Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #10


have to do with the price of fishvariant of have to do with the price of tea in ChinaRate it:
have to do with the price of tea in chinaTo have any relation or bearing whatsoever on the topic at hand, usually used to emphasize the lack of relationship of a non sequitur.Rate it:
have truck withTo have dealings with.Rate it:
have upTo accuse, arrest, try for a criminal act.Rate it:
have wordsTo argue, to have an argument.Rate it:
have wordsTo speak sternly, angrily, or in an argumentative manner to.Rate it:
have you got the timeSynonym of what time is itRate it:
Have Your Cake and Eat It TooTo have something both ways, to have something in possession and be able to exploit or use itRate it:
Have Your Heart in Your MouthTo have a feeling of extreme fear, be too afraid of somethingRate it:
have your wrist slappedThis expression indicates a minor objection, reprimand, correction, censoring, indicting for a misdemeanor.Rate it:
have/keep your finger on the pulseTo be keen on current happenings, trends, or developments in a particular place or situation; to know all the latest information about something and have a firm understanding of itRate it:
having a ballHaving a great time; having lots of funRate it:
having a good run of itWhen something is going or has gone really well.Rate it:
having a hissy-fitDisplaying disappointment over trivial matters, moaning, groaning over imagined or contrived insignificant slights.Rate it:
Hawaiian gooseThe nene, Branta sandvicensis.Rate it:
Hawaiian gooseUsed other than as an idiom: see Hawaiian, goose.Rate it:
hay is for horsessaid as a retort to someone saying hey, used to indicate that the speaker disapproves of the usage of the word "hey", perhaps due to a dislike of informal speech.Rate it:
hazard a guessTo make a guess; to guess.Rate it:
hazard payAdditional compensation provided to employees who perform perilous or high-risk duties or work under considerable physical hardship or constraintsRate it:
haze overTo become covered in haze.Rate it:
he could be her fatherOne could be someone's parent, said of a man older than a woman.Rate it:
he doesn't know his ass from an old burnt bootThe inference is that he is less than fully informed.Rate it:
he has become a millstone around my neckA millstone means a burdenRate it:
he has carno now.He has been exposed to the caronda 19 virus.Rate it:
he is always going off at a tangentHe always changes from a topic to another irrelevant oneRate it:
he is purdee crazy!He's off the chart, gone over the edge. Just as crazy as crazy gets.Rate it:
he looked like a dying calf in a hail storm.When someone looks ill.Rate it:
he shoots, he scoresSaid as someone accomplishes something.Rate it:
he shoots, he scoresSaid as someone scores a goal.Rate it:
he tapped his fingers on the table impatientlyImpatience.Rate it:
he turned out to be a total fronzInability to understand even the simplest of thingsRate it:
he went a bananahe became angryRate it:
he who hesitates is lostone who is not quick to act gets left behind.Rate it:
he who laughs last laughs bestsuccess is better after having previously endured ridicule.Rate it:
he who laughs last laughs hardestAlternative form of he who laughs last laughs best.Rate it:
he who smelt it dealt it(colloquial, originally) A person who calls attention to or complains about a fart is likely trying to pretend it wasn't his or her own.(colloquial, by extension) Used to suggest that a person calling attention to or complaining about a given problem may in fact be the source of the problem.Rate it:
he's unconsciousIndicates that a male person is currently not conscious.Rate it:
HE-double-hockey-sticksHell.Rate it:
HE-double-LHell.Rate it:
HE-double-toothpicksHell.Rate it:
he-manA strong, virile or sexually active man.Rate it:
he/she is on fireWhen someone is described as being 'on fire' they are performing at their absolute best, they're unstoppable, unbelievable, very impressiveRate it:
head and shouldersTo a considerable degree; better; outstanding.Rate it:
head and shouldershead and shouldersRate it:
head and shoulders above someoneTo be superior in something, to be better in quality and talent than othersRate it:
head forgo towardsRate it:
head for the hillsTo go to a safe place; to seek refuge; to flee.Rate it:
head for the hillsTo travel to a higher elevation, especially to a rural region on vacation.Rate it:
head girlsenior female pupilRate it:
head honchoThe person in charge; the highest-ranking person in an organization.Rate it:

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Better late than _____.
A early
B absent
C sorry
D never