Found 561 phrases starting with TH: Page #5


the more things change, the more they stay the sameA proverb making the observation that turbulent changes do not affect reality on a deeper level other than to cement the status quo.Rate it:
the name of the gameThe overall purpose; the principal goal, or objective.Rate it:
the natives are getting restlessAlternative form of the natives are restlessRate it:
the natives are restlessA group of agitated people—such as a set of residents, customers, or citizens—is expressing annoyance, distress, or other discomposure.Rate it:
the nature of the beastThe inherent aspects or characteristics of a given thing or situation, especially a difficult or negative oneRate it:
the night is youngIt's not very late and there's plenty of time.Rate it:
the nose knowsDespite the addressee's belief that the speaker was unaware of something, the speaker, in fact, was already aware.Rate it:
the nut does not fall far from the tree!The human demeanor, conduct, mannerisms, appearances, tendencies, genes, in many instances often closely resemble those of the immediate forbears.Rate it:
the old woman is plucking her gooseIt is snowing.Rate it:
the one who always envies someone in society, will never live in gaietyThis idiom means that if a person spends time complaining, criticizing and whining about what everyone else does, owns, or how successful other people are about their financial situation, job career, or results they get, instead of focusing and trying their best to improve one's situation, the only consequence is that this behavior will keep them in the guts, that is, at a lower life level than the one they wish to be.Rate it:
the other dayRecently; lately; a few days ago.Rate it:
the pants offAn intensifier used with some transitive action verbs to indicate that the action is performed with thoroughness, vigor, or complete success.Rate it:
the party is overAn irresponsible or carefree period has ended; it is time to be serious or take responsibility.Rate it:
the pen is mightier than the swordMore influence and power can be usurped by writing than by fighting.Rate it:
the penny dropsUnderstanding is reached; one comprehends.Rate it:
the pick of the litterThe absolute best one has to offer.Rate it:
the pinnacle of love, is seen in the mother's actions which are rarely self-realized.When one looks across humanity and the animal kingdom alike. One can see that the mother who gives birth, time and time again, will risk life and limb to secure their offspring.Rate it:
the pitsSomething miserable or unpleasant.Rate it:
the place to beA great, trendy, or perfectly suitable placeRate it:
the plot thickensUsed, often ironically, to describe an increasingly complex or mysterious situation.Rate it:
the plural of anecdote is not dataanecdotal evidence is not adequate to prove somethingRate it:
the princeSon of an emperorRate it:
the proof is in the puddingAlternative form of the proof of the pudding is in the eating.Rate it:
the proof of the pudding is in the eatingThe only real test of something is if it does that for which it was intendedRate it:
the qualityThe upper class, the high society, the gentry; the people of quality.Rate it:
the rabbit diedA statement spoken to indicate one's own pregnancy, or that someone has found out they are pregnant.Rate it:
the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:
the reality isThe truth isRate it:
the rest is historyUsed to indicate that one does not need to give extra details about a story as it is too complicated or already well-known.Rate it:
the road to hell is paved with good intentionswell-intended acts can lead to disasterRate it:
the rubber hits the roadAlternative form of the rubber meets the roadRate it:
the rubber meets the roadUsed other than as an idiom: see rubber, meet, road.Rate it:
the rubber meets the roadA place or circumstance at which the implementation of a plan or intent is to be achieved.Rate it:
the salt of the earthwonderfulRate it:
the screwing you get isn't worth the screwing you getAlternative form of the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get.Rate it:
the screwing you get isn't worth the screwing you takeAlternative form of the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get.Rate it:
the screwing you get isn't worth the screwing you're going to getAlternative form of the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get.Rate it:
the shoe is on the other footThe roles of people in a situation have been reversed, such the advantage has shifted to a party which was previously disadvantaged.Rate it:
the shoemaker's children go barefootOne often neglects those closest to oneself.Rate it:
the showThe major leagues.Rate it:
the show must go onOne must finish what one has started; things must continue no matter what.Rate it:
the silence of a lion is not that he is a fool but for determination and accuracy.To concentrate before making a job - isn't a weakness. As Lions, whom are fierce predators that often stalk their prey before attacking. Their attacks cause prey to panic and disperse, allowing the lions to isolate and attack a weaker or slower individual.Rate it:
the sky is the limitNothing is impossible or out of reachRate it:
the sky is the moonA new modern combination of "the sky is the limit" and "shoot for the moon".Rate it:
the smartest, clearer person probably has no friendshumility is a virtue!Rate it:
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak(proverbs) For much as one wishes to achieve something, the frailties of the human body often make it impossible.Rate it:
the squeaky wheel gets the grease/oilThe most noticeable, or loudest person gets the most attention.Rate it:
the story goesThe story is usually depicted as follows.Rate it:
the straw that broke the camel's backA small and seemingly insignificant addition to a burden that renders it too much to bear; the small thing which causes failure, or causes inability or unwillingness to endure any more of something.Rate it:
the straw that broke the camel's backMy patience has finally run out.Rate it:

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Nah don't pay any attention to them, they're only ________ tears.
A fake
B alligator
C fish
D crocodile