Found 149 phrases starting with TI: Page #2


tight lippedNot speaking; silent.Rate it:
tight lipsOf a person, silence or reticence.Rate it:
tight shipA well-organized and highly disciplined organization.Rate it:
tight spotA difficult position.Rate it:
tight-lippedHaving the lips pressed together.Rate it:
tight-lippedUnwilling to divulge information.Rate it:
tighten one's beltTo be more frugal. To make difficult economic savings due to a lowering of expected income.Rate it:
tighten the purse stringsTo decrease spending or disallow increased spending; to increase control of spending.Rate it:
tighten upTo make sufficiently tight.Rate it:
tighten upTo fix something or make it correct.Rate it:
tighten upTo become tense and restrained.Rate it:
tighten upTo become stringent and ungenerous.Rate it:
tighten upTo become focused and serious; To stop any vacillation or inconsistency.Rate it:
Tighten Your BeltLiving in financial constraints; making sacrifice and diminishing the living standardsRate it:
tighter than Dick's hatbandAlternative form of as tight as Dick's hatbandRate it:
tightfistedBeyond thrifty or just frugal, someone unwilling to spend any money.Rate it:
till death do us partA common phrase said between the bride and the groom at a Christian wedding, indicating togetherness and commitment.Rate it:
Till The Cows Come HomeFor a very long timeRate it:
till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:
tilt at windmillsTo attack imaginary enemies.Rate it:
tilt at windmillsTo go on a wild goose chase; to persistently engage in a futile activity.Rate it:
tilting at windmillsTilting at windmills is an English idiom which means "attacking imaginary enemies", originating from Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote.Rate it:
time after timeAgain and again; repeatedly; every time; always.Rate it:
time alone will tellAlternative form of time will tellRate it:
time and materialA form of contractual compensation involving payment for materials used and at agreed rates for the those involved in performing the services.Rate it:
time and tideShortened form of time and tide wait for no manRate it:
time and tide tarry for no manAlternative form of time and tide wait for no man.Rate it:
time and tide wait for no manpeople cannot stop the passing of time, and therefore we should not delay doing thingsRate it:
time banditSomething or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.Rate it:
time burglarSomething or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.Rate it:
time fliesTime seems to pass quickly. Time flies when you're having fun.Rate it:
time flies when you're having funTime seems to pass quicker when one is enjoying oneself.Rate it:
time heals all woundsNegative feelings eventually erode awayRate it:
time is moneyWhen a person's time is not used productively; time is valuable and should not be wasted.Rate it:
time is of the essenceTime is an essential consideration; haste is necessary.Rate it:
time is of the essenceFailure to complete the required performance by the date certain set forth will constitute an incurable breach.Rate it:
time moves onNo one can control time. It goes on anyway.Rate it:
time of the monthThe time when a woman is menstruating.Rate it:
time offA period of time where one is not required to work.Rate it:
time outTo call for a suspension of activity or conversation.Rate it:
time outTo call for a time-out.Rate it:
time out of mindA lengthy duration of time, longer than is readily remembered.Rate it:
time out of mindThe distant past beyond anyone's memory.Rate it:
time out of mind1) The distant past beyond memory 2) A time in the past that was so long ago that people have no knowledge or memory of it.Rate it:
time stands still for no oneNo one can control timeRate it:
time thiefSomething or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.Rate it:
time will tellThe results of an action cannot be known beforehand.Rate it:
time you got a watchA phrase used to reply to the question what time is it?.Rate it:
time's upThe deadline has passed; there is no more available time.Rate it:
timeserverA device, node or program that distributes the correct time to clients in a network.Rate it:

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You can't have your ____ and eat it too.
A Cake
B Chicken
C Fish
D Bologna