Found 107 phrases starting with TR: Page #2


tried and trueWell-established and tested; known to work or succeed based on extensive experience.Rate it:
tried and trueThe expression conveys the theme that certain agendas, thrusts, actions approaches, formulas, have proven to be creditable, dependable, helpful, workable.Rate it:
trifle withto toy withRate it:
trifle withto mockRate it:
trigger-happyHaving a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly before adequately identifying the target.Rate it:
trigger-happyInclined to behave recklessly, especially with machinery.Rate it:
trigger-happyInclined to react excessively or violently at the slightest provocation.Rate it:
trim upTo put up trimmings, especially at Christmas.Rate it:
trip ballsExperiencing severe drug-induced hallucinatory trip.Rate it:
trip outTo hallucinate as a result of drugs.Rate it:
trip outTo have a fit, to become enraged.Rate it:
trip outTo have as an image in one's mind.Rate it:
Trip the Light FantasticDancing in a versatile manner; to danceRate it:
trip to the woodshedAn occasion on which a reprimand or punishment is administered.Rate it:
trip upTo commit an error, make a mistake.Rate it:
trip upTo cause to commit an error, trick into a mistake.Rate it:
trip upTo fall or stumble.Rate it:
trip upTo cause to fall or stumble.Rate it:
triple threatgood at everything, do three things well at the same timeRate it:
Trojan-horseTo introduce slyly, to sneak in.Rate it:
trot offto leave, departRate it:
trot outTo list or recite quickly.Rate it:
trot outTo bring something forward in order to display or use it.Rate it:
trouble at millProblems outside the household, especially in the workplace.Rate it:
trouble in paradiseAn unexpected problem in a supposedly positive situation, especially in a marital or romantic relationship.Rate it:
trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:
trouble in storeDifficulty or unrest awaitsRate it:
tru datI agree; yes; that's true; true that; alternate spelling: true datRate it:
truck inTo have something transported in by truck.Rate it:
truck outTo send something away by truck.Rate it:
true believerA strict follower of a religious doctrine.Rate it:
true blueIndubitably loyal or faithful.Rate it:
true bluestaunchly loyalRate it:
true stripesOne's real beliefs, sentiments, or character.Rate it:
true to formAccording to one's nature; as expected.Rate it:
true to one's colorsloyalRate it:
True-BlueTo be extremely faithful, loyal and dependable Rate it:
truer words have never been spokenI agree that what was just said is trueRate it:
truly yoursSynonym of yours trulyRate it:
trump upHeavily publicise, promote or market a product.Rate it:
trundle alongTo move slowly.Rate it:
trust the servicesbelieve faithRate it:
truth be toldUsed when admitting something one might otherwise lie about, e.g. to keep up appearances or be polite.Rate it:
truth will outA mystery will always be solved, or a truth will always be discoveredTruth will eventually and inevitably be discovered.Rate it:
try as one mayhowever hard one tries; despite one's best effortsRate it:
try as one mightAlternative form of try as one mayRate it:
try it onTo test someone to see how much bad behaviour they will tolerate; to try to deceive someone to see how gullible they are.Rate it:
try it onTo try to start a sexual relationship.Rate it:
try onBy wearing it.Rate it:
try one's handTo attempt a skill, craft, or trade.Rate it:

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A ____ dinner.
A tiger's
B lion's
C dog's
D cat's