Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #5


hard feelingsResentment, anger.Rate it:
hard hittinguncompromisingRate it:
hard linesExpressed to someone suffering misfortune.Rate it:
hard nut to crackUsed other than as an idiom: see hard, nut, crack.Rate it:
hard nut to crackA problem that is challenging to solve.Rate it:
hard nut to crackA situation, person, group, etc. which is difficult to overcome or deal with.Rate it:
hard nut to crackA place, opportunity, etc. to which it is difficult to gain entry.Rate it:
hard nut to crackAn amount that is difficult to finance.Rate it:
hard of hearingHaving difficulty hearing; somewhat deaf.Rate it:
hard on the eyesuglyRate it:
hard pill to swallowSomething that is difficult to accept.Rate it:
hard pressedHaving or likely to have difficulty or to find a task almost impossible.Rate it:
hard shouldermortorway shopping areaRate it:
hard to come byDifficult to find; rareRate it:
hard yardsThe key effort in completing a difficult taskRate it:
hard-and-fastStrictly maintained.Rate it:
hard-heartedunfeelingRate it:
hard-nosedGuided by practical experience and observation rather than by theory.Rate it:
hard-nosedHardheaded.Rate it:
hard-nosedguided by practical experience and observation rather than by theoryRate it:
hard-nosedhardheaded, stubbornRate it:
hard-pressedBarely able. Having difficulty doing something.Rate it:
hard-pressedExperiencing financial difficulty or difficulty in surviving.Rate it:
hardballIn baseball, a type of ball and baseball game, as opposed to softball.Rate it:
hardenTo become hard.Rate it:
hardenTo become or make a thing resistant or less sensitive.Rate it:
harden someone's heartTo make someone more resistant to something.Rate it:
hardwiredDesigned to perform a specific task.Rate it:
hardwiredIn humans and animals, genetically determined, instinctive behavior, as opposed to learned behavior.Rate it:
hardwiredNot changeable.Rate it:
hardwiredOf devices, closely or tightly coupled.Rate it:
hari-kari (hara-kiri, harry carry)suicide; to commit suicide; a less common spelling of hara-kiri; to slice oneself open with a ritual sword (a gross simplification of the actual Japanese expression)Rate it:
hark backOf hounds, to retrace a course in order to pick up a lost scent.Rate it:
hark backTo return or revert, to allude to, to evoke, to long or pine for.Rate it:
harken backAlternative form of hearken backRate it:
harp onTo nag about; to complain incessantly or persistently request; to continue to bring up as a point of contention.Rate it:
harp on one stringTo dwell on a single subject with disagreeable or wearisome persistence.Rate it:
harpoon is good for the whale, painful for humans.The phrase usually refers to how people treat each other. Borrowed from native tribes, it translates to how people feel when they meet similar fate as that of their nemesis.Rate it:
harsh one's mellowTo annoy or irritate; to bother.Rate it:
harsh one's mellowTo make someone feel bad emotionally.Rate it:
harsh one's mellowDisturbing someone otherwise in a state of calm.Rate it:
harsh one's mellowTo get on one's nerves.Rate it:
harvest moonThe Harvest Moon is the Full Moon nearest the fall equinox.Rate it:
has-beenA formerly popular or influential person whose popularity or effectiveness has peaked and is now in decline. Typically said of professionals or celebrities whose primary success is behind them.Rate it:
hash outTo work through the details of something; especially to work through difficulties.Rate it:
hash slingerA cook or food server in a cheap restaurant, especially one who is discourteous or inattentive to customers.Rate it:
hasta la vistaSee you later.Rate it:
haste makes wasteOne makes mistakes when being too hasty.Rate it:
hat hairAn accidental messy hairdo resulting from the wearing of a hat.Rate it:
hat in handWith humility; in an apologetic or self-effacing fashion.Rate it:

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That book was a real labour of _______ for her.
A hope
B truth
C memory
D love