out that someone has just said or done something rudeRate it:
how soHow?; In what way?Rate it:
how soWhy?; For what reason?Rate it:
how the mighty have fallenUsed to imply the decline of a once-great person or entity.Rate it:
how the other half livesThe comfortable, luxurious lifestyles of those who are very wealthy.Rate it:
how the sausage gets madeThe way in which a process or activity is carried on behind the scenes.Rate it:
how's aboutAlternative form of how aboutRate it:
how's everythingAn informal greeting, asking how a person's life is going.Rate it:
how's it goinghow are you?Rate it:
how's it hanginghow are you?Rate it:
how's lifeAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are youRate it:
how's thatUsed to ask someone to repeat somethingRate it:
how's thatUsed to ask someone to explain somethingRate it:
how's thatUsed to make an appeal to the umpire if the batsman is out or notRate it:
how's that againUsed to ask someone to repeat somethingRate it:
how's the weatherAn inquiry about the weather.Rate it:
how's the weatherIndicating a change of subject to unimportant topics.Rate it:
how's the weather up thereAsked to tall people or someone that is at a high vantage point, either literally or metaphorically.Rate it:
how's thingsAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are you?Rate it:
how's tricksInformal greeting roughly equivalent to How are you?.Rate it:
how-d'ye-doA troublesome state of affairs.Rate it:
howdedoEye dialect spelling of how do you do.Rate it:
howdy-doSame as how-d'ye-do.Rate it:
howl outTo shout or cheer.Rate it:

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I wouldn't eat that; better safe than _______.
A at risk
B hungry
C worried
D sorry