
Phrases related to: get out while the getting's good Page #59

Yee yee! We've found 3,516 phrases and idioms matching get out while the getting's good.

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jamais bon chien n'a rongé bon osA good dog rarely gets a good bone; Men rarely get their deserts.Rate it:

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je l'accommoderai comme il fautI will give him a good hiding.Rate it:

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je l'ai mis hors d'état de vous nuireI have put it out of his power to harm you.Rate it:

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je le mettrai au pasI will put him on his good behaviour.Rate it:

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je le tiens de bonne sourceI have it on good authority.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sa besogne toute mâchéeI gave him his work all ready cut out; I made his work as easy as possible for him.Rate it:

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je lui ai fait baisser les yeuxI stared him out of countenance.Rate it:

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je lui donnerai du fil à retordreI will cut out his work for him; I will give him a deal of trouble.Rate it:

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je m'y faisI am getting used to it.Rate it:

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je m'y perdsI am getting bewildered; I cannot make head or tail of it.Rate it:

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je me perds la mainI am getting rusty.Rate it:

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je n'en reviens pasI cannot get over it (astonishment).Rate it:

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je n'y ai vu que du feuIt was impossible for me to find out how the thing was done (as it was done so quickly); It was done so quickly (or, cleverly) that I could not make head or tail of it.Rate it:

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je ne le croirai qu'à bonnes enseignesI shall only believe it upon good authority.Rate it:

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je ne me paye pas de mauvaises raisonsI will only be satisfied with good reasons.Rate it:

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je ne veux pas y aller et pour causeI do not want to go there, and for a very good reason.Rate it:

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je suis bien dans son espritHe has a good opinion of me.Rate it:

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je suis comme un poisson sur la pailleI am like a fish out of water.Rate it:

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je suis désorienté1. I am disconcerted. 2. I am out of my element; I do not feel at home; I have lost my bearings.Rate it:

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je suis en perteI am out of pocket.Rate it:

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je suis tout je ne sais commentI am out of sorts.Rate it:

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je suis très bien avec luiI am on very good terms with him.Rate it:

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je t'en souhaite! (pop.)I wish you may get it.Rate it:

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je te dis merdebreak a leg! good luck!Rate it:

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je tirais au pistolet pour me faire la mainI practised pistol-shooting to get my hand in.Rate it:

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je vais lui dire cela.—non, il n'aurait qu'à se fâcherI will tell him that.—No, don’t, he might get angry.Rate it:

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je vous donne beau jeu(lit.) I give you good cards; (fig.) I give you a good opportunity; I play into your hands.Rate it:

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je vous rendrai la pareille1. I will pay you out. 2. I will do the same for you.Rate it:

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jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bainthrow the baby out with the bathwaterRate it:

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jeu qui trop dure ne vaut rien (charles d'orléans)Too much of a good thing is bad.Rate it:

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joe coolAn “Average Joe,” that has reached “Cool” status, Used derogatorily = pointing out that “No, you have not” — reached Cool Status Snoopy, reached Cool Rate it:

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join inTo participate, take part or get involved in something.Rate it:

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jolie laideunconventionally attractive. Literally it means "pretty and ugly" but is not generally used in reference to ugliness; a more accurate translation would be unusual, flawed or quirky good looks.Rate it:

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jump bailTo abscond while in a bail statusRate it:

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jump ropeThe activity, game or exercise in which a person must jump, bounce or skip repeatedly while a length of rope is swung over and under, both ends held in the hands of the jumper, or alternately, held by two other participants. Often used for athletic training and among schoolchildren. Variations involve speed, chants, varied rope and jumper movement patterns, multiple jumpers and/or multiple ropes.Rate it:

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Just DesertsA much deserving punishment, doomed to get punishedRate it:

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keep in withTo continue to have a good relationship withRate it:

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keep up with the jonesesTo do or buy things for status, show, or image rather than out of need, especially for the purpose of competing with friends or neighbors.Rate it:

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keep your britches on!"Be Patient", "Keep Your Pants ON!", "Don't Get All Excited!"Rate it:

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keep your feet on the groundmaintain a sense of composure, refuse to get all up in the air over any reversal.Rate it:

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Keep Your Fingers CrossedTo wish someone or something a good luck and successRate it:

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keep your heads down!A military admonishment to infantrymen while crawling under barbed wire or across terrain toward the enemy.Rate it:

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Keep Your Shirt OnTo remain patient and cool, not to get angry and enraged and to control one’s temperedRate it:

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key intoTo grasp; to understand the overall concept of or be acutely aware of the underlying and essential meaning of something; to get it.Rate it:

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kick buttTo be impressive; to be decisively good or pleasant.Rate it:

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kick in the pantsa (forceful) reminder to start or get goingRate it:

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kick upInto the air while running or walking or driving.Rate it:

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Kick Up Your HeelTo cheer, celebrate and having good time, to rejoice oneselfRate it:

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killTo force a company out of business.Rate it:

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Kill the Goose that Lays the Golden EggsTo spoil something good with one’s absurd actions, intolerance and greedRate it:

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He fought tooth and __________ to get that job.
A gum
B fist
C hair
D nail