Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #26


hurts so goodEnjoyable painRate it:
hush downTo become quiet; to cease making sounds.Rate it:
hush downTo quieten; to make quietRate it:
hush hushsecret, confidentialRate it:
hush moneya bribe paid to keep something secret.Rate it:
hush moneyMoney given to buy silence, get someone to 'take the fifth'.Rate it:
hush puppieswhen capitalized, Hush Puppies are a brand of shoes; See also hush puppies (without capitalization)Rate it:
hush puppieswhen not capitalized, hush puppies are deep fried balls of cornmeal batter, a side dish popular in the southeast U.S. often served with seafood; See also Hush Puppies (the phrase when it is capitalized has a different meaning)Rate it:
hush upTo become quiet; to cease making sounds.Rate it:
hush upTo keep secret, to prevent from becoming known.Rate it:
hussy upTo dress so as to be more sexually attractive, often applying excessive makeup or wearing revealing clothing.Rate it:
hustle and bustleA large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding.Rate it:
hutch upto move slightly, in order to make room for someone; for example to move in a bed to make room for someone else to lie, or to move sideways on on a seat so as to allow someone room to sit and share that same seat.Rate it:
hutch upto share a house or flat with another person, especially due to high rentsRate it:
hutch upto put on a more heterosexual manner, in order to be integrated or accepted; compare ‘butch’Rate it:
hydrogen ionUsed other than as an idiom: see hydrogen, ion. ; H or HRate it:
hydrogen iona proton combined with one or more water molecules; usually written H3O and called the hydronium ion though is best considered as H9O4 but is often written H(aq) for simplicityRate it:
hydrogen iona bare hydrogen nucleus; a proton , deuteron or tritonRate it:
hygiene theatreExcessive and unnecessary cleaning and disinfection of physical locations, to create and maintain an appearance that the location has proactively been made safe, notwithstanding evidence that the actions taken are unnecessary.Rate it:

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She's a real ___________ in the rough, that one.
A gem
B jewel
C diamond
D ruby