Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #18


hold courtTo serve as the principal discussant or center of attention in an informal gathering of friends, associates, etc.Rate it:
hold downTo restrain; to check.Rate it:
hold downTo continue, to hold and to manage well.Rate it:
hold forthTalk at great length; expatiate; harangue.Rate it:
hold forthTo extend or offer, propose.Rate it:
hold inTo keep to oneself; to prevent from escaping.Rate it:
hold inTo restrain oneself.Rate it:
hold itUsed other than as an idiom: see hold, it.Rate it:
hold itWait a minute; stop.Rate it:
hold itTo wait to excrete when one needs to.Rate it:
hold it down like a million poundsStaying true.Staying loyal .Holding it down a phrase used as a greetingRate it:
hold it togetherSynonym of cope : to remain calm in adversity, to successfully manage one's difficulties.Rate it:
hold my beerI am about to do something crazy or difficult.Rate it:
hold offTo delay someone or something temporarily; to keep at bay.Rate it:
hold offTo delay commencing an action (until some specified time or event has passed).Rate it:
hold onWait a short while.Rate it:
hold onTo hold, grasp, or grip.Rate it:
hold onTo keep; to store something for someone.Rate it:
hold onmaintain a graspRate it:
hold on to your seatPrepare for: something exciting or unexpected, e.g. a bumpy ride, a shocking revelation, “you may want to avert your eyes”Rate it:
hold one's waternot have to pee; try not to urinateRate it:
hold one's breathTo inhale and then intentionally close the epiglottis so that one's breath is not exhaled.Rate it:
hold one's breathTo wait, as if breathlessly.Rate it:
hold one's head highto act with pride; to be proud in a positive wayRate it:
hold one's horsesTo be patient; to wait.Rate it:
hold one's liquorTo be resistant to intoxication or to show few signs of intoxication, even after consuming a significant amount of alcohol.Rate it:
hold one's nerveTo stay calm facing nervousness.Rate it:
hold one's ownTo stand up to; to give a respectable performance; to provide worthy competition.Rate it:
hold one's peaceTo refrain from speaking; to be silent.Rate it:
hold one's tongueTo keep quiet; especially, to leave something unsaid.Rate it:
hold one's waterTo be patient; to control one's impulses.Rate it:
hold oneself togetherTo maintain one's emotional composure; to keep it together.Rate it:
hold onto your hatPrepare for a shock!Rate it:
hold outTo hold something out; to extend forward.Rate it:
hold outTo survive, endure.Rate it:
hold outTo set something aside or save it for later.Rate it:
hold overSomething left from an earlier time.Rate it:
hold over someone's headTo harp on; to remind continuously (especially of a misstep or defeat)Rate it:
hold somebody's handTo grasp or hold a person's hand.Rate it:
hold somebody's handTo guide somebody through the basics or assist with excessively small details.Rate it:
hold someone's feet to the fireTo maintain personal, social, political, or legal pressure on someone in order to induce him or her to comply with one's desires; to hold someone accountable for his or her actions.Rate it:
hold someone's handTo grasp or hold a person's hand.Rate it:
hold someone's handTo guide somebody through the basics or assist with excessively small details.Rate it:
hold swayDominate.Rate it:
hold that thoughtTo pause in a conversation for an interruption.Rate it:
hold that thoughtUsed to acknowledge that one's attention needs to be diverted from what an speaker was saying.Rate it:
hold that thought a momentIn conversation which flows rapidly and is complicated or heavily detailed, one' may be asked to retain the just spoken remark so as to avoid confusion and loss of reasoned progress in the matter at hand.Rate it:
hold that thought!Remember what we were discussing.Rate it:
hold the cardsTo be in a strong position, possessing significant advantages over someone else; to be in control of a situation involving multiple parties.Rate it:
hold the fortTo assume responsibility, especially in another’s absence..Rate it:

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______ up a fuss.
A kicking
B talking
C breaking
D making