Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #13


heavy goingdifficult of progressRate it:
heavy goingboring, tediousRate it:
heavy goingthe going is wet and muddy (difficult to gallop on)Rate it:
heavy handedCome down hard on something or someone.Rate it:
heavy hitterA player with a favorable batting average who is especially good at hitting the ball deep into the outfield or farther.Rate it:
heavy hitterIn any sport, a strong, physical player who is particularly effective.Rate it:
heavy hitterA person of considerable importance who is a major decision maker or capable achiever; an especially significant organization or an especially functional object.Rate it:
heavy liftingThe most demanding part of an endeavour; work requiring the most effort, resources, or consideration.Rate it:
heavy-footedSlow-moving.Rate it:
heavy-heartedSad, melancholy.Rate it:
heavy-heartedsad, melancholic.Rate it:
hedge one's betsTo place bets with a third party in order to offset potential losses.Rate it:
hedge one's betsTo reduce the risk of making a mistake, by keeping one's options open.Rate it:
heebie-jeebiesA general feeling of anxiety, fear, uneasiness, or nausea.Rate it:
hell and half of georgiaA very large region; everywhere.Rate it:
hell hath no fury like a woman scornedA woman will make someone suffer if they reject her.Rate it:
hell if I knowSynonym of I don't knowRate it:
hell in a hand basketto go to one's doom, to deteriorate quickly, to proceed on a course to disaster. The phrase go to hell in a handbasket is an American phrase which came into general use during the American Civil War, though its popularity has spread into other countries.Rate it:
hell mend someoneExpressing exasperation at someone whose behavior is likely to result in trouble but who will not heed warnings.Rate it:
hell of a rideDuhRate it:
hell on earthA very unpleasant situation; torment, particularly when widespread.Rate it:
hell on wheelsTough, aggressive, lawless, wild.Rate it:
hell or high waterHighly adverse circumstances; acts of God.Rate it:
hell raiserwild pleasure seekerRate it:
hell to payVery unpleasant consequences; a great deal of trouble.Rate it:
hell weekThe week during which new members are required to undergo undignified rites of initiation or gruelling discipline in order to be accepted into a fraternity, sorority, secret society, military group, etc.Rate it:
hell, fire and brimstonehorror and destructionRate it:
hell-bentstubbornly and often recklessly determined; cleaned up version: heck-bentRate it:
hello am homeKnock knock to anybody home, am just coming in nowRate it:
hello assus marines drill instructor lingoRate it:
hello!A very commonly used greetingRate it:
help ever, hurt never, love all, serve allHumanity is very essential and core of life.Rate it:
help is on the wayhelp is on the wayRate it:
help oneselfTake freely.Rate it:
help outTo provide additional assistanceRate it:
help wantedIndicates that a position of employment is open.Rate it:
helping handAny assistance, help or aid.Rate it:
hem and hawTo discuss, deliberate, or contemplate rather than taking action.Rate it:
hem inenclose, confineRate it:
hen's teethAnything very rare or impossible to obtain is said to be like finding hen’s teeth.Rate it:
hen's teethPlural form of hen's tooth.Rate it:
hen's toothAnything not naturally occuring.Rate it:
hens' teethAlternative form of hen's teeth.Rate it:
her gunt is massiveShe has a Belly and Fanny which combines to make a GUNTRate it:
herd catsTo attempt to control those resistant to control.Rate it:
herd togetherTo push people or animals into a group, as a herd.Rate it:
here and nowimmediatelyRate it:
here and thereFrom time to time.Rate it:
here and thereIn one place and another.Rate it:
here be dragonsA place/thing that has not yet been ventured; unfamiliar territoryRate it:

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I think you're missing the wood for the ________.
A fire
B tyre
C pyre
D trees