Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #14


here goes nothingIndicates a lack of confidence or certainty about the activity about to be tried.Rate it:
here liesWritten on gravestones followed by the buried person's name.Rate it:
here to staypresent, and set to remain permanently.Rate it:
here today, gone tomorrowRefers to things that come then go quickly because they seem to be here one day then gone the next dayRate it:
here we goan expression of frustration upon seeing or hearing something bad repeated.Rate it:
here we go againan expression of frustration upon seeing something bad repeated.Rate it:
here you areSaid when you hand something over to someone or do a favour to them, usually to draw the recipient's attention to the exchange; Equivalent to “thank you” when receiving something..Rate it:
here you goAlternative form of here you are.Rate it:
here's your signA sarcastic remark and gesture that is said and done when someone says something stupid. This is said while holding the back of your right hand in a fist to your forehead with the index finger and thumb extended to form an "L" for "Loser." This is done and said to someone when they ask an obvious question and they should have known the answer; it points out to someone how dumb the question was that they just asked.Rate it:
here's looking at youA toast made to a friend or acquaintance when drinking an alcoholic beverage.Rate it:
here's mud in your eyeA good-natured toast used when drinking an alcoholic beverage.Rate it:
here's the thingPrecedes the key point of an explanation.Rate it:
here's toDenoting proposed salutation while drinking alcohol, toast.Rate it:
hereinaboveAbove this, in this document.Rate it:
hesiod says: even a fool after suffering gets him knowledge; the italians: can scotato da l'acqua calda ha paura poi della freddaA dog burnt by hot water afterwards fears cold.]Rate it:
het upangry or excitedRate it:
hew outcarve out, or cut out a form, or to make something hollow by using heavy cutting tools such as an axe.Rate it:
hi i’m existingI would be existing in the moment of saying that sentence.Rate it:
hi pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy. But no-one uses the word.Rate it:
hic rhodus, hic salta(politics) Prove what you can do, here and now.Rate it:
hidden in plain sightSeemingly hidden, but actually not hidden and easy to find.Rate it:
hide and seekchildren's gameRate it:
hide awayTo stash or store something in a secret location.Rate it:
hide awayTo hide, to be hidden.Rate it:
hide in one's shameTo cower or shrink away reproachfullyRate it:
hide in plain sightTo be unnoticeable, by staying visible in a setting that masks presence.Rate it:
hide nor hairA trace, indication, or evidence, especially of a person.Rate it:
hide one's light under a bushelFor a person to keep some talent or skill hidden from other people. The tone is that a person having a talent which they can be proud of ought not hide it.Rate it:
Hide or HairSomething that is not to be seen or found, something or someone who is lost, missing or hidingRate it:
hide outTo hide somewhere.Rate it:
hide the sausageTo have sex.Rate it:
hiding to nothingA situation in which victory has little or no value, but defeat has a huge cost.Rate it:
high and drystrandedRate it:
high and loweverywhereRate it:
high and mightyOverbearingly arrogant; ostentatiously self-important or self-aggrandizing.Rate it:
high and mightyA social or economic group wielding undue power, influence or economic clout.Rate it:
high as a kiteVery much under the influence of drugs, extremely high.Rate it:
high as a kiteA person's internal condition of jubilation, enthusiasm, expectation, apprehension, obvious to others from the person's body language, verbal expressions, demeanor.Rate it:
high cottonThe best of times; a time of well being.Rate it:
high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:
high five. down low. too slow.Something Americans do to have fun and form friendships--a bonding thing; camaraderie.Rate it:
high groundA location which is at a relatively high elevation, especially in comparison to the immediate surrounding area.Rate it:
high groundA position of advantage or superiority in a conflict or competition.Rate it:
high horseTo show in your actions and expressions that you are superior to others, arrogant and haughtyRate it:
high impactThe striking of one thing against another at a high altitude.Rate it:
high jinkstomfooleryRate it:
high noonExactly noon; midday; the middle of the day.Rate it:
high noteThe highest and usually climactic note of a song or composition, especially one that is difficult to reach.Rate it:
high noteSomething's climax or best achievement.Rate it:
high noteUsed other than as an idiom: see high, note.Rate it:

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The _____ has no clothes.
A jester
B king
C queen
D emperor